Afternoon parade at Disneyland...


Earning My Ears
Mar 11, 2001
I'm assuming there IS one. Is it good? Where's the best place to sit and watch it? Thanks.
There is usually a 430 or 530 parade. We still have the 45 years of magic parade going on. The best place in my opinion is main street. If you line up an hour before the parade you are going to get a front row seat.

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Thank you for the reply.

I can't believe only one person replied though :)( ...there seem to be a lot of Disneyland regulars around here. Anyone else?
Yesterday the parade was at 4:45, beginning near It's a Small World. We sat on a bench across from the train station, very near the end of the route, so it was later when the parade actually started for us.

Susan from CA

Disneyland-Too many times to count!
Off-site 1988
All Star Sports 1997
Beach Club/Wonder 2000
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The last time we saw the parade was last summer. My 4 year old wanted to see it so badly, but it was crowded. So we rode it's a small world just before it was starting and when we exited it was just about show time. We crossed the road and sat on the curb where it wasn't crowded, almost at the beginning of the parade route. The parade started and she was really excited. The characters were all coming over to her shaking her hand and being very outgoing. I think they are more enthusiastic at the beginning of the route before they get tired walking down main street. I would always suggest this spot for the parade that starts in Tomorrowland. It's not as hectic as when it starts at the end of Main Street. Good luck!!
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Just to clarify the route - when there are two parades, the first one will start in Fantsyland, right by It's a Small World, and wind its way up to Main Street, go around Town Square, and exit through the double doors. The second parade goes in reverse.

I like sitting in the Plaza section because I like to see the parade coming, and then continue past me. Town Square is also nice. I've never sat by IASW to watch it.

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

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We were in Disneyland back in February, and they were doing a parade called "Parade of Stars" or something like that. It was in the late afternoon (probably between 4:30 and 5:30). Originally, we weren't going to stay and watch it. I mean, Main Street was totally roped off, and there was hardly anywhere to sit (though it was A LOT less crowded than Main Street at WDW in the summer).

Well, we kept walking around and ended up near the entrance to DL. We saw that there was a lot of space right in front of the train station and the "Mr. Lincoln" attraction. We sat down, waited for about five minutes, and the parade started. It was wonderful (although nothing will compare to the Main Street Electrical Parade or Spectromagic in WDW), but it was great. We sat right on the curb, and the characters all came up and interacted with us...I got a great picture of Thumper that way!


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