A New Little Disser Has Arrived (FINALLY!!)


<font color=blue>Heh Heh, you're all gonna die<br>
Oct 28, 2003
Well, after deciding to make Mommy COMPLETELY insane for an extra week past her due date, little Samantha finally arrived on Monday, May 16th! She's perfect and labor was short and blessedly uneventful (oh, and can I say, I LOVE the epidural man :teeth: ). I've actually already told my SO I'd do it again, no problem!

This is literally the first time I've seen a computer since I left work, so unfortunately I have no pics downloaded yet, but as soon as I do, I will post some. Just wanted to check in, say hi, and share the joy!! :goodvibes :goodvibes :cloud9: princess: :teeth:

I've missed you guys!
Congrats and welcome to the world little Samantha princess:
Terrific! Really excited to read the good news. Samantha is a cute name for what I'm sure is a gorgeous baby. Get working on those pix! :)
Hooray, Hooray for Mal and little Samantha! I'm so happy to hear from you--I've been thinking of you and I was hoping that you'd had an easy delivery and had your new little girl to keep you busy. :grouphug:

Congratulations, Mal! Can't wait to see the pics.
Congratulations! Samantha is a beautiful name. Welcome!

Congrats! Samantha is a BEAUTIFUL name. We'll be looking forward to pics.
Congrats to the family! Samantha is a beautiful name (but I might be biased--one of my nieces is Samantha and she is a total joy!) princess:
Congratulations Mal! Welcome to the world baby Samantha! :)
Congratulations! I've been waiting for this post! Welcome to the world, Samantha! We can't wait to see your picture. :flower:
Congratulations Mal! Welcome to the Disney World Samantha! :earsgirl:


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