8/3 7 day Western Magic cruise from a teens pov (part 4)


Jun 12, 2002
Day 7 Castaway Cay
This day I woke up quite early about 8:30 am. The earliest I woke up during the whole entire cruise. All the teens met for breakfast at Topsider Buffet and then headed one of 2 places, the teen excursion wild side or the teen beach. I headed to the teen beach. After not much sleep the night before (we lost an hour of sleep cause of time change) and the dizzy feeling I had because of the roughness of the ship I fell asleep on one of the chairs and slept for a good 2 hours, without sunscreen. When I woke up I found a few of my friends had made it over to the beach so I went and joined them in the water where we lazily floated on a surf board. After an hour or so of floating and talking to friends and counselors we decided to go grab a bite to eat. Most of us put on our shoes for the pavement gets hot and we didn¡¦t want to burn our feet but of course one of us didn¡¦t so as we are about to get to the pavement she runs and jumps on Shannon¡¦s back and ends up getting a piggy back most of the way there before we realize the pavement isn¡¦t hot today for some unknown reason. As we eat lunch we start talking about random stuff and Shannon joins in much of the conversation especially as we talk about the contracts on board the ship and what its like to work there. After lunch we head back to the beach where we would soon be meeting by the teens that went on the excursion. Once all of us our together my friends and I start a sand fight with each other. After getting sand in our hair, eyes, mouth, and everywhere else we decide to call a truce and wash off in the water and head back to the chairs to rest and dry off for awhile. At around 3 we all head back to the ship to go change, shower, and then pack since it was the last day. At 5:30 we all met back up in common grounds to swap emails, addresses, screen names, and phone numbers with each other. We continue sharing more stories about life from before the ship but we are all sad to know this will be our last day together. The Counselors have us fill out a survey to rate how well we like the activities and how well we liked the common grounds. Everything was great so I had no need for negative comments but one of my friends decided to joke around and write Bryan is mean. Wow did that get a reaction and my friend was almost sprayed by water lucky for her I was in-between her and the water and the counselor decided it might not be the best idea to spray me in the process of getting even with my friend. After we filled out the surveys we all got a common grounds cd case. All last activity together was a dance and we danced and then watched a slideshow of everything we had done together and the memories we had made on the ship, after the slideshow we finished dancing took some more pictures, hugged and said many good-byes.

Day 8 home bound
That morning I woke up and grabbed big Mickey to take on the plane and we headed out. We went on to the bus and got out last glimpse of the ship. The ride on the way to the airport was quite and soon we were there waiting to check on. We were first in line to check in at the airport but Midwest wasn¡¦t opened yet so we waited a few hours before we could check in. while my dad stood by the luggage we went to some of the shops in the airport including the Disney shop. After we checked on we went in line for security and had some lady ask us how the cruise was I guess big Mickey gave away the fact we were just on the cruise. After passing big Mickey through security we headed to our gate to wait awhile there too. Finally it was time for us to board the plane and go home we all went on and I shoved Mickey in the overhead compartment. Right before we took off the pilot made an announcement that something might be wrong with the plane so they had to check it out while we waited after a long wait they had us get off the plane where we waited some more till they told us the problem was minimal and we could still use the plane to fly so after an hour and 5 minute delay we finally took off and had the longest airplane ride of my life. When we finally landed in Wisconsin we got off, found our baggage and tried to figure a way to get it all in the car, for some reason we seemed more stuff then when we started out, I wonder whyƒº. On the way home we (or should I be more specific I) started discussing a cruise next year. Not a day had gone by and I already missed all the fun of the cruise but I was told unless I get straight A¡¦s for a semester there would be no cruse next year. Now that this cruise is over I guess its time to plan next years cruise and hope for the straight A¡¦s.
Hey this was a great report! I just got back and I was wondering what my kids were doing all week. Thanks alot!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc


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