1st time going to Disney OKW


Earning My Ears
May 16, 2002
:Pinkbounc Hi! Can anyone tell me what you like or dislike about OKW? I will be there Nov. 16 - 23rd. Anyone else going during this time? No kids. Two couples, staying in 2 bedroom suite. Any info would be helpful and fun to know! Thanks!
OKW is a BEAUTIFUL resort.

We stayed there last year and loved every second. We requested (and got) building 55, which was great. It was pretty far from the main portion of the resort, which was great for us because we didn't have any kids (and needed a little peace and quiet!). Our building had a quiet pool right next to it, which was seldom crowded and always enjoyable.

The buildings are freshly painted in bright pastels, with Mickey Mouse silhouettes in the white wooden railings. The interiors of the rooms are done in bright 'seashore' colors like peach, pink, and seafoam green.

Olivia's is the main restaurant. We were happy with the meals we had & thought the service was first-rate.
As an owner at OKW we are very biased. You will find the 2 BR villa wonderfully spacious. Dw and I usually stay in a 1 BR but last year we were there with some of our kids and we got a 2 BR. It is huge.
We always have a car so we do not use the buses, but our kids got up early a couple mornings and used them and didn't have any trouble.
You might want to request a golf course view and if you like the upper floors for a better view, you can request that.
We will be at DW a few days before you but we are trying out the new BCV as we would like to be at Epcot for the W and F Festival.
Enjoy OKW. We have a trip planned for Jan 03 and will be at OKW in our 1 BR.
We own at OKW and BWV. OKW is beautiful! Very quiet and relaxing - just what you need after a busy day at the parks. We'll have a car, but will use the busses to get to and from the parks. As previously mentioned, the rooms are quite spacious.

We leave tomorrow for a 10 night stay in a 2bdrm. I'll post if I see or "remember" anything else.

So do we! We leave tomorrow night and we actually check in Thursday morning for 3 nights in a 2bdrm. This is our first stay and we are really looking forward to it. DH & I going with his older sister and her two "Kids", ages 20&24, so we figured OKW is a good resort where everyone could do their own thing and still have fun, whether partying at PI or hanging out reading on the balcony.

I also will also post any thoughts when I get back! Probably about how my DH insists on buying into DVC now that we've stayed there! ;)
Can anyone tell me what you like or dislike about OKW?
1 BR and larger units are a wonderful size and very nicely furnished.
Olivias has good food at reasonable prices. They have great Conch chowder!
You see lots of wild life like birds, rabbits etc
Buildings are beautifully maintained
Love the Mickey head cut outs in the porch railings
I always manage to find some very nice clothing and gift items in the store.
Too far away from everything for a resort that is supposed to be a deluxe resort
Too quiet, it is like they roll up the sidewalks at 9:00 PM
Very inconvenient if you do not have a car and are in a building in the back of the resort
Dining choices are limited to 1 sitdown and 2 pool bars
Pools leave a lot to be desired
99% of the buildings do not have elevators so if you are on the top floor it is a long haul at the end of a tiring day especially with kids.
After a few days of watching golfers from our balcony I am bored to death with the view
Only bus transportation to everywhere but DTD which does have boat transportation until around 10:00 PM


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