2BR Pres. week SOLD,Sun-Thur BW NE April Vacation still avail.

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DIS Veteran
Sep 30, 2000
I have a two bedroom available for sun-thur President's week at the Beach club and a two bedroom at the Boardwalk for the Northeast schools spring break April 25th - 29th. We're not sure if we're going to go to Disney, cruise, or head west.. If interested pm or email me at cdmkoop@aol.com They're borrowed points, that's why we're just not cancelling the resv.
I need 100 points so that we can stay in a two bedroom at BWV. We already have 60 points. This also depends on if it is even possible for us to get a standard view there. This would be for Feb. 27, 28, March1,2,&3. I really, really hope you can help. We have 3 kids and a 1 bedroom is just to small. It will also probably be our last trip to disney for a while as 2 of the 3 are teenagers and will be leaving for school in another year or so. Also are you able to suply references? How much are you asking per point? Hope to hear from you soon.
Sorry, the resv is for Feb 20th to Feb 25th 5 nights (Sunday-Thursday) in a two bedroom at the Beach Club, the Resvs in April are the BW in a two bedroom.
bump, Just clarifying for some of my pms. President's week and/or northeast schools April spring break in a two bedroom, sunday to thursday
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