3-1/2 YEAR OLD


DIS Veteran
Jan 28, 2000
Anyone ever take a 3-1/2 year old to Islands of Adventure? He is 40 inches tall now. Any rides that he shouldn't go on?

It's not a question of what he should not go on but a ? of what he is tall enough for. Although, Cat in the Hat has several fast spins.
Click on Height Requirements

<A HREF="http://members.tripod.com/~dznefreek/IOAGuide1.html" TARGET=_blank><font color=royalblue>Visit the Unofficial Guide to Islands of Adventure!</A>
Just because a child is tall enough to go on a ride, doesn't mean it's appropriate for them, IMO. You must judge that for yourself, as a parent, to determine what a child should ride.

That said, IoA is often marketed to an "older" audience. By that, I mean older children and teens. Since the park features many high-tech coasters and other rides, young children (and some adults) are often frightened by them (if they can even go on).

The park does have Seuss Landing, pretty much their equivalent of Fantasyland. It is colorful and there are several rides your child can do there, including Cat in the Hat and Caro-Seuss-El.

In The Lost Continent, the Flying Unicorn ride is new. I have not been on it so can't comment.

In Jurassic Park; Camp Jurassic, Pteranodon Flyers and Triceratops Adventure are probably all fine. The Triceratops is rather big, so just remind your child that he is harmless. The Zookeeper will ease your childs fears too, if there are any.

At Toon Lagoon, the Me Ship, The Olive is fun but be prepared to get wet!

For what's a no go - Well, it depends on your child. All the big coasters are out in the open but require 54" in height to ride. Spiderman has a height requirement of 40" but is a very intense ride with 3D and motion simulator technology combined. You might want an adult to go on first and determine its appropriateness. Your child is just shy of the 42" height requirement for Jurassic Park River Adventure but I'd be wary of recommending this for a 3 1/2 year old. Too intense, IMO.

[This message was edited by Margie J on 01-12-01 at 11:51 PM.]

We took our kids 3 and 7 in December. If it is warm when you visit your 3 1/2 will have much more to do! We happened to hit some very warm weather and this is what he was able to do.
Toon Lagoon
Me ship the olive

Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park discovery center
Triceratops encounter
Jurassic Park River Adventure (make sure you tell your child it is not real)and still the dinosaur at the end is frightning
Pteranodon Flyers ( he hates this and was very frightened) I hated this since I could not comfort him as we were in seperate seats.
Camp Jurassic ( He LOVED this whole area)

The Lost Continent
The Mystic Fountain ( one of his favorites)
The flying unicorn ( he enjoyed this ride)

Marvel superhero island
Spiderman ( was scared the first time, yet asked to ride it again the second day, 4 more times)
They have a parade daily around 3-4P with all the superheros (he loved this!)

Seuss Landing
He loved everything here. we spent a great amount of time at this island.
They also have a character lunch from 12-2P daily at Confisco's. We found this to be terrific and he still talks about it.

All kids are different. If you are unsure do the ride yourself first. The colors and theming of this park alone were simply amazing.

Thank you all for the information. I realize that some of the rides are unsuitable for children, I would never make my child go on one of the ride's simply because they made the height requirement. I posted this question because I wanted other parents with children the same age as my son to respond like the above poster with what their child liked or disliked. I realize that every child's experience is different, I just wanted some general information.
Mornin Leah,
Like yourself I am always looking for stuff for the kids. Below is a post by Linda that was very informative about the IOA Passports. I have been to USF 2 times and never knew about these untill Lindas' thread. Your 3 yr old might enjoy this.


If your time and ticket allows, try to make it to USF also. It has my daughters all time fav. ride, ET Adventure. My sons alltime fav. show, Animal Actors Stage. (verify they are still open!)
My son was only 4 when he decided Animal Actor was the best show ever!

Have a great time,


[This message was edited by taff on 01-13-01 at 10:46 AM.]


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