A Disney Princess & her SERIOUSLY grumpy bf.... A Pre-Trip Report!

What should DBF and I do on our free night?

  • Mini Golf

  • Hang at the Boardwalk

  • Go back to a park and finish up anything we missed

  • DTD

  • Other... TELL ME WHAT!

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Hello!! :wave:

Your DBF sounds like my DH, although mine is definitely getting more warmed up abuot it.

So, I have a question: Would you be willing to share your powerpoints? I would love to have a copy to use with DH, but we are both SO busy (we both work for non-profits) and I don't think I would have the time to do it? I could PM you my email address? I have Office 2003, if that matters. Thank you so much either way, and I think they sound really awesome. I would probably edit them to make them relevant for us (there are some dietary restrictions) but it would be great to not have to start from scratch!

Looking forward to following your plans!
I would be happy to share. PM me your email address- I will convert my powerpoint to word 2003 (i have word 2007) so it should be compatible:) with yours. I hope it helps! let me know how it goes!
Well, I sat down with DBF this weekend to discuss what he wants to do. We aren't one to want to do the fantasyland-type rides, so that limited our choices down to what i think is a doable amount. Here's our lists:

MK: Hall of Presidents, Haunted Mansion, Wishes, Pirates of the Carribean, Jungle Cruise
Epcot: Spaceship Early, Innoventions, Mission space, Test Track, The seas with Nemo, Soarin, The land and the entire world showcase
DHS: Movie ride, star tours, one man's dream, rockin rollercoaster, tower of terror
AK: EVERYTHING! except the shows and the rides geared towards young kids.

Here is what I'm thinking, but I really really really want opinions! I'm thinking two full days at Epcot, One day at DHS, One EMH at MK (we are trying to do the key to the kingdom tour also) and then one morning and one EMH at AK. Any ideas? I only have about 5.5 days to fit this all in!!! Thanks!
Wow...I can't believe how fast your trip is coming up. I swear, it feels like this year has flown by! How exciting -- you get to make your ADRs soon. :goodvibes

I think you should have enough time to fit in everything you want to. But, I would suggest following a plan in case its crowded. That way, you can really utilize your time at the parks. We always spend just a half day at EPCOT (if that really). DH hates that park for some reason. I'm not really a huge fan myself. We usually spend two days at MK, and then hop between all the other parks. I can't remember the last time I spent a full day at just one park. I LOVE to park hop!! :thumbsup2
So I followed you over from my PTR and am joining in on yours! How exciting you have two trips planned now! You are staying at 2 awesome resorts! We stayed at the AKL last May and loved it. Then last December we stayed at the Beach Club Villas and loved it there too. Sooooo nice. :goodvibes Oh yeah, and we were there around the same time you're going to be going. It was perfect. The weather was nice and the crowds were pretty much nonexistent. You are going to have a great time! :thumbsup2

Can't wait for more. popcorn::
Hey Everyone!!! So, I am happy to report that as of TOMMOROW (given that it doesn't get booked up somehow in 48 hours), I am switching the first night of our stay, which is at AsMu, to AKL. I decided that the extra 80$ was well worth it, in order to avoid the annoyance of switching resorts after the first night. Now, I can just let DBF sleep, and I can wake up super early and go check out/check in, and HOPEFULLY not have to move rooms. The thing is, for the 4/3 deal, we have a savannah view room. For this one night, we will have a standard room. I am going to pull out ALL the stops (sweet talk, smiles, politeness) when checking in to try to get a savannah room the first night, as we will be staying 7 more nights in a savannah room. If not, then we will just have to move to another room in the resort. We won't unpack until Sunday afternoon anyways, we will just keep things together until we find out our permanent room.

But YAY!!! I was stressing BIG time and wondering if paying for an extra night at AsMu was really worth it, as we would have to switch resorts in the morning and it might cause more harm.

Besides that, I am currently waiting for TGM to post his best days for the second half of July. I have some ideas of what I want to do, and I'm hoping to fit in all of our ADRs that we want..but we might have to narrow it down some.

Stay tuned!
I would just like to announce that there are only 13 days left until I make my ADR's...

and I would ALSO like to announce that TGM still hasn't come out with his best park days yet!!

I am waiting patiently :rotfl2: for them, I can't really do too much planning without them!!! As soon as they are up, I am going to go into a planning frenzy!!!
I didn't know you had a subscription to TGM. I look forward to hearing what you think of it. I subscribed back in January and was a bit overwhelmed with everything that's on there. I think it will be much better once the August dates come out. Can't wait to see your itinerary!
Hi! I'm hopping over from my PTR. I'll live vicariously through you. I would love to stay at AKL, especially with the Savannah view!
WDWRocksMySocks: I just subscribed to TGM about a week ago. It is overwhelming...but now that the best park days came out, I can use it to it's full potential. I've just slowly been exploring the site. :dance3:

shellywalker: Welcome!!!:goodvibes

My2Qtz0205: I love AKL..the savannah view is an added bonus. One day you'll get to stay there!!!

Okay, I've made my itinerary. i want opinions. I'm just going to copy and paste from the post I did at the theme park strategies board. Please please PLEASE tell me what you think..don't be afraid!!!!

