airport transportation for family of 5


Earning My Ears
Mar 7, 2001
We are arriving for a week in Aug., using some frequent flyers for air., purchasing WDW passes thru DC., received nice discount for Poly and BC where we will divide our time. How do I go about arranging for a shuttle from the airport? Is it true Mears will charge $25 per person? How much is Tiffany (and what is Tiffany)? Will a cab take all 5 of us? We have always driven to WDW before so this is one area I know nothing about. Help please!
Our party of 5 (all adults) arranged with Tiffany Town Car for a van this past January. The towncars are very nice, but I think that 4 is about the maximum number of persons that can comfortably ride in them. The rate for the van was $85 roundtrip not including a tip. This is $10 more than the rate for a towncar. TTC is reliable and many DIS'rs have posted here about their positive experiences. If you check out TTC's WEB page, you will find a coupon for $5 off. TTC is much nicer than using MEARS - the driver meets you at baggage claim and helps with your luggage. He/She then takes you directly to your Hotel - no waiting for a full load of passengers or stopping at other places before your Hotel. AND in your case, it is a less expensive option. Do a search on TTC and see what others have to say. Hope you have a great trip!


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