A reminder that someone responded to your thread!!!


<font color=FF00CC>OKW until 2042<br><font color=t
Sep 19, 2000
I just checked my e-mail and noticed that this wonderful DIS board reminded me that people have responded to my thread!!! This is absolutely wonderful!!!!:bounce: orange-red

I am trying to play around with this new set-up and not get so nervous (being computer illiterate as I am). I think I will have lots of fun with it when I figure it out!!

Oh! I guess I didn't figure out how to change colors correctly!!!!!!! But I will keep trying.:eek:
Be careful with this if you're a heavy poster. I started posting this morning and then checked my email this afternoon. I had about 40 emails from the DIS board...
Good thing you can turn it off.
The "email notification" is an option in your "users control panel". This is accessible from the Discussion Forum page. Click on "Edit Options" and you can change it right there if desired. Enjoy!
Thanks Doc, I found it!

Now to learn how to post those great pictures after your signature. I think everyone calls it clip art????

Thanks, I will enjoy!

I recently learned how to post clipart. Go over to the Tech Board. Everyone over there is really helpful. If I can do it, anybody can!

Of course, if I knew how to explain it I would help you:o
Thanks for the help Tricia! I just went over and handwrote instructions as to learn how to clip art but for some reason I just can't do it. Oh well, I can enjoy everyone elses. Thanks for the link though.

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