A couple of HRH ?

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DIS Veteran
Mar 13, 2001
Hi everybody,
I'll be staying at HRH 2 nights in Nov. I got the Entertainment Club rate of 117.50 per night for a garden view room. Then I read on another board that the garden view rooms are very small. It's just me, wife, and daughter, and we survived 8 nights at ASMo in Feb. 2001. My question is, are the rooms too small?
2nd question. Do any of the HRH eateries serve breakfast? I can't seem to find any info on that.
Thanks, Bill
The Garden view rooms are NOT small. We stayed in them a few weeks ago. There were 6 of us in 2 connecting garden view rooms and they are plenty big enough for 3! I think you might be a bit tight with 5 in one room with a rollaway, but the rooms are very roomy, 375 sg ft. I have also stayed at ASMU and the rooms there are about 30% smaller. Have fun you'll love it!
Also, the sunset grill serves breakfast and there is a counter where you can get bagels, muffins, etc to go.
Moving this to the Universal discussion board.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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We just got back from HRH and stayed 5 nights in a garden room. 2 adults and 1 excited / tired 5 year old daughter. The room was fine for us we only showered slept and breifly rested in the room. The sunset grill at HRH has a breakfast buffet($12.95). The food was pretty good and compared to the menu it was the a good deal.We also found when you first entire either park there is a bakery with bagels and pastrys.It is reasonably priced and the coffee was very good.
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