1/26 Magic cruise from the Potbelly perspective.(Day one+)


Earning My Ears
Jan 17, 2002
First Us.....Me(36):earsboy: DW(3?):earsgirl: DD(4):rolleyes:
Let me start by saying hello to all that we met on-board from the board.
Car to pick us up arrived at 7:30am for the 12noon flight out of LGA.We arrived with about 3 hours to get through the extra added security that everyone and their brother was telling us about......wellll.....let me tell ya....we were through it in 15mins. which meant that we had to wait about 2hrs.45min.with a 4 year old that was just starting to wake up. No biggie. Flight down was pretty un-eventfull but, as we expected full of familys going to WDW. We picked up our bags and headed to the Mears transportation counter. We had left a day early because we didn't know when we booked the cruise what the weather would be come cruise time, so we had one night at the Dolphin at WDW.We were hoping to get in early enough to hit the park before it closed but, as it turned out the Magic Kingdom closes at 6:00pm and we didn't get in our room till almost 5:00pm.We basicly ate and went to bed.......little did we realize that at 9:00pm they do a incredible fireworks show at the park....let me tell ya......we had a front row seat for that one.
Emarkation day.
We were told the day before that all the people that were going on the cruise were to meet at the fountain at 11:30am, so we got there plenty early and were suprised with a character group. Ballou,Minnie,Donald and Goofy showed up and gave my DD her first taste of character meetings. We meet a real nice couple from Ohio in the lobby(Hi...Tim,Debbie,Emily and Elaina)Who we spent most of the trip paling around with, the girls really hit it off.We got to the ship around 1:00pm. The first glimpse of the ship was just awesome. Into the terminal and into line for check in.......The first of many lines on this trip. Paper work all set ,we headed for the ears(cruisers know what I mean)....A word of caution here.......If you have a small child that really likes animals.........DON'T PET THE DOG!!!!.....My DD tried and was scared a little when the guard with the dog told her NO!!!!Understandable and I knew about this from the board but, being so overwhellemed by the experience, I just didn't see her headed toward the dog.
Once on the ship we headed to our state room(6102)and got our dinner rotation.(Bags beat us there) Next the mad rush to make those all important Palo and spa ressies. Once that was done my DD wanted to get into the pool, so knowing this ahead of time, my DW had allready had her bathing suit under her clothes......and in she went. I spent the rest of the day doing my best David Hasselhoff impression watching over the health and wellbeing of my DD at the pool, That is, untill.......THE BOAT DRILL.......*Question* how do explain to a four year old that she has to get out of the only thing that she wants to do to stand around for 30mins. while we wait for all the people that didn't think this was important to show up to the drill on time.*Answer*YOU CAN'T!!!!DON'T TRY!!!!Note...Do everyone a favore get to this on time....you'll make more freinds, this also applies to shore excurtions.
After that we went back to the room and being a little tired from the day before, we ordered room service and I'll tell ya.....the cheese burger that I ordered was pretty darn good, unfortunatly unless you like celery and carrots on your pizza don't get the vegitarian pizza like my DW did. After that we stayed in, sitting on the veranda watching the real world slip away into the wash from our stern.(Note.....The Bon Voyage drink(the red and white drink) comes highly recomended by DW)
Day one rating:7(on a scale from 1 to 10)
More to come...................................................:wave:
Sounds like fun, thanks for sharing! Did you take the Disney buses from WDW to the cruise? Where did you get the bus from, and does it come to all of the hotels? Do you think it allowed you to get there early enough?


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