2013 Destash- this is the year!

Scrap4me said:
:) delmar411--don't worry about the stop and start of decluttering! Even though it feels as if nothing is getting done it is....it is all about the baby steps, eventually you will run a marathon...and then go back to the baby steps.

The past few days for me have been multitasking the clutter zones..Even though so much is now gone, I can still find more to get rid of. Just today, I was going through the kitchen to the laundry and happened to look to the top of my cabinets ---I spied a punch bowl that hasn't seen any use in 3 years or more! down it came, wiped it out and in the goodwill box it went...that is how my decluttering is happening right now--when I see it and I feel the need-- it goes!!!

My goal tomorrow is more of that dreaded paperwork that we all deal with. I have my husband's paycheck stubs all the way back to 1987! Yeah--don't think we need them, but I will scan them and burn them to a flash drive first and then shred, shred, shred! The only originals that I will keep are ones that show a wage garnishment for taxes...that is it...

:thumbsup2 Way to go everybody on this journey of en"lighten" ment!!!1

Thanks for the encouragement. This decluttering process has been on going for years but I've gotten pretty ruthless over the past 18mths so the house is a million times better than it was. The little kids rooms are an ongoing issue though. Also I have a great dresser that we use as a tv stand in the living room and it holds all the school supplies and video games but one of the drawers had the bottom bust out because there was too much stuff in it. So I think that's going to be my next project.

And I just realized that I have a cabinet in the garage that would be perfect for YDD's tv! Yay for repurposing! :)
I got all of my shredding done on Sunday. DH had found a few shoe boxes filled with old, old paperwork in the garage and then I went through all of our current files and pulled everything old out. 2 large black bags of shred paper are gone! Now I just have to stay on top of it as stuff comes into the house.

Last night I went through the house and found one thing in every room and closet I could throw away. It wasn't a lot but its something.

The medicine cabinets managed to elude me again this weekend, so those are on my must do this week. My second task this week is to look for a children's consignment store. I have a ton of nicer boys clothing and a few nice boys jackets, so I want to see if I can get anything for any of it before I donate it. I've never done a consignment store and don't really know where any are, so I'll have to look into that. And my last goal for the week is to list 2 more items on Craigslist and take pictures.

Hope everyone had a productive weekend!!!
We're not renewing our lease and the landlord wants to bring some prospective tenants by on Thursday. :scared: I've been letting things slide since this semester started and of course DH is out of town for work. It's not dirty per se, but there's lots of clutter and I hate to dust. I've already have a large trash bag full of junk from a whirlwind tour of DD's room and both bathrooms. If I can get both bathrooms, DD's room and my room clutter free and dusted tonight I'll be happy. That'll leave the kitchen and living room for tomorrow, maybe even the yard too. :thumbsup2

Hopefully, these people like the house so I don't have to scramble again. I'd like to pretend that I'll keep on top of everything, but it's my last term of classwork and it ain't happening. :crazy:
We have the appraiser coming I the morning!!! (Refinancing to 2.75% with only $275 closing costs, including appraisal!!! ).

So I have to clean like a madwoman tonight!!!

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I'm definitely in for this! We're moving to Florida in June and we need to get rid of at least half of our junk. It's been driving me crazy for years. We had a big garage sale this past fall and plan on having another one in the spring. I've already been doing quite a bit of decluttering, but have a lot more to go!
Panicing a bit. We are planning on selling our house to move to Florida in the fall. I was playing with the idea of selling our house without a Realtor, and at zillow you can put up a "make me move" price which I did, and I priced it higher than my house is worth and someone e-mailed me to see the house :scared: Luckily with our schedules we can't get together until the 21st but she wants pictures this weekend.

So I need to do "fake cleaning" where I shift all the stuff from room to room out of frame to take good pics, and then real cleaning for the 21st.

Thank you all, over the last year we have really paired down because of the decluttering threads and I will need your support over the next 2 weeks as my brain turns to jelly ;)
I'm definitely in for this! We're moving to Florida in June and we need to get rid of at least half of our junk. It's been driving me crazy for years. We had a big garage sale this past fall and plan on having another one in the spring. I've already been doing quite a bit of decluttering, but have a lot more to go!

