<font color=red>aka Evil Emperor Zurg<br><font col
- Joined
- Nov 19, 2000
- Messages
- 517
I have never done a trip report but Joedisney is an inspiration. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so here goes.</p>
Hi, Im Zurg, Evil Emperor, Supreme Ruler of all I Survey. Even we Evil Emperors need a vacation now and then, what with all the evil doings and extremely hostile takeovers.</p>
The Mrs. a.k.a. Zurgswife treats trips to the waters of Disneys Boardwalk like Douglas MacArthur and the Philippines, "I Will Return!" Only General MacArthur didnt plan his invasions with quite the same aggressive level of detail.</p>
Our adventure begins here on theDIZ boards. We are DVC members. Reading the boards Zurgswife got the idea to stay off property the Saturday we arrived to save DVC points. So she hunted up a deal on the Internet and booked us into the Days Inn West Gate for Saturday night.</p>
Maybe I should introduce the rest of the cast at this point. Our oldest Kelley, who will be known briefly as Belle in a future report, is pushing 10. The boys Buzz and Buzz started the trip off looking fairly similar. While they are 14 months apart at 8 (Blair) and 7 (Connor) they have been mistaken for twins. By the end of the trip they will not, but that is another post.</p>
Allow me to digress, imagine how an Evil Emperor feels about his boys becoming Space Rangers! I mean you send them to all the wrong schools, work too much, set a bad example and they turn out GOOD. What is an evil emperor to do?</p>
OK back to the cast. Kid #4 is Delaney, a.k.a. Snow White, Cinderella, Jessie and at times Maleficent She has costumes for all 5 rolls in the suit case that is pulling my elbow out of joint as I walk out of baggage claim. Shes now 3. Who ever came up with the phrase the terrible 2s hadnt yet had a 3-year-old. It is her way or SHE MAKES THE POINT ITS HER WAY. Delaney, Snow White, Cinderella, Maleficent (DSWCM) is a Disney Veteran. She was 3 months old on her first trip, this is her 5<sup>th</sup> visit to WDW.</p>
With military precision Zurgswife heads off to open a second front at the Alamo desk while Zurg and the Buzzes battle baggage. We pick up the rental from Alamo and head off to the Days Inn. Zurgswifes plan calls for a quick check in and then off to MK for dinner at Cinderellas Castle. Annual passes have advantages and short trips into the parks the day you arrive are one.</p>
We have NEVER stayed off property. We had NEVER even seen 192. We Evil Emperors lead a sheltered life.</p>
The reaction to the Days Inn was best expressed in DSWCMs face. Unfortunately of the 1,000 odd photos taken this trip this moment was not captured on film. Confusion, disappointment, and betrayal do not begin to describe her face.</p>
We have spent all winter asking, begging and threatening the kids to shut the doors. Typical conversation at our house - "Dad! Its cold in here!" - "Maybe if you Shut The Door !"</p>
Ill just put the camera bag in the car, get the kids ready and then off to MK for dinner. Buzz 1 is anxious to go (or maybe just wants out of the Days Inn.) He runs out and shuts the room door as I turn to get the keys off the bed that are now locked in the room. OK we can cope. Zurgswife heads to the front desk for a new key.</p>
We pass, slowly due to construction on 192, a Dunkin Donuts heading to MK. I make the kids two sacred promises - donuts for breakfast and only one night at Days Inn in their entire lives.</p>
MK is great. We pick up fastpass tickets for Buzz Lightyear and head to dinner at Cindys. There, its a small world after all, we bump into the family of one of Kelleys classmates. DSWCM puts on the Cinderella dress and persona but WILL NOT go see Cinderella. Cinderella waves, Cindy Jr. turns away.</p>
Dinner is fun. Buzzs Spin is wonderful (other than the fact that everyone is shooting Zurg.) We head over to Frontierland to see MSEP. Buzz & Buzz have a fun time with the digital and video cameras.</p>
Prince Charming spots a short Cinderella as his float passes by. He comes down the side with the glass slipper on a pillow and makes grand gestures showing it to Cinderella, then blows her a kiss. She is smitten.</p>
Cinderella may be heading back a lousy bed at the Days Inn but she had a wonderful evening at the ball.</p>
Sometime in the middle of the night, after the midnight when the magic expired, there is a loud noise at the door. Someone is trying to invade Zurgs room. Its an elderly gentleman. A fellow traveler to who the front desk gave the wrong room number. His key doesnt work the lock but it isnt for lack of effort on his part. I guess he didnt know any better either. Skilled in hostile invasions Zurg repels the interloper and stagers back to sleep.</p>
Buzz 1 has a number of insect bites in the morning. Even the best military campaigns have flaws. If I ever see the inside of another Days Inn it will be too soon. It is the time to retreat home. After the morning donuts Cinderella is ecstatic to hear we are heading to the Boardwalk. The guard at the gate gives us
a prophetic Welcome Home! Boardwalk rises as a castle before us. We discover the shoe fits - our room is ready and we can check in at 8 am!</p>
