999,999 without the exhaust port


<font color = green>Zamp in the Lamp<br><font colo
Nov 11, 2001
Today I got all 9s without the exhaust port, however I did need the bonus. So, for those who want to know how:

1. I went into the scan with a score in the 600,000 point range.
2. The drop down aliens must be hit several times. You do not have to shoot the aliens themselves. There are sensors on the upper edge of where the alien comes down. This allows for several scores.

If you're on the left:
Shoot the eyes in the parking meter as many times as you can as a replacement for the exhaust port.

If you're on the right:
It is much harder on the right, which I could not accomplish this on, but this is how you would go about it. There is a telephone booth in which one alien is at. Well, on the side of the booth there is a paper that says "lost" or something like that. That paper will raise up and there will be a sensor under the paper. Shoot that as a replacement.

I do not believe these to hold higher point values than the exhaust port, although I am not sure, perhaps MIB9 knows. This is only for novelty purposes or if the exhaust ports do not work, if you are to shoot for the highest possible score, I still recommend the exhaust ports.
Thanks, infact I ran into it by accident! The other exhaust port was shut off, so I aimed for a set of eyes and was rather shocked!:eek:
Thanks for the tips, rocketman. We were there in December - four adults with our four teens. We took them on, us (adults) in one car armed with the tips from these boards and the kids in the opposite car completely in the dark! None of us managed the elusive 999,999, but we did achieve GD status, much to the bemusement of the kids who still don't know how we did it!

He, he - more fun coming up next trip methinks!
I do not believe these to hold higher point values than the exhaust port, although I am not sure, perhaps MIB9 knows

They're good for 15,000 versus 20,000 for the exhaust port.

If you're on the right track, you can go for the green eyes in the 2nd story window straight in front of you after you come out of the scan...also good for about 15K per hit...although they do disappear after a bit.

I don't like relying on the bonus, since it's not a sure thing, but I've come out of the scan, hit the drop downs a few times and put my gun in with 9's without having to hit the port...

I sure prefer the left track to the right, however!!!

Wow Rocketman! Were you wearing your googley eyes?

MsDisney: You are my hero:p
Those drop downs are great though. If I get a good gun on the left, I'm practically garaunteed a perfect score now. As for the right... well I'll get it most of the time. MsDisney, does any one sensor on the drop down score more than the others, or is each sensor an equal number of points?

And no, I wasn't wearing my googly eyes:( ... perhaps I should try!:D

The next time you are down we are going to have to work with you and get you up to the 9's. I meet up with a person that I knew and they were constantly getting a max of 350,000. I showed him what to hit and he scored 727,000. The next ride we did solo and he hit 930.000.

Thanks MIB for the tips.

I am also looking for other targets to hit when other people has had the MIB training course. I've been pretty successful with getting the 9 just outside the scan area. I know that the drop down aliens are worth around 50,000. We still need to confirm this point value. I had a person sitting beside me when they saw my score there were shocked and they started calling off the points as I was going.

I havn't noticed any differences on points for the drop down. I normally go for the center sensor directly infront of you.
MsDisney, does any one sensor on the drop down aliens score more than the others, or is each sensor an equal number of points?

That is something that needs to be researched...we keep going when we're short on time, and so we've been playing, rather than studying...

I'm happy to report that I beat MIB999999 an average of 3 out of 5 times now pretty consistantly...heehee. I sure enjoy THAT! ;)

Renee, You are too funny....but I'm happy and proud to represent the women in the galaxy, ya know? This poor new kid tried to tell me yesterday which targets to go for and I said, "Sweetie, I can hit all 9's already...don't you worry about me!" MIB999999 was pretty proud, I'd say! :D
He SHOULD be proud of his students, they've done well...Thing 1 had a new high yesterday of 748,000 too, he's getting there! ;)

MIB9's is extremely proud of all those that are able to get 9's and if the handbook help to increase the enjoyment of the game then it served it purpose.

i had mixed emotions about telling about the drop down boys since they practically garuntee a 9's score if they are shot correctly. part of the fun of the game is the journey to the 9's and if it is garunteed then i think that journey is somewhat diminshed.

i have been on this ride over 1,000 times and it is still my favorite ride.

