A great breakfast treat.


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 1999
What better way to manage a snow storm that with some lovely sticky buns.

I made these for New Years and they were GREAT.

You prepare them the night before and then in the morning pop them in the oven for ½ an hour.

Easy Caramel Rolls

12-18 frozen dinner rolls
1 Pkg 4oz REGULAR butterscotch pudding
½ teaspoon cinnamon
Pecans – I used about ½ cup chopped pecans but walnuts would be fine
1 stick butter
½ cup brown sugar.

In a well greased bundt pan or pie plate sprinkle the butterscotch pudding mix add the nuts and sprinkle with cinnamon add the frozen buns to the top of the mixture.
Heat the 1/2 c. butter and 1/2 cup brown sugar until blended. Pour over rolls. Loosely cover with saran wrap and let rise overnight in fridge. In the morning if they have not risen enough, leave in a warm spot about an hour. Bake @ 350 for 30-35 mins.

Carefully invert hot pan onto serving plate immediately after removing from oven. Enjoy!

Sounds yummy and I'm assuming they are low fat too:p !
So as I am standing in the market tonight with my dinner rolls and butterscotch pudding, do you think all the people buying milk, white bread, and pet food, will be looking at me funny? ;) (They are forcasting more snow here in the NE)

Seriously, these look yummy yummy, I am definitely going to try them out for Sunday morning.
This is a great recipe, I've made it before. Really easy and they are DELICIOUS!

Just don't be like my silly co-worker and actually MAKE the butterscotch pudding before you pour it over the top!
You definately are NOT helping those who made a new year's resolution to lose weight! :p


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