There is Magic in Orlando but it aint off property.</p>
Next: Into every life a little rain must fall.</p>
Hi, Im Zurg, Evil Emperor, Supreme Ruler of all I Survey. Even we Evil Emperors need a vacation now and then, what with all the evil doings and extremely hostile takeovers.</p>
The Mrs. a.k.a. Zurgswife treats trips to the waters of Disneys Boardwalk like Douglas MacArthur and the Philippines, "I Will Return!" Only General MacArthur didnt plan his invasions with quite the same aggressive level of detail.</p>
Our adventure begins here on theDIZ boards. We are DVC members. Reading the boards Zurgswife got the idea to stay off property the Saturday we arrived to save DVC points. So she hunted up a deal on the Internet and booked us into the Days Inn West Gate for Saturday night.</p>
Maybe I should introduce the rest of the cast at this point. Our oldest Kelley, who will be known briefly as Belle in a future report, is pushing 10. The boys Buzz and Buzz started the trip off looking fairly similar. While they are 14 months apart at 8 (Blair) and 7 (Connor) they have been mistaken for twins. By the end of the trip they will not, but that is another post.</p>
Allow me to digress, imagine how an Evil Emperor feels about his boys becoming Space Rangers! I mean you send them to all the wrong schools, work too much, set a bad example and they turn out GOOD. What is an evil emperor to do?</p>
OK back to the cast. Kid #4 is Delaney, a.k.a. Snow White, Cinderella, Jessie and at times Maleficent She has costumes for all 5 rolls in the suit case that is pulling my elbow out of joint as I walk out of baggage claim. Shes now 3. Who ever came up with the phrase the terrible 2s hadnt yet had a 3-year-old. It is her way or SHE MAKES THE POINT ITS HER WAY. Delaney, Snow White, Cinderella, Maleficent (DSWCM) is a Disney Veteran. She was 3 months old on her first trip, this is her 5<sup>th</sup> visit to WDW.</p>
With military precision Zurgswife heads off to open a second front at the Alamo desk while Zurg and the Buzzes battle baggage. We pick up the rental from Alamo and head off to the Days Inn. Zurgswifes plan calls for a quick check in and then off to MK for dinner at Cinderellas Castle. Annual passes have advantages and short trips into the parks the day you arrive are one.</p>
We have NEVER stayed off property. We had NEVER even seen 192. We Evil Emperors lead a sheltered life.</p>
The reaction to the Days Inn was best expressed in DSWCMs face. Unfortunately of the 1,000 odd photos taken this trip this moment was not captured on film. Confusion, disappointment, and betrayal do not begin to describe her face.</p>
We have spent all winter asking, begging and threatening the kids to shut the doors. Typical conversation at our house - "Dad! Its cold in here!" - "Maybe if you Shut The Door !"</p>
Ill just put the camera bag in the car, get the kids ready and then off to MK for dinner. Buzz 1 is anxious to go (or maybe just wants out of the Days Inn.) He runs out and shuts the room door as I turn to get the keys off the bed that are now locked in the room. OK we can cope. Zurgswife heads to the front desk for a new key.</p>
We pass, slowly due to construction on 192, a Dunkin Donuts heading to MK. I make the kids two sacred promises - donuts for breakfast and only one night at Days Inn in their entire lives.</p>
MK is great. We pick up fastpass tickets for Buzz Lightyear and head to dinner at Cindys. There, its a small world after all, we bump into the family of one of Kelleys classmates. DSWCM puts on the Cinderella dress and persona but WILL NOT go see Cinderella. Cinderella waves, Cindy Jr. turns away.</p>
Dinner is fun. Buzzs Spin is wonderful (other than the fact that everyone is shooting Zurg.) We head over to Frontierland to see MSEP. Buzz & Buzz have a fun time with the digital and video cameras.</p>
Prince Charming spots a short Cinderella as his float passes by. He comes down the side with the glass slipper on a pillow and makes grand gestures showing it to Cinderella, then blows her a kiss. She is smitten.</p>
Cinderella may be heading back a lousy bed at the Days Inn but she had a wonderful evening at the ball.</p>
Sometime in the middle of the night, after the midnight when the magic expired, there is a loud noise at the door. Someone is trying to invade Zurgs room. Its an elderly gentleman. A fellow traveler to who the front desk gave the wrong room number. His key doesnt work the lock but it isnt for lack of effort on his part. I guess he didnt know any better either. Skilled in hostile invasions Zurg repels the interloper and stagers back to sleep.</p>
Buzz 1 has a number of insect bites in the morning. Even the best military campaigns have flaws. If I ever see the inside of another Days Inn it will be too soon. It is the time to retreat home. After the morning donuts Cinderella is ecstatic to hear we are heading to the Boardwalk. The guard at the gate gives us
a prophetic Welcome Home! Boardwalk rises as a castle before us. We discover the shoe fits - our room is ready and we can check in at 8 am!</p>
There is Magic in Orlando but it aint off property.</p>
Next: Into every life a little rain must fall.</p>