A UK Report- Four (will ) Go Wild in Florida- Pre Trip Plan



Hello, America.

We are the Robinsons from the North East of England . Our good friend, Kath (aka NativeTxn) had asked me to post me drivel on these here boards – so it’s all her fault.

I must warn you it is written in a colloquial style – there are some English people that don’t know what I’m talking about! The first drivel edition is me pre trip report and is written in the style of a soccer coach’s pre-match build up- if there are any terms etc that lose you altogether, I’d just be glad to be lost and look for another report!

You will also find that throughout me drivel there are references to mates from the UKDIS. We really are a family over here , (600+ members, coz (a) we’re relatively new and (b) UK is the size of one of your WalMarts!). Follow this link UKDIS Boards
and visit with us whenever you have the time. You’ll find we are all passionate about Orlando and WDW in particular. Because ours is such a long haul flight, we tend to visit for two or more weeks at a time and therefore try to pack everything in. You may find our views odd but , we hope, they’re informative.

If you’ve come back, you’ll be sorry. I gave you an escape route and you didn’t take it. From this point on, I take no responsibility for any mental or physical damage you are about to sustain. You’ll find a pillow on the keyboard can help greatly as head to keyboard injuries are the most common complaint I get from readers. (Ha, as if there’s more than one!)

Anyway, those who know me know I like to keep me drivel short and pacey, so here we go ……

Pre-Trip Report (Final Draft 15.03.01)

Here's the gist of how the Robinsons plan to 'do' Orlando in March.

Prior to our first trip in 99, all the guides suggested an itinerary to make sure we got to see and do everything. Of course, we took absolutely no notice and can't believe that we missed so much despite being out there for three whole weeks.(Maybe that was the problem-kidding ourselves that we had plenty of time - we were that new.)

This time I'm missing nowt!

I can only get two weeks hols making it all the more important to get the plan right. Don't feel sorry for the family, they can eat and sleep as much as they like when we get home - we won't have any money left to go out with anyway!

Not being one to use a sentence when there’s room for a paragraph, I use the same “can everyone hear me” approach to planning - precise and far too much detail!

In summary (ha ha) here goes.

Dave (43) -Team Manager , Cpt , Tactician & Star Player.

Valerie (39) - Vice Cpt. , Head of Training and Catering, Coach to apprentices. Will not enter field of play until she gets ALL her own way.

Gary (13yr 8 mnths) - has very specific contract demands and always likely to be off-form but a key player, particularly up in the air!

Julie (11) -gets booked mainly for dissent but a crowd favourite.

TACTICS : All out attack, don’t let them Americans settle on the ball and get your foot in first. (No offence meant America; it’s a footy {sorry,soccer} joke)

TEAM TALK ; Last time there, we had three weeks and spent far too much time defending our plates and resting injuries. This time we attack as one and make full use of every minute of the match. No substitutions , and injuries will be strapped up as we go along.

KICK OFF 16/03/01
Team showered and in strips by 6.30am. Team Bus leaves home ground 7am - or sooner if we can’t wait!

Arrive Newcastle Intl. to check in 8.20 latest. Plane leaves 9.20am OR ELSE. (Hello flyers from Manchester)
Read pre-printed trip reports, keep yourselves amused and dream of our imminent victory. Arrive Stanford 2pm (US time).

Head for Belz and QUICKLY sort out your own boots etc.
Ponderosa for Julie on way off Itnl Dr. Arrive All Stars Music ASAP.

Allow car to come to halt before running out!

Senior players to get to check-in at gallop while apprentices take stretching exercises in pool (remember to keep cossies and towels in hand luggage).

Vice Cpt to hurry youngsters out of water and run to allocated billet (to speed hair drying) where Cpt will have parked and entered same (briskly).

Make appreciative glances around Away team’s facilities while strapping on bum bags and appropriate equipment before making our first sweeping attack towards Bus Stop. This will be the first of many bus-hopping manoeuvres, get this wrong and we might concede free-kicks.

The rest of the game is up to the state of the pitch, players form and overall attitude at all times. Manager’s tactics and gameplan is designed for effective attacking while being watchful of breakaways by Americans (who are rumoured to be importing other players from all over the globe). DW (Vice Cpt),unfortunately , in charge of set-plays and likely to disrupt planning due to lack of stamina and generally not being up to International competition.


