1 day(USF,IOA), 1 night (HRH) hyper-tour--any ????s


Nov 23, 2000
Just got back from our 1 night stay at HRH. Using the AWESOME FOTL for onsite guests, we were able to do all of our favorites, except Poseidon's Fury(one of the kids got strep, poor thing, and we had to trade off, otherwise it wouldn't have been a problem) at both parks. Did BTTF 3x, MIB 6x, Spiderman 2x to boot. For those of you who are driven to exhaust yourselves when in Orlando as I do, FOTL rules. If you like a more relaxed pace, it probably still rules. You don't have to get up early and can ride whenever you want.I'll be happy to answer any questions that I have answers for. Many thanks for the info from this board that enabled me to get the entertainment rate, stay at HRH hotel and get FOTL. I wouldn't even known about if it hadn't been for you all. k
Sounds like you had a ball! Did you stop to eat? lol!
We are going Easter week. I booked Saturday night at Portofino...plan on getting there early a.m. and doing Saturday and Sunday (EASTER) using FOTL..I know the park will be mobbed, so I am hoping it works. Are hotel guests the only one that get FOTL???? Also, do the parks open early for hotel guests? I am paying an extra (since we already had a hotel that night) $232 for FOTL, but there are 5 of us, and for 2 days of FOTL I figured it would be worth it. Do they explain where to go on each ride, or are there signs? Is FOTL good at both Universal and IOA or just IOA? Any info will be appreciated...THANKS
FOTL is only for onsite guests and is available at both parks.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
thank you, barry. Is FOTL good all day long (I have seen some conflicting info about this)? Also, what restaurant would you choose. We ahve already done HRC and have one VERY picky 8 year old and a 12 and 15 year old that are never full!!!
FOTL is all day. As for a restaurant, try Confsico's during the character lunch. Even if they don't like the food, they will like the characters.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
I would say the extra $$ for FOTL is way worth it. For one thing the hotel is beautiful, if you stay at HRH you can walk to USF in a couple of minutes. The FOTL is so awesome, I won't ever want to go any other way. PLEASE,USF, continue it!!! Your hotel gives you a page of on-site entitlements, which tells you which days for early entry, what's open then, as well as FOTL for most everything, AND priority seating at shows. When we were there last week, you showed your room key to the person at the attraction, and he or she showed your whole party where to go. There were no signs at any attraction for FOTL, so you have to show your key to the first attendant you see. You either go up an exit, sometimes kind of hairy, then through babyswap or the handicapped entrance. Sometimes we felt a little conspicuous jumping in front of folks who had been waiting, but we got over it.I say it's definitely worth it, and that's my final answer!
Thanks so much for the info....I thought it was a worthy investment before I read much about the hotel, now I am CONVINCED it will be worth it. I can't wait to go!
Hi could you please give me some info on the room at HR!! THanks !! Have you ever stayed at Portifino??? Or Disney hotels??

We had planned on almost a full day at the parks yesterday because our flight home wasn't until 5:30 PM. We were told by a CM at the Tryceratops (sp)Encounter that FOTL was only good until 12:00 noon on check out day!

I wasn't pleased especially since we did not use FOTL on the day we checked in since our Disney UMP was good ALL day. We did try it again on several other rides/shows after 12:00. No one else said a thing about this so called rule. I've never seen this rule in writing - only big ads for FOTL ALL DAY.
The FOTL is good for the whole day of both check-in and check-out days!

I stayed at the Portofino during Xmas and loved it,a s did my children (two boys 10 & 11). You all will love it too because it's the most gorgeous hotel I've ever seen.

Anne - you have to become a "starwood member" so you can get an upgrade upon arrival (if available) and other treats. Did you book at the entertainment rate? (was it available?)

You should do a search on past posts re the Portofino. Lots of good info is already here for you to find.

Lost of great restaurants that your kids will love, sev at the Portofino and many more at Citywalk and the park. Check out Universal's website for menus and such.



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