Hey everyone. Well the time has come- TGM posted his best days, and I went to town planning around those, my own preferences and the UG recommended days. This is what I've come up with. Any questions that I have, I've put in bold. I appreciate this so much..thank you all in advance!!!!

Day 1: Arrival day, around 1:00 at AKL
Epcot- ADR for Coral Reef, hopefully around 7:00. Plan for this is to wander and see what is feasible to get in line for or get fastpasses for...nothing set in stone!

Day 2: This is the day that I have to check out of AKL..and back into AKL. Difference is I will be checking into a savannah view package, so the chance of having to change rooms is really high.
AK morning
Lunch at Boma, around 11:30-12:00
ADR Ohana, watch wishes from the beach then head over to MK EMH till 1:00 AM
questions: do I need ADR's at BOMA for lunch time? especially around that time? Also, what time should I make ADR's at Ohana for with enough time to watch Wishes from the Beach? Any thoughts on EMH at MK?

Day 3 (Monday 7/27)
Sleep In (late night before)
Boardwalk Bakery for breakfast, around 10:30
Head to WS, spend the day touring the WS inside & out, perhaps if theres time some rides
ADR: Germany 1:30, Rose & Crown 8:00 (illuminations dinner)

Day 4 (Tuesday 7/28)
Epcot rope drop (again)
Lunch Flying Fish around 11:30
DHS- fantasmic dinner package

Day 5 (wednesday 7/29)
Seaworld day- DTD after seaworld, Raglan Road Reservations as late as possible

Day 6 (Thursday, 7/30)
Sleep in, Epcot for lunch around 12:30 or 1:00- Le cellier
catch anything we missed that we want
Hop to DHS, ADR at Sci Fi around 7-8:00

Question: My reasoning for going to DHS on this night is because Fantasmic is showing. I hope to evade the crowds because everyone will be waiting for Fantasmic- any thoughts? Opinions? All we want to do here is ToT, Rockin Roller Coaster and the Great Movie ride, possibly star tours and some walk throughs.

Day 7 (Friday, July 31)
AK Morning, finish up what we didn't do before
Lunch at the resort, or possibly Beaches and Cream... we will see how we feel, that night- rehersal dinner for wedding I am in

Day 8 (Saturday, Aug 1)- hang out at AKL, Wedding at 7:00 PM

Day 9 (Sunday, Aug 2)- departure day, back at resort by around 3:00. Do last minute shopping at DTD, lunch at T-Rex.

Sorry it's so long, but I want opinions! Do you think I have enough time at all the parks? Note- at MK all we want to do is the Haunted Mansion, PoC and Jungle Cruise. Possibly Phillarmagic. Can this all be done in evening EMH? Do the stores stay open late for EMH? Thanks to anyone who comments!

Your Itinerary looks great! I would make an ADR for your lunch, I think you said Boma, only because who really knows how packed it would be. You may not need, but incase you do, then you have it! I've never been to WDW this time of year...and have no idea what I'm in store for with the crowds, but I have read on several different reports that a good time to catch rides is during Fantasmic! I know, I'm not much help :rotfl:
Your Itinerary looks great! I would make an ADR for your lunch, I think you said Boma, only because who really knows how packed it would be. You may not need, but incase you do, then you have it! I've never been to WDW this time of year...and have no idea what I'm in store for with the crowds, but I have read on several different reports that a good time to catch rides is during Fantasmic! I know, I'm not much help :rotfl:

You are help! Everyone is valued in my PTR! :yay::yay:

I think I will make an ADR for my lunch at Boma- better be safe than sorry!

Who else? Come on people..
Your itinerary looks good so far. Although I have to ask...why don't you want to do anything else at MK? Splash and Thunder Mountains are two of my favorite things there. I'm so bummed that Space Mountain is going to be closed during our trip. :sad1: I do think you'll be able to do most of that during an evening EMH. Most of the main stores are open at MK during EMH. Only the smaller ones were closed. I'm sure there's a list somewhere on here. I'll let you know if I find one.

I think your idea of doing DHS during Fantasmic is great! We were able to walk on ToT three times during Fantasmic. It was awesome!!!
Your itinerary looks good so far. Although I have to ask...why don't you want to do anything else at MK? Splash and Thunder Mountains are two of my favorite things there. I'm so bummed that Space Mountain is going to be closed during our trip. :sad1: I do think you'll be able to do most of that during an evening EMH. Most of the main stores are open at MK during EMH. Only the smaller ones were closed. I'm sure there's a list somewhere on here. I'll let you know if I find one.

I think your idea of doing DHS during Fantasmic is great! We were able to walk on ToT three times during Fantasmic. It was awesome!!!

DBF & I went through the guidebook, and he doesn't really want to do the mountains :confused3. He says he doesn't really like them... so we will avoid them, I'm going back in December so it's fine by me if we skip a few things there!!!!

I'm glad you responded and gave feedback :banana:
I wonder if there's a way to put your powerpoint presentation into your PTR. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd love to check them out!
I wonder if there's a way to put your powerpoint presentation into your PTR. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd love to check them out!

hmmm..i wonder if i could post a link to it somewhere, like put it on google documents. I will talk to DBF (he knows computers) this weekend and see. That would be a fun idea!!!

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