40th Birthday


Earning My Ears
Jan 24, 2001
Our family,(my wife,myself,6 year old,2year old)will be at DW the last weekend of Septamber.I will be celebrating my 40th birthday while there.We see alot of ideas for kids to do.Does anyone have any ideas to make my birthday more special? Thank You
Happy Birthday (in advance) MY DH will be celebrating his 50th Birthday at WDW also last week in Sept (also DD - 23rd). One of the things we did not do the last trip down was take the Richard Petty driving school at the WDW speedway. If you are a racing fan - that may be fun. MY DH did take a driving school (dirt track) last summer here in Wis. and loved it. We may do that for him. Otherwise will probably rent a boat and drive around Bay Lake and then have dinner at the GF or Contemporary. His attitude is that anything is special as long as we're at WDW ! :D
The gospel brunch is supposed to be wonderful at DD House of Blues. the possibilities are endless


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