1900 Park Fare


Earning My Ears
May 5, 2000
Hi everyone,

Am planning a trip in August with a friend and my dd (who is 14) - do you think she is too old to take to the character dinner at 1900 Park Fare? Also, if you have done this dinner - is it worth the money?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
She won't be too old, lots of people go without kids! Everyone's a kid at Disney. I'd ask her and see what she says, she may be at that age where she wouldn't want to do it.

Sorry I can't help more!
The food was very good on the buffet. We really enjoyed the meal. We have an 8 yo but a nearby table had teens that were enjoying the experience. Ask her if she wants the characters
Whether or not it's worth the money depends on the situation....are you going to rush to the GF for dinner and then rush back into the parks? If so, it might not be worth it. You might just as well eat at one of the parks.

But if you have some time, and can relax and enjoy the dinner and also the GF....then it's more than worth the money.

You can enjoy the lobby of the GF, the music...you can walk around the grounds and enjoy the beautiful landscaping, and if you eat late enough you can stick around to watch the fireworks from the marina.

The food at Park Fare is very good. Not what you expect from a buffet. Also the character interaction was great, and we didn't have any kids with us, just Dh and myself.

We would certainly do Park Fare again, but only on a non park day when we can stay and really enjoy the GF.



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