AAA diamond lot experiences?


DIS Veteran
DIS Lifetime Sponsor
Aug 18, 1999
Hi guys!

We're leaving in two days...just picked up our CDN 7 day hoppers at CAA with the character meal coupons. We also got a AAA diamond lot parking pass. Just wondering if any of you have used these before? The wording on it is somewhat vague, so I was wondering if you must surrender it to the parking lot attendant or if you just have to flash it? Also how early do you have to get to the parks to get a spot in the diamond lots, as I know there are not too many stalls available.

Any info would be appreciated! ;)
We used this lot a couple of times but found it was not worth it. When we used the lot, there was no transport from it to the gates and it was a long walk from the lot. I prefer to use the regular lot and try and get close to where the trams go. I have trouble with an ankle due to several fractures and sometimes need to go back to the car for brace or cane so if I have to do much walking before I even get to the site, I can end up with a lot of discomfort. Try it once and see how you feel about the long walk and if you don't like where its located then just move the car. Have a great time!

thanks for the info! I guess we'll see what happens :)
no you still have to pay the Disney parking rates
for parking there, but the idea is that it is supposed to be a closer lot. But as I said in my previous post, when we used it, there were no trams going there so it turned out to be quite a walk!


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