$49 a night at the All Stars


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 1999

After hearing about this deal on the Resort Board I called CRO and was able to get the ASMusic for $49 a night plus tax =$54.88 a night for 9 nights = $493.92. This is a great rate. No code. I called and told the CM that a friend was quoted that rate and I was wondering if it was avaiable. That I was looking for the best rate they had for my time frame of Sept1st through the 10th of this year. It took two calls and a couple minutes on hold but it was worth it.

CBR 1991,1997
PO 1992,1993
ASSports 1994,1995
YC 1998,2000
BWI 1999
ASMusic Sept 2001
Is there a time frame on this? I have mine booked in May for $90 a night, but if I can get it cheaper then so be it.

I really do not know if this rate is good during May. The post I read noted Aug/Sept and since I was interested in Sept I gave it a shot. Sorry I could not be of more help.

Maybe give CRO a call and ask for the best rate avaiable during your time frame and see what comes up.

Good Luck,

CBR 1991,1997
PO 1992,1993
ASSports 1994,1995
YC 1998,2000
BWI 1999
ASMusic Sept 2001
I would say that this is a seasonal/special ratebut if you really want to find out call and ask. All they will tell you is yes or no. Late Aug and early (except for Labor Day weekend) Sep are historically slow travel times.
The special $49.00 rate at the value resorts runs from Aug 9 to Oct 3.

wow thats really a GREAT rate.

<font face= "curlz mt" size=5 color=purple> Kim

<img src=http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/routemandan/minhul.gif>
<font face="Book Antiqua" color=#FF0066>
BV Palace 7-92
CBR 9-95
Dixie 9-98
Beach Club 9-99
Dixie 9-00
Poly Concierge 9-01<font>
i booked for september 20-28 and they gave me 64.00 a night can i call back and see if they can give us this rate i have paid 200.00 deposit we are getting 2 rooms. it would be great if we could get it that cheap.

Welcome to the DIS! :)
CRO stands for Central Reservations Office. It is where you book rooms and dining at Disney World.
BTW - this is the BEST rate that I can recall seeing for the All Stars in the 3 years that I have been coming to these boards! I hope that MANY of you are able to take advantage of this GREAT RATE! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board
I just called WDW and she knew nothing about it, gave me a rate of $99 night. I told her I knew they were having a "special rate" and could she check and see if it was available. She said she needed a code. Any ideas?

All Star Sports Oct 2000
HIFS & Sheraton World Feb 2001
I called back and got a really nice girl and she found it! I have ressies for All Star Movies 9/30 to 10/4- 4 nights at $49 a night. THANK YOU!!!! :D

All Star Sports Oct 2000
HIFS & Sheraton World Feb 2001
We're going down in Aug around the 18th. I just called and asked about this rate for the all stars but was told that it was only available for Florida residents...Waaaaa!
I called for reservations for August 13-20th and I was quoted a rate of $99.00 per night and she knew nothing of discounted rate. I asked for clarification on low season rates and she said that they do not begin until September. I called for August because DeeP in a previous post mentioned that value season was Aug. 9 - Oct. 3, but the woman I spoke with was not aware of this. Once again, we have to make sense of the politics involved in the WDW reservation process. Oh well, I guess I'll try again later! Good luck to all others who are trying to acquire this same rate. :)
Has anyone said what the code is? Or what we should be asking for? I tried but had no luck without a "code"!
I just tried again but this CM couldn't find this rate at all. She did suggest to me that in order to find out what this special is called would be to ask one of you lucky few who got the rate to call and ask what special you booked. She said that then we could call back and ask for the same thing...I sure hope that this doesn't sound too pushy but this is what the CM suggested to do.
I don't have time to call now but I suggest calling back and telling them your friend got a really great rate of $49 and you wanted to see if it was available for the time you were going to be in Orlando. It helped my CRO when I told here the special rate started in Aug and lasted through October. I called 2x before I got results. I would keep calling till you get someone will to look and find the special rate, it's there.
The CRO knew I lived in NY before I made the ressies so its not a Florida only special.

If You have no luck, I'll call at dinner time and find what to ask for :D

All Star Sports Oct 2000
HIFS & Sheraton World Feb 2001

Please send me an e-mail...I may have a suggestion...



<img width="200" SRC="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/awilliams/dalcooks.jpg"[/img]

Gail a/k/a CookieGVB

"All you need is mugs..."

Hi. I called this morning after reading these posts, to try and get this deal. I have reservations from Sept 4th to 12th. The person I talked to said she couldn't find it. She asked me where I heard about it and if I knew of a code. She said they have over 200 packages and she hadn't heard of this. She put me on hold while she and her supervisor got on this sight, but they couldn't find this post. I forgot to tell her one step. Anyway she suggested that I leave a post asking for more information on the special. How the first person got it, what is it called, is there a code? I would really appreciate it if someone knows the answer to any of this.
Thanks, Stephanie

This is the first time I have called CRO since our trip last fall, what has happened to Disney CRO? All I did was ask if they could check for specials for Aug 9 through Oct 4 and the guy got mad at me and said, I need a code or I can't help you! What is going on? I've never had that before...

88 - FW
92 - Offsite (Holiday Inn Main Gate East)
93 - Dixie Landings
96 - CBR
97 - All Star Sports (Basketball)
98 - All Star Sports (Surfing)
99 - Disneyland!!!
99 - All Star Music (Calypso)
00 - All Star Movies (Love Bug)
Woo Hoo! Doing the Disney Mambo #5 Dance!!!

Called yesterday and no luck, quoted 99.00 a night and was disappointed :(

Called again today and with some friendly & gentle persistance about hearing about lower rates and it being worth a shot she did a little more looking and hit Pay Dirt!!!! Now I have Sept. 30 throught October 10th at 49.00 a night plus tax which is LESS than the six nights I had! I just knew my cell phone was going to die before I got the confirmation number since I had left it off the charger for too many days! Now just to play the waiting game for some great airfare! :cool:


Wilderness Lodge Dec.'00
All-Star Movies Oct. '01
Wilderness Lodge Dec. '01

Addicted to Disney After Just One Trip



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