$99.00 Park Hoppers


Earning My Ears
Mar 22, 2001
This may sound devious, but I do agree with the earlier post that stated Disney gets plenty of our $...I have a brother who lives in Florida, could he go to his local AAA and purchase my 4 Park Hoppers for my October trip at $99. each. When I arrived at the gates, would I be required to show ID and if so, couldn't I say our hoppers were a gift from my brother who knew my family would be visiting in October?
The passes are for FL residents, you have to show FL id TO USE THEM (drivers license).
My sister lives in Florida and was going to buy my family and I these $99 hoppers as GIFTS. She's planning to accompany us to the Parks at least the first couple of days. She will show her ID and we are her guest. Last year, they told me that it was OK for her to purchase these as a gift but she had to be present with ID to activate the passes. Will she need to be present on the last 2 days as well or just the first day for activation? We didn't go last year so I don't know how this is going to work.

2000 - Westgate Villas
2001 - Vistana Resort
Thachi--The CM gave your sister incorrect information. The people USING the tickets must be FL residents. Disney usually checks photo id. Although a CM might cut you some slack once, I doubt you'll get away with it for 4 days.
I work for CRO and those passes are strictly for FL residents. You have to show a valid Florida ID to use them and enter the park. It would be a big disappointment if you "tried" to do it, because the CM at the park would not allow you entrance on that pass is you do not have a Florida ID.
This is true

I have a FL res seasonal and went with 2 friends last fall who purchased the FL res $99 park hoppers.
No problem, as they are FL residents; however, on the 2nd day, one of the tix couldn't be read in the turnstyle. Friend got the 3rd degree from the CM and had to show her ID again (almost had not brought it along that day!)

Anyway, I don't think it would be worth the risk for a non resident to try to use the passes.


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