:wave2:Hello! We are going to move to the Sunshine State too and around the same time. Maybe our moving trucks will pass each other.

Just found out today that DH will be medically retired rather than just med discharge so now after several months of waiting...it will be fast going. Have to find job, place to live and of course, the two DS graduations in May. I feel your stress.

Are you thinking about the decluttering in your sleep? It's so disappointing to wake up and find out it's not finished.:hyper:
Just about finished my room, finally! Not only did we clean out every drawer and both closets, but we also painted the walls, got new drapes and put in a TV cabinet for the new flat screen. Going to take advantage of the crappy weather tonight to finish up! So excited, it looks great! :cheer2:

Next up is DS3's room! I already cleaned out his drawers and closet, so it's just Lysol-ing the whole thing and cleaning out his toy and books bins.
:wave2:Hello! We are going to move to the Sunshine State too and around the same time. Maybe our moving trucks will pass each other.

Just found out today that DH will be medically retired rather than just med discharge so now after several months of waiting...it will be fast going. Have to find job, place to live and of course, the two DS graduations in May. I feel your stress.

Are you thinking about the decluttering in your sleep? It's so disappointing to wake up and find out it's not finished.:hyper:

Ugh, YES! I'm really feeling overwhelmed with how much we have to do before we move. The cold winter is definitely not helping my mood at all so I don't feel very productive in the decluttering/cleaning department. I just cannot wait until the spring so I can open all of the windows wide, air out the house, blast some music and just go to town like a mad woman getting stuff done. :rotfl: Where abouts are you moving? We're moving to the Space Coast and will be just south of Cape Canaveral.

Best of luck to you with finding a job, house, and not stressing! :goodvibes
I'm definitely in for this! We're moving to Florida in June and we need to get rid of at least half of our junk. It's been driving me crazy for years. We had a big garage sale this past fall and plan on having another one in the spring. I've already been doing quite a bit of decluttering, but have a lot more to go!

:wave2:Hello! We are going to move to the Sunshine State too and around the same time. Maybe our moving trucks will pass each other.

We're moving to Florida this summer too. DH is going in May and DS and I will follow in mid June once he gets out of school. Nice to see some people in the same boat :wave2:I've been busy decluttering but it is amazing how much stuff we have. I feel like it will never be done!

I finally got around to cleaning out all of the medicine cabinets last night. I can't believe how many half used bottles of the same type of medicine we had throughout the house. Oh well, at least it is all done now. I also went through the house again and purged one thing from each room. We have garbage collection twice a week, so I think I'm going to do it the night before each garbage day now. It's easy to pick one thing out of each room to ditch, but it's getting harder to sit in a room and pick out several things at once (as I've already heavily declutter them,) if that makes any sense.

We're not going to get much done this weekend. My parents are in town, so we'll be hanging out with them. I hope you all have productive weekends and have fun de-cluttering!!!
We are really hoping for Clermont/Kissimmee...Yep, near the gates and all the tourists. But, that could be beneficial to my posting here. I'll just go ask the neighbors. We are willing to go east towards Dade City, but not too much further along.

I can not stand the cold. I grew up in Colorado and snow is not that fun anymore. We have had a little bit of snow this winter...just enough to show it to little one. The last couple of days we had mid 60's and mowed the funky tufts of grass in the backyard. Now it's 40. :mad: I feel for those getting this blizzard. I'm picking tomato plants for containers!
elcodfish said:
Panicing a bit. We are planning on selling our house to move to Florida in the fall. I was playing with the idea of selling our house without a Realtor, and at zillow you can put up a "make me move" price which I did, and I priced it higher than my house is worth and someone e-mailed me to see the house :scared: Luckily with our schedules we can't get together until the 21st but she wants pictures this weekend.

So I need to do "fake cleaning" where I shift all the stuff from room to room out of frame to take good pics, and then real cleaning for the 21st.

