AAA prices on Passes vs. Disney Club Prices???


Feb 23, 2001
Does any one know the price that AAA has on there Disney passes? I know they only carry the four day hopper pas (or so i was told), but I was wondering what the prices on it were and if it wuld be worth it to buy "doubles'. Are these prices better then DC prices????

We are going to WDW in July for 5 nights and six days. I would like to get be able to get the six day hopper pass, but without the "plus" options. My thought was to get say a four day and then a three day hopper, or maybe two four day for each of us, since they don't expire and we would go back SOMETIME.

ANy Help????
I had just called AAA to find out Pass info and I was told they are the same prices as at the gate!
This was in Fl, so I would check your local AAA.
I was very disappointed!


AAA prices are usually the same as the Disney Club prices - about a 5% discount.
Must be different in Florida though! <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
I just called and this is the info I received from my local AAA office.

WDW 5 day park hopper
adult $219
child $174

Universal one day pass
adult $45
child $36

Universal two day pass
adult $82
child $68

Sea World pass
adult $45
child $37

These are tickets they carry in the office and you can walk in and purchase at any time.

I was also told you could order the 6 day park hopper + (+3)but they don't carry then in our office.
adult $280
child $224.

Hope this has been of some help.


Just found this web link. If you go to the main site they ask for zip code so they must send you to your state AAA site.

Hope this is of additional help.

Tact - A keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense. Webster's Dictionary
looks like their prices are the same as the Disney Club prices.

Thanks also for the link Never seen it before.
I found out that if you purchase the tickets from them you can get Exclusive AAA Parking at the Disney and also VIP passes to the AAA Lounge for a free drink, I just found out about this last weekend after we purchase our hopper at disney store a couple of weeks ago!! You better double check with your AAA, but the email that i received after asking them, sounded like you just have to buy a package or your passes from them. Double check me though. :-)

Check w/ your local office. Another good comparison chart is listed at
(hope I can post that here).

First trip for me: 1973
(the year of my birth)
DL a few times and WDW a zillion times (it seems) :) up until 1989 when MGM opened
First trip w/ DH (28), DS (4), DD (2): 2/28-03/06/01-Wyndham Palace
Next trip: 09/28-29/01 ASMu; 09/30-10/08/01 ASMo


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