25th Anniversary Ideas


Kindly do not attempt to cloud the issue with fact
Mar 24, 2004
Here's the situation: My parents are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary in May at WDW. They will be on a cruise for the first few days of the trip but then will be back at SSR. They went to WDW for their honeymoon and they ate at the Poly. My brother and I are trying to figure something out for them that will be special...
What we've thought of so far:
Ohana's, mini wedding cakes with the castle topper delivered to the room, something special on the cruise, contemporary during wishes...what else would you all suggest???
Thanks for all the ideas!
Make sure it's Ohana during Wishes as well :D

I'd get them bride and groom ears, too. And make sure they let the cast members know they're celebrating, they tend to make everything special, no matter what.
I don't think they would do the ears. But that's a good point about the Wishes and Ohana!


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