About to Quit Job - Nervous

We don't have kids yet, but a few years ago I left a very good paying job to save my sanity! It was 6 months before we got married. I didn't think we could afford it, but it was amazing how much money I was spending when I was working (lunches, starbucks, clothes, ect.). We ended up with the small wedding and perfect Disney honeymoon we wanted on a budget. I went back to school and haven't regretted it since. It's amazing how well you can stretch a dollar when your doing what you want, in your case being a SAHM.
I know that daycare is that expensive. If you do it if won't be forever, but you are right that a daycare raising your child during the formative years is heart breaking and if you can stay home then I would. If you have a family member to watch you child that would help but if not it is a problem for some .
:cheer2: When my kids were babies I used to pay 500.00 a week for day care (4days) I had to pay more because of my hours ( they had to be at the daycare at 5:00am) it was an ordeal, When I had to have surgery I decided to stay at home with them,and to tell you the truth It was the best decision ever!!!Sure I got scarred sometimes but you get creative (like other poster's advised) and in time I realized that it was the best for me, the kids and specially my husband (I was always tired), I got stated on ebay because of this boards(always great advise) , ing's ,sunshine reward, and to me is like a second income that I am making at home...so there is always a way to make a income at home the money that I made pays for my disney trips:cheer2: :cheer2:
You've gotten great budgeting advice. I just want to say good luck and congratulations! I haven't worked since my son was born. There have been times when there was just NO money. But, it gets better, you learn where to cut money and things you thought were OH SO IMPORTANT become silly luxuries.

Do I sometimes wish i could get my nails done and a pedicure like my friends. Sure. However, I have a nail file, a bottle of hot pink polish and a husband who is a good sport about foot massages. I sometimes miss dressing up and going to lunch. But it is really worth it in the end.

My husband absolutely LOVES having me home and i love it. So, we work through the lean times together. Because I'm home to take care of the house, laundry and yard through the week, we can almost always do something fun like a picnic or camping on the weekends.

While I didn't quit my job to be a SAHM, I WISH, I did quit one of mine.

I'm a single mom and have been working two jobs since Julie was two months old. Seven days a week, for what seems like ever. I usually took one day off every two months.

Right now, I'm a server, during the "slow" season, but I'm still making just about what I made at my full time job. I'm doing some odd things, customer service at home, plus am about to start cashduck and such to bring in some extra. I'm thinking about substitute teaching in the fall on my days off from serving. I believe a website to look into for you would be wahm . com. The ladies over there are amazing and there is so much info to learn about what you can do at home to make some extra cash.

I think the hardest thing to adjust to was a day off. I've vegged out on the couch for the first time in two years. I feel a little guilty since Julie's at school, but if she didn't go, she'd be pretty angry with me. She really enjoys her school.

The time home has been amazing. My daughter goes to daycare b/c she's really happy there ... so Monday - Wednesday I have the day to myself to grocery shop, do my online duties, mail stuff for ebay and study. I decided to go back to school after leaving my job. Thursday and Friday I work and of course the weekends, when she gets to spend time with her grandparents.

I'm so much more relaxed and you will be too. I've been really good about making dinner everynight, making a list and a meal plan, and planning ahead. Saturday and Sunday are our hardets, but I have Saturday mornings off and we hit up a park or clean together.

It feels great, and I'm really hoping to save enough money to have another one in four years and stay home with both of them.
Congratuations! I think you've made a GREAT decision!

It's exciting ... and as you find ways to cut corners you'll probably find you're spending a LOT on things you don't need.

Convenience foods were the biggest savings for us .. I found if I shopped wisely .. and planned my meals our food bill went WAY down and we are eating SO much healthier - but I'm not CRAZY about it... a frozen pizza here and there ... even cans of spaghettios are in the budget.

I didn't quit my job until my youngest was 14 ... and I truly truly wish I'd done it early one and learn to budget better back then.

ENJOY your time with your son - as others have said they're not little for long...

My budgeting advice would be to add up what you need for everything, food, gas, extras, ect....

Get that money in cash, put it in individual envelopes, then make yourself stick with the budget. That way there's no spending extra money you shouldn't have spent.

For groceries, I make a list of what I need to make a weeks worth of meals, then I stick to the list. No picking up ANYTHING extra. We don't get any junk foods from the store, no chips, soda (and I LOVE soda), cookies, ect... That has saved a bundle for us.

Being a SAHM is wonderful. fortunately my DH and I have working out our schedules thorughout many jobs over the years, and our boys have never been to daycare. Two years ago I finally quit my job, and stayed at home full time. I'm now back to working just weekends, for some extra vacation money, but it is a delightful thing, to be there for your son.

Good luck!
I also quit working in a similar situation to yours (thought this was about 7 yrs ago). We took a 60% drop in our income but somehow it has all worked out (DH is a teacher so his income is not super high either).

The BIGGEST thing for you to so is STAY OUT OF THE STORES!!!!! When you become a SAHM you will have a lot of time on your hands and it is easy to use that time to hang out at the mall/target/etc. All my firends agree that this is the biggest budget cruncher out there. You say yours going to "look" and end up spending $50-100 on whatever. Just don't go!

And I agree about finding a playgroup of like-minded moms. My first playgroup was moms in a very different financial situation than I and it just didn't feel right. I joined another playgroup of other budget-conscious moms and it was great!

Good luck!
I was a SAHM for 9 years, just went back part time while the kids are in school.

I LOVED being a SAHM, but let me tell you, it was tougher than any high powered job I held beforehand!

You can do it, though, just take it one day at a time, remember that, like any other job, you don't start out being an expert, and to allow yourself time to learn and grow as a SAHM.

I recommend getting a TiVo, that way you can schedule watching TV, I found that I would watch too much at first because I didn't want to 'miss' shows.

Having them taped allowed me to get a lot of things done and then sit down, kick up my feet, and watch an episode of "America's Next Top Model" at 10:30 in the morning guilt free with a cup of tea while the babies napped. :laughing:

And while I recognize that this may not be budgeting, you also have to remember that if you don't pamper yourself every now and then, you'll crack. I stay out of Target now, but man, I love my Tivo! I do my own pedicures (who's looking that closely at your toes, anyway?)

I try and do things that I enjoy, not that look good for the neighbors. That will get you every time, because there's always a richer SAHM out there. Stay away from the bored ones; they're trouble.

As I tell my husband, I'm not a Jones, I'm a Clampett!
Congratulations on your decision!! :) At our school, a number of parents work part-time in the office and cafeteria. Not sure if this is the type of part-time work you will be looking for, but thought I would put the idea out there as a suggestion. Best of luck to you on your new journey! :)

I just quit my job on Tuesday and I'm spending the summer at home with my DD. I'm a single parent and my job was our only income but I had been planning this for awhile and saved up enough to cover our expenses. I hated my job and have had 2 nights of wonderful sleep this week!

I know that I'll be able to find something when school starts again so I'm a tad bit nervous.

It may be hard but you have to have your priorities in order and it sounds like you do!

I am a single parent also, my kids are almost grown but I have always wanted a summer off. I drive a bus so I have the summer off but I end up having to drive for summer camps and stuff like that for income. I am working at a florist also, that is strictly vacation money, but I would love a summer off.

Working for the school was so good for me, I didn't want my kids in day care, they both have medical needs, and I was home whenever they were.

I love my job but I hate the company that I drive for. One more year, my youngest will be out of high school and then I am going to drive for someone else.

I hope you have a fun summer off. Enjoy!


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