A big thank you to all of those that have helped in the evaluating of targets and point values. some of them are very difficult to evaluate solo.

it is fun to watch those new to the 9's to take what they have learned and then find new targets like, MsDis, Rocketman and Robert have done.

it is always a pleasure to ride with all of you. I am still adjusting to being stomped by you guys 3 out of 5 runs however.

:D :D :D
i had mixed emotions about telling about the drop down boys since they practically garuntee a 9's score if they are shot correctly. part of the fun of the game is the journey to the 9's and if it is garunteed then i think that journey is somewhat diminshed.

THAT is why I made good and sure I could do it before I let you tell me where the sensors were on them! I wanted to know that I could do it without them! :)

And don't worry, MIB ...you'll soon adjust to having your butt kicked up and down the street by us...of course, it may be MORE than 3 out of 5 times soon... ;) :D :eek:
Thanks to you, and your handbook, MIB is definitely MY favorite ride!!!:smooth:

Thanks Robert! I'll have to find some short term memory first. I was on the otherside of MIB when he was helping CJ, so I listened in and got 500+. The next ride was for the pork brains and I only go -200! LOL!

What are you guys going to do if they change the targets values?:eek: :eek: :eek:
What are you guys going to do if they change the targets values?

We're going to have a heck of a time rediscovering!!! ;) Bring it ON!!! :D :D :D

Oh, and Renee, how DID you get -200??? :confused: Were you THAT bad that you left the ride owing the galaxy??? :D:D:D

If you're up in the 500 area, getting you to hit all 9's will be a piece of cake!!! :smooth:

So, I guess I let the cat out of the bag on where the sensors are, lol. Oh well. I'm basically set on what to shoot in the all areas except area 2. I still do a little experimentation in there, infact I have a few things I want to try on Saturday. Has anyone ever tried to turn back and shoot Frank the pug from the left track? Anywho, we should go there one Saturday morning with MIB9, MsDis, Robert, and I and see if we can get 4 perfect scores in a car!;) Or if you know of two more, we could try for 6... :cool:
Originally posted by rocketman23
So, I guess I let the cat out of the back on where the sensors are, lol. Oh well. I'm basically set on what to shoot in the all areas except area 2. I still do a little experimentation in there, infact I have a few things I want to try on Saturday. Has anyone ever tried to turn back and shoot Frank the pug from the left track? Anywho, we should go there one Saturday morning with MIB9, MsDis, Robert, and I and see if we can get 4 perfect scores in a car!;) Or if you know of two more, we could try for 6... :cool:

Even knowing where the drop down boy sensors are...it's still not something that the average casual rider is going to be able to see or hit right away...It's fun to challenge yourself and change the targets or try to do it without the ports or drop downs...

I know we've had two perfect scores in the car before...that was cool! ;)We definitely should try for all four of us at once! :)
We're working on getting Thing 1 up there...he's up to the 700's now...he needs some special tutoring! What about your dad, Rocketman...any hope for him??? ;)

I would think that 4 9's in one car is as good as it can get, since i have never hit 9's from the center seat of a full car. :smooth:
I was going to teach him how to do it next time he rides it... I think he can make it up there. With no pattern he manages 300-500. So, I think he will get it... maybe in a week or two.
Originally posted by MIB999999
I would think that 4 9's in one car is as good as it can get, since i have never hit 9's from the center seat of a full car. :smooth:

Ahem, so I see...if YOU can't do it, none of US can??? :p

:D :D :D :D :D
Originally posted by rocketman23
I was going to teach him how to do it next time he rides it... I think he can make it up there. With no pattern he manages 300-500. So, I think he will get it... maybe in a week or two.

Cool...yea, all he needs is a routine and a guide to the big 'uns targets!!! ;)


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