3/31-4/3 HRH/USF Trip Report Day Two


Feb 18, 2000
Me, Mom, 40, chief trip planner
DH, 51, get-us-going-in-the-morning chief
DD, 14
DD, 11
Sister-in-law, 50, staying at PBH
Niece, 12

We hit IOA at 9:20 a.m. In hindsight, I would do the early entry for IOA and US at the regular opening time. Even at 9:20, it was getting busy at IOA. We knew we had to hit the Hulk first as we had bypassed it the night before. Using our hotel keys, we boarded right away. I really haven't been on many coasters so I did not know what to expect. It was a blast! I loved going upside down and twisting. When we stopped, my sister-in-law looked at me and asked if I had opened my eyes at all! Apparently she didn't, but I loved seeing it all. I am extremely afraid of fast rides in the dark--the test track at Epcot nearly did me in. I like to be able to see what is ahead of me. DD says I would not like Rockin' Roller Coaster at MGM. But I really liked the Hulk. One thing I cannot handle is spinning, so DH, DDs, and niece took on the Storm Force Accelatron. I could not believe how fast DH had the car spinning, but they were all fine when they got off. We then hit Spiderman again, which from previous trip reports you know is my ultimate favorite. No disappointments. In fact, I noticed new things like the driver of the front-loader that comes right at you and the net that saves us from the flaming pumpkin. By now it was warm enough for the water rides, so we hit Bilge Rat Barges first. DH, sister-in-law, and I put on ponchos we brought in a backpack. (We put a change of shorts in the locker, but only DD needed them so I would rethink carrying so much to the park next time). I think it would have been better if I hadn't been so worried about getting wet. You do get drenched on this ride. DDs were really wet--particularly the seat of their pants. Water pours in the spaces between the seats and can't help but flow onto your seats. We then headed for Ripsaw Falls and loved this ride. DH particularly liked how you calmly float along and see the sets and then you are plunging down the waterfall. I stayed pretty dry with the poncho on this one. Of course, JP came next. I think this ride really suffers because of the repairs being done. I love that when you are in the boat, you approach the huge wooden gates that open up with the JP music playing. You feel like you are in the movie. But then, nothing. Definitely need a dinosaur munching on a tree or something. Hope it will be back soon. The rest of the lagoon-like ride was pretty tame, but then, climbing in the dark gets really exciting and the final dinosaur and plunge really get the heart pumping! I loved the end. Next was Dueling Dragons, which I had missed the night before. First we did Fire, and I loved the dangling. The heart-stopper for me was when we went over the other ride. I know the front row (which has its own line that is usually longer) is spectacular when the two coasters pass by each other, but I was impressed with crossing over each other. Right away we got back in line for Ice. You do have to merge in line with other people, but anyone, I think, (not just FOTL) can ride the second time without going to the end of the line. Right when we got up there, they decided it was busy enough to add another car. It only took a few minutes, but it made me a little nervous to be the first ones on it. I guess they have it down to a science. DD says she thinks Ice was much faster and better, but I didn't notice big difference. It was scarier for me to be under the other coaster this time rather than above it. Next we hit the Lost Continent. The kids really liked the Mystic Fountain. One girl was trying to drag her little brother close to it to get him wet and the fountain squirted her right on the mark. Very funny. Poseidon's Fury was good but not great. Then hit the Eighth Voyage of Sinbad--the jokes were okay and the stunts were fun. I was a little alarmed at the end. Anyone else? I thought it might be a little much for youngsters. Lunch time and we pretty much decided that if we weren't eating at Mythos that the food would be average everywhere. DDs and niece wanted to go to Circus McGurkus and we had lasagna, fruit, spaghetti and meatballs, salad. Both Circus McGurkus and Monster Cafe in US have fruit plates that are great (at Monster Cafe you can get it without the chicken salad). The kids enjoyed trying on wigs and hats in Seuss Landing. We hit Spiderman for one last time and then kids wanted to shop at the store right at the entrance. They liked the wraps and halter tops and each got one. We did a little shopping at CityWalk and then headed back to HRH for some pool time. I had made reservations for the four of us at Emeril's for that night about a month ago and tried to add two to our party when sister-in-law and niece decided to join us, but HRH club concierge was unable to make the change because they were full. We decided to cancel reservation and just eat light. Some other club level party would benefit from our cancellation as the concierge was trying to get them a table. Instead of heading back to the parks, we decided to take it easy and see another movie, which was just right for our exhaustion level. We did pizza at CityWalk and then the movie and took the water taxi back to HRH. Two flashlights with sparklers on them awaited us from the turndown service. The next day we would do what we had missed at Universal and hit the pool one last time before our evening flight home. That will be my final report!

Hard Rock Hotel 4/01
Wyndham Palace 7/00
Port Orleans & DCL 12/00
Disneyland Paris 4/99
AllStar Sports 2/98
Another great report! I noticed that you have been to DLP, I would love to hear about it sometime. Did you write a trip report about it? :)

I am comforted to know that another 40 year old rode hulk and lived to tell about it. One more week until the hulk for me!!!!
I really enjoyed the Hulk. In fact, I think it looks worse than it is. You'll have to let us know what you think of it. It's been a couple of years since we did Disneyland Paris, but I remember thinking it is just like Magic Kingdom at WDW. It was a nice break for our kids from art museums and sidewalk cafes!

Hard Rock Hotel 4/01
Wyndham Palace 7/00
Port Orleans & DCL 12/00
Disneyland Paris 4/99
AllStar Sports 2/98


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