5 night stay at HRH


Mar 16, 2001
Our cast:
Me, Patti, 40 and still sick from the Hulk
DH Tom, 42, Hulk lover
DS Thomas, 14, did the Hulk once & only once
DS Matthew, 12, no way is he doing the Hulk

O.K. Just back today. What a vacation it was!! Tiffany towncar picked us up at the airport, very nice driver, Daniel. Check in at HRH was a breeze. We had a garden view room on the 5th floor. I am a Loews member, had the card with me and knew what to ask for. Well, no upgrade, that's o.k. with me. As for an ammenity, well, that got to be the family joke. Where's your fruit basket Mom??? Nope, not here yet.... Never did get my fruit basket, asked for it 3 times. Wasn't meant to be... Lucky for me they had really nice fruit cups at the Sunset Grill. The room: Beautiful view of lagoon and boat dock and beyond. Room was lovely, tastefully decorated, plenty of space for the 4 of us. At check in, I had again requested a roll-away bed for my 14 year old son. They had none available, perhaps the next night. O.K. By Tuesday night, being without the roll-away for 2 nights, my husband just helped himself to one that was left in the hallway. Hey, you do what you gotta do.

The front of the line access made our vacation just awesome. We did Spiderman first. No wait for us. It was great. I am really prone to motion sickness, and Spiderman did not make me sick at all. We browsed through IOA, and headed to Universal. We did lots of rides including Men in Black and Jaws (at night).

With the front of the line access we managed to easily do all of IOA on Monday. The water rides were great, my favorite was Jurassic Park River Adventure. DH and sons favorite ride at IOA was Fearfall. They loved it. I did the Hulk last night of vacation, purely out of peer pressure. Well, advice for those of you about to do the Hulk. Don't close your eyes. Got off the Hulk, had to go back to the room to lay down. Swear to God. It was all I could do not to throw-up, my whole body was discombogulated. (This is a word isn't it?) I felt terrible!!! So, back to the room we all go. I layed down for about an hour, then I was o.k. to go down to the pool. Just lounged and watched the boys play basketball. Next time (yeah, right), I will keep my eyes open!

More later, dog is looking at me like "geeez you've been gone all week, how about a walk?"

We were at HRH on sun. and monday. You are much braver than I am, I too get motion sickness and I didn't even like watching my guys go on it, let alone try to go on it myself. No way.
Did you use the entertainment card to get your rate? Just wondering if getting the lowes benefits is no longer a "maybe" with the entertainment card. Guess too many of us are using them. Oh well, I can't wait to go again.

Aloha Patti and Mahalo for your report.
I rode the Hulk with eyes closed and in near fetal postion, but did not feel sick. Just scared! :eek: There will be no next time. DH will do it without me...

Wasn't the HRH terrific? We had such a wonderful time there. Can't wait to go back.
Hi Barb & Molokai Gram,
No, I did not use the Entertainment rate. At my time of booking (last October), I was unaware of any "e rate". I've learned so much from these boards! It really didn't matter, I would go back to the HRH in a heartbeat, amenity or not.
As soon as we pulled into the circular drive entrance, I thought, wow, this place is really special. I was right. All the people employed by HRH were great, the "Love all, serve all" motto is one they truly live by. :)
I have heard one too many people "not" get the perks that are suppose to come along with this membership. You did not use any special "discount" so you were intitled to receive it. I think Loews should be informed that some of their hotels are not following through with this. IMO

<font color="003399">UneAmie, creator of: </font>"Poetry Parlor", a romantic poetry reading room...come see!

<font color="003399">when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, but if ya wanna discount ya better live in Florida!</font>

You know, I am seriously considering letting the Loews people know that I received nothing that that little blue card says I was entitled to....

When I questioned the Front Desk (for the 3rd time), I was told that they are a new hotel, and not all employees know what to do when they are presented with the Loews card at check-in. The employees are trained to focus more on the welcoming part of your check-in, making all the children feel special, etc. You know, people don't even realize that they are a Loews hotel, blah, blah, blah. It was a crock, I know. But, being on vacation I'm just not in the mood to get cranky.
They give you a questionnaire to complete when you check-out. I checked mostly the highest level of satisfaction until it came to getting what I was supposed to and housekeeping. Their housekeeping (5th floor anyway) could definitely use some improving. After 5 nights, our bathroom mirrors had never been wiped, floor was not vacuumed, maid never rinsed out coffee maker (and I used it everyday). I'm no clean freak, but I was not impressed with our maid.
Other than that though, our stay was great.


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