A funny little story


Apr 28, 2001
Hi everyone,
Well last night I was looking around the site and looking through the information about Universal. I was reading the information about each attraction and such (gee, I feel as if I've been there already!)...well anyway I clicked on the link for the "Back to the Future" ride and read the description....then clicked on the link at the bottom for the picture....So...Up comes the picture which is really just a pic of the Sign to the ride...but...as I looked closer I saw 3 people standing in the lower left hand corner.. and I thought that the man looked like a relative of mine...then the girl next to him looked like my sister...and then the woman with her back to the pic is her mother(not MY mother...long story)!!!! IT'S THEM!!

CindyZ in CT, and Mom of 3!
WEb-guy...please delete this post and not the one above it...somehow this one got posted before I was finishe....Thank You

CindyZ in CT, and Mom of 3!
cindy..you can delete it. Just click on the edit post icon in your first post (in this thread) and it will give you the option to delete.

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- May 2002 </font>


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