Airline sales?


Mar 4, 2001
Does anyone know when traditionally the summer flights go on sale. I am looking for a flight mid May from Sacramento to Orlando probably May 11th to the 20th. Last month they were on major sale and now they aren't at all! I've been looking for 2 weeks and nothing yet. Anyone see anything come by?

I think you may have waited too long on this one. Fares may not come down at all for May travel on your route. Northwest is $387 at Cheaptickets. Did you find anything lower than that?

With Priceline and the $50 bonus money that expires on 3/31, you probably can get it for $200 or less.
Thanks for the input. Since my hubby and I have not finalized this trip we may not know by March 31st so we will have to see if we try bidding or not.

If anyone sees anything, hopefully they will post.

We are also able to fly from SFO and SJC if we need to, but hate to drive if not necessary.

I found a fare of $330.50 round trip on for those dates. That's the best I've found so fare. Hope this helps. Good Luck! :rolleyes:
I found that $330 fare as well. I didn't post it because it involves two connections each way and a 3 hr. layover on one of the connections. Pretty horrendous routing!!
actually in past years there is still fares coming out for may travel. having worked in reservations for a major carrier you still have a sale coming out that will be for may travel. You can look for more carriers than just northwest as well. and keep in mind that whatever fare you buy it at if it goes down you can get the amount in difference refunded to you in the voucher form to use for another travel date.

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