Thank you all, over the last year we have really paired down because of the decluttering threads and I will need your support over the next 2 weeks as my brain turns to jelly ;)

I love the "fake cleaning". ROTFL

I wish you good luck though with this. I hope you actually sell your house this easily. It sounds too good to be true; I would love to be able to sell my house without anyone actually coming to see it for showings. I can't say my house is ready for viewing everyday or short notice.
Good luck to you; sometimes the deadline makes it doable, kwim? Happy decluttering.
I have been slowly working on getting things done. Not much huge progess here, but some little progress made. I guess every little bit helps.....
My decluttering got to a stand still when I caught "the cold of doom". Head cold with a horrible hacking cough.

The cough has been making me exhausted and my stomach hurt so I haven't bothered to try and do anything. The kids have even been doing their own laundry and keeping the kitchen clean so I won't have to touch clean dishes. LOL

Maybe come next week I'll feel better and will get back on it. In the meantime, I'll live vicariously through everyone elses decluttering. :thumbsup2
Well, here we are, Feb and I'm just starting on my declutter! Friday I took several bags/boxes to Goodwill. Coats, sjoes, clothes, books, toys, etc. i had been stashing it in the laundry room as I ran across things. Today I started on DS15s room. We removed an old entertainment center and I started in on boxes. We moved in 2 yrs ago and we still have boxes!!! We hauled out 3 trash bags of trash, 1 box of books for used bookstore, 2 boxes of books to keep....somewhere ;) I will get up there again before bed!
My decluttering got to a stand still when I caught "the cold of doom". Head cold with a horrible hacking cough.

The cough has been making me exhausted and my stomach hurt so I haven't bothered to try and do anything. The kids have even been doing their own laundry and keeping the kitchen clean so I won't have to touch clean dishes. LOL

Maybe come next week I'll feel better and will get back on it. In the meantime, I'll live vicariously through everyone elses decluttering. :thumbsup2

I hope you feel better soon. It's rough when mom is down and out.
I dropped a trunk full off at goodwill 2x this week and I have another batch ready to go.

I need to find someplace to recycle cardboard boxes or just suck it up and break them down for garbage day. That will make the garage look less messy.

I also went to the container store and got 4 DVD holder binders. I got about 100 DVDs/blu-rays into those and the cases thrown away. The store is pretty far away from me so I should of gotten more while I was there. I also got the kids some underbed storage drawers and the boys immediately took them and filled those up so I'm thinking these will be good for quick clean ups in their room.
I've been horrible this past week . I had a 3 day weekend and I didn't do any de stashing! I have another 3 day coming up so I'm going to try and post more items on Craig's list. I also need to renew my old CL postings. I' been putting $$ away for the summer month I won't be working. I usually sell on CL or have yardsales for that month I don't get paid. Hopefully with the money saved I won't have to do yardsales and whatever doesn't sell on CL will be donated by August . I told dh one I get rid of my CL piles in the target he can focus on turning it into his man sport cave lol!
I had knee surgery, so hadn't been in the declutter mode for weeks! After lots of physical therapy, I'm getting back into my normal routine.

So this weekend, when the Northeast got blizzard-ed by Nemo, I decided it was time to do some work! I tackled our DVD cases and VHS tapes. The majority of our DVDs are now in binders taking up one small shelf space in our entertainment and it feels AMAZING to have more space clear.

I also worked on my collection of books (I love to read so this is harder for me) and only keeping treasured volumes, and only what would fit in a designated space. Slowly, I'm going to start loading some of the paperbacks to my Nook, and get rid of those as well.

I love progress!
I've been trudging along, going through papers, taking a load to goodwill here and there, but no big areas decluttered...need to take care of my desk and my closet.

Two local grocery stores stopped doubling coupons, if Meijer does too it will cut back dramatically on the number of coupons I hold on to...and I will probably cancel my newspaper subscription, so both of those things would result in less paper laying around.
I am off today and tomorrow and I am determined to get some stuff done. We moved in August and I feel like we have still not gotten completely organized from that. My goal today is to get my kitchen completely finished, including my "laundry corner". Hopefully I will be able to make a run to Goodwill today too.


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