Affordable Disney Book


Earning My Ears
Mar 5, 2001
Has anyone purchased "Secrets to an Affordable WDW Vacation" by John & Donna Gross? Opinions and "book" review would be very much appreciated!!
I seriously doubt they have any more information than this site. I have found all the information I could possible use in many many trips to Disney on this site for FREE.

Trust me most of the money saving ideas have already been figured out by people on these boards. You'd be surprised how inventive these people become when faced with cancelling or delaying a disney trip.

That being said, I did buy Rita's aeroworld guide book last year. I paid $19.95 for the book & love it. simply because everything is in the book including my favorite part - Her maps of the park are the best. They are not like those yucky park maps - there are true maps that you can understand & get a real idea of the parks. I used them on my first trip to disney & knew the parks like I'd been going for years.

Before I bought a book I would study these boards for weeks & see if you can't get enough info here.

just my 2 cents worth


Sorry I've never heard of the book you mentioned. But I just got my Passporter.(I ordered it form their website.) This book is wonderful. Between my Passporter and my Birnbaum's Guide my planning is made easy. My budget however has to be credited to all of the great people on this board. The tips you get here are "PRICELESS". Everyday I find something new. THANKS EVERYONE FOR HELPING MY TIGHT BUDGET FAMILY MAKE OUR DREAM COME TRUE!!!!
What you speak of is an on line book only, not a hard cover. I purchased it even though I KNEW it would not give me anything I didn't already know. Low and behold, I found the geatest discount on rental cars for our trip. I saved about $75 for my $30 purchase price, so I thought it was worth it. They also have a nice on line newsletter.

I purchased the book, and "their" idea of saving money at Disney is to use the All Stars and to bring your own breakfast and lunch. They list other options for discounts, so if you are not planning on Disney exclusively, they might be worth it. It wasn't worth it to me, because my trips to Disney are strictly for Disney. Hope that helps.


1973 Offsite
1984 Offsite
1985 Travelodge
1995 Fort Wilderness Home
2000 All Star Sports
2000 Contemporary
Thanks for your opinions. To be honest, I was wondering what in the world could be in a book (online or otherwise) that I hadn't already read about on these boards. Love these boards!! Just discovered them about a month ago but hadn't "said" anything til now.

Planning a trip for early September, 2001. Myself, DH, and 3 yr old DD (her first time). Kind of on a tight budget but would love to stay on WDW property. Looks like we will probably end up off site but as close by as possible. Any further suggestions will be most appreciated!! And thanks again for everyone's constant willingness to help! So excited already!!

I will look into getting Rita's book. Is it also an online book only or would I be able to find it at my local bookstore?
Rita's book is in the stores--I actually got my copy for $11.something at a book fair at the hospital. (the Books are Fun people) Also check and put in disney for a search and see what comes up. Rita does have a site to go with her book, and if you register your copy, you can have access to some on-line coupons. We used one last year to get $8 off Tiffany Towncars. I also have the Passporter deluxe (it's a three ring binder, and you can take out or put in the parts you actually need for your trip) and love it. Passporter has good descriptions with short, consise reviews as well as a terrific section on the resorts. I also like Birnbaums because it's a good comprehensive list of what's there. Walt Disney World with Kids by Kim Wright Wiley is a good book too. As you can see, I've got a collection building here!!

<font color=red><font face="Comic Sans MS"><marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">proud member of the Danettes</marquee></font></font><font color=maroon><font face="Comic Sans MS">CBR October 1994
<font color=green>Treehouse January 2000
<font color=orange>ASMusic November 2000
<font color=dark pink>Polynesian March 2001</font></font>


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