Day 1 (Fri) - Fly,Land,MK,Ep & PI . As above. Arrive MK, ride railroad first then head (I’d prefer run but I can’t keep this up!) for IASW .(Altogether now “It’s a world of laughter , a world of tears....”).Make full use of Mike’s Fastpass scam (cheers, mate) and cram in as many rides etc. as you can (remember what it’s cost!). Watch MStEP from corner of Main St and City Hall. Exit park as last ride goes by and cross Lake via Ferryboat. Assemble by Poly Beach , form a wall, and look skywards to enjoy Americans first set piece. When they think it’s all over, board Monorail for return to MK and then return to ASMu for drinks on the terrace while the juniors have a final swim. Bed by 10.30, early day tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and .........

Day 2(Sat)-MK,DC,SW,Pndrsa & Epcot for RoE. Will book Mickey Alarm for 6am but you know you’ll be up. Dad goes for coffees and MntnDew - yes we can have a cup each this time. On bus to MK (early entry) 7am . Get my money’s worth and exit MK by 10am(latest) and head for Discovery Cove. At DC enjoy every second and accept everything that’s offered . This trip is too exciting to plan so go with the flow (quickly). Exit DC 5.30 (if they find you). Rush to SW to take in Shamu Rocks and evening shows. Call in at Ponderosa for Julie’s fix on way back(consider take-away wings if time threatened).
Depending on chucking out time at SW,try to take in Illuminations; otherwise a ride on Space Ship Earth is fun for all the family. Use car if time against us but prefer bus from ASM. Return to Quarters, Dad drinks while children swim - Mam collapses. Bed as early as you can.

By now I do understand you might be a tad tired so sleep as much as you like to regain strength. (Mickey due to ring 6am!)

Day 3 (Sun) -MGM,BB,(DTD?)MGM,Ep- Up at 6,out by 7.15. Studio gates open 7.30, DH/DS up that Tower ASAP. DW/DD can find something gentle to do. Exit MGM whenever finished and take time for BB and DTD (eat on the go) but be back for Fantasmic at 7.30pm. Exit MGM and head for Epcot to finish the night . Then ASM for warm-down routines (swim /drink / collapse, as appropriate).

By day 4, injuries and suspensions might start affecting our game plan.Sleep is your worst enemy - avoid it at inappropriate times (ie. 6am-10pm). Sleepy heads who can’t get up will disrupt our set-pieces and then we’ll all suffer (AND YOU WILL SUFFER!). Now then, the rest of the plan is sketched out in main objective form (we seem to have stopped playing football and gone to war. Well, if the ears fit...). Obviously, you will have to eat every day (or so) and you can fit this in where and when you can (remember cheap and fast is best). You are also responsible for fitting in all shows and timed events as the holiday progresses. If in doubt remember the Family Rule- Dad’s always right ( but we do what Mam wants for the peace and quiet!)

Day 4 (Mon) - Universal & WetnWild. Meet Astrid and family by the shark at Noon.

Day 5 (Tues) -Epcot(PS IcS).MK E NIght

Day 6 (Wed) - PSs H&V(am) Sea World
RoE Cruise with Janice & Chris.

Day 7 (Thurs) -Islands of Adventure & WnW

Day 8 (Fri) - Animal Kingdom & Typhoon Lagoon
Disney Quest . Cirque Du Soleil (9pm)
Downtown Disney & Pleasure Island, if
not tired!

Day 9 (Sat) - Magic Kingdom , River Country
& back to MK(pm)

Day 10 (Sun) - MGM, MK (Magic Moments at 3pm)
PSs OHannas (6pm) FitS at PB

Day 11 (Mon) - Busch Gdns & Fantasmic

Day 12 (Tues) - IoA, WnW & US or IoA MK E Night

Day 13 (Wed) - Boggy Creek Airboats TGIF for lunch
Winter Park afternoon.Family choice
(that means Valerie's !) pm

Day 14 (Thur) - MK & AK . Family Choice pm

Day 15 (Fri) - Gatorland & ( can’t say it)

All of the above are subject to change without notice or apology.
Family rules apply at all times.
A full kit of UMP and Flex Tickets will be issued so 'hop ‘till you drop'.
US time has been paid for by Dad’s money - use every bit of it (time that is!)
Oh, and if you think I’ve missed shopping - see Days 1 & 3 !!!.


<font color=red>Dave (SD)</font>

Credits : Thanks to Janice and Shirley for support and encouragement (see, it's THEIR fault!); Mike for ideas (&DC!); Jules for being a pal and Kevin Stringer for inspiration (KS, I am not worthy!)

FOOTNOTE : To my reader. The style of this drivel is designed to convey the urgency of the matter to my team and the pace of the holiday to you. The trip report on our return will be less self-indulgent and more to the point - and if you believe that you've been out of the funny farm too long!

Dave (SD)
and I am not strange or weird......I love to read trip reports......before trip......during trip.......or after trip.......thanks so much for posting this.......
Hi Dave,

Nice to see you over here on the US Boards!



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