$49 - $65 AS rate


<font color=green>Feels naked without a tag!
Mar 23, 2001
I was lucky to see the code before it was deleted, with just cause. The August 9-Oct 3rd for $49 AS RATE -OR $65 AS Rate from now until Aug 9th... This also gives $89 mod rate from Aug 9-Oct 3rd and great rates on Deluxes for various dates. The CO person will have to have your dates and resort choice to give you a rate. I was quoted $254.25 (incl tax) for a Poly GV Concierge and $221 (incl tax) for a GF standard room. SO, if you found the codes (www.wdwig.com) and get a nice gal at CO to fish around dates and resorts for you (like I did after umpteen tries) you could get lucky!
good luck
hey there
I just want to say I'm glad you got the great rate I did as well but it wasn't a nice gal........it was a nice guy!!!! so they came in all shapes and sizes but who cares as long as they have that wonderful Disney Attitude right???
LOL (tippin my hat to those wonderful CM's )
Have a great trip <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">



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