A GREAT place to wait!!


Earning My Ears
Jan 28, 2000
My husband and I rode Dueling Dragons four times with 'the kids'. (17, 15, 13) We had had enough but they wanted to continue to ride. Number 9 on the Guide map is The Enchanted Oak Tavern. It was awesome!! We waited there for the kids and had something cold to drink while we waited ;) We then ate when they joined us. They are vegetarian friendly and the food was excellent. We had corn on the cob, baked potato, salad. The guys had chicken, ribs or smoked turkey leg. We actually did this twice. It worked out great for us!!
We discovered the Enchanted Oak when we had to "wait" for the rest of our tour when my son wasn't tall enough to get on Dueling Dragons. It was right before the lunchbreak so it was perfect timing.

I particularly loved the grilled corn on the cob and my son loved his kids meal. The theming was dark but interesting and back in September, very COOL!

Thanks for the review!


Mother of Michael

Proverbs 3:5-6
<font color=red><marquee behavior=alternate>Rejoice in the Joy of the Season!</font></marquee>
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