“Our Trip Behind the Bricks---- A Darkside Redux… “

Once again, another fabulous TR! I am really enjoying it!!

If I could just get my 3 Editors to decide on the pics for the next installment..... (I never should have brought them into the process ;)....)

If I could just get my 3 Editors to decide on the pics for the next installment..... (I never should have brought them into the process ;)....)

Too many cooks? You know what they say about that. :)
Too many cooks? You know what they say about that. :)

Oh boy, don't I know it. I need NextGen in the house so I can schedule a TR completion time.

But, I doubt there would be any availability since I'm inside of 60 days.....;)

Tell them their fans are waiting for an update! :)

They're all 3 off island tomorrow for Dr.'s appointments. One whole afternoon to myself. Update guaranteed for tomorrow evening!
Oh boy, don't I know it. I need NextGen in the house so I can schedule a TR completion time.

But, I doubt there would be any availability since I'm inside of 60 days.....;)

They're all 3 off island tomorrow for Dr.'s appointments. One whole afternoon to myself. Update guaranteed for tomorrow evening!

Well, my trip was in December and I finally just started last week. :rotfl: So when you need to feel better about your progress, just compare yours to mine.

I hope you have a productive afternoon!
Well, my trip was in December and I finally just started last week. :rotfl: So when you need to feel better about your progress, just compare yours to mine.

I hope you have a productive afternoon!

Can you post your link here or PM me it? I'd like to follow along! We might be heading west this year! :)

ETA Never mind! found it in your signature!
Well, I’m back after the long hiatus. I do have plenty of excuses, however – work, travel, family reunion, and most importantly: The Pinewood Derby. For some reason, the other three members of our small family unit seem to think they have the ability to prioritize My priorities! Sadly, it’s obviously quite true. Hence, the real reason for my lateness to this update - I have no control over anything that goes on around here, whatsoever.

However, I do solemnly promise to not pull a “Behind the Music” trick on you and subject everyone to a full page or two of re-cap just to get you back up-to-speed. I mean, am I the only one frustrated by shows like that? When they use the first five minutes after a commercial break to “refresh” us on what happened right before the commercial break? Have we become that much of an interrupt driven society with no short term memory capability?


Day Three: Water Rides


It was another beautiful morning for a walk to the Park. You can see just how excited (and silly) the boys are for “water day” in the pictures, below. Everybody’s all geared up in their suits, wands in hand, and ready to go!



This was the day we’d always set aside for wetness – wetness in that water ride way. The weather reports leading up to the trip showed it would be our warmest day, with plenty of sunshine and highs in the lower 80’s. We got up and ready a little later than usual that morning. No reason to hurry with the Early Entry change still at IOA. As long as we could get one of the first trains to US for a couple of rides on Gringott’s, grab some interactive wand time, head back to IOA for Jurassic Park and Dudley, and then a nice walk over to The Hard Rock for pool time in their favorite pool (already wet, remember), followed by a nice pool side lunch at our favorite poolside Bar and Grill, it would be a perfect day.

Well, for the boys and I, that is. Mom’s not the biggest water ride person in the world. And, the whole “three consecutive rides in a Bilge Rat Barge raft without even getting out” experience last year gave her a pretty good idea of what she was in for and what Universal Studios’ idea of “wet” is. Plus, I know it’s tougher for you Moms out there. Us guys, we never think about what we need to carry, what shouldn’t get wet, what should be in a bag, where the lockers are, etc. It’s why we stand around afterwards kinda dumbfounded, wondering why our wallet’s completely soaked through. But, she’s definitely never going to back down from a challenge, either.

Her only consolation was that The Barges were down for yearly re-furb. I mean, how much wetter could Dudley be…? I actually think I might have said that to her. She should definitely know me much, much better than that, by now….;)

We arrived right about 8:30am, which worked out nicely since the EE crowd was already past the turnstiles.



A quick walk to Hogsmeade and straight on the Hogwart's Express. Once in DA, Gringott's was only at a 15 minute wait for our first ride and a posted 30 minutes for the second. Though we were in, on, and back out front in 25 minutes, which was perfectly acceptable. The wait was up to 40 minutes when we exited.


I don’t think the Goblin statue gets enough love. My first Boss had that same expression.

And Christian thought Mom needed a little easing into the whole wet ride thing…..


Some of the Interactive Wand spots are incredibly intricate. This is one of my faves. The Suit of Armor actually becomes animated when the kids perform the correct spell and it rises up off of the floor. Impressive.


Back to IOA we go. Funny thing is, I believe this was actually our first trip going from DA to Hogsmeade because of the Early Entry change. DW and I came to prefer this direction a little more. We had to stop for the obligatory Platform 9 3/4 pictures, of course!



It's a great effect. The kids were really impressed. I can't imagine how much fun it was to work on the DA design and Build Team. Very challenging, I'm sure, but it had to be incredibly fulfilling.

We did a quick run into the Discovery Center. Not only do the boys enjoy it, but it’s a great bathroom spot. DW loves it since the bathrooms near Jurassic Park River Adventure can get a little, what’s the best way to put it, “gamey” with all of the water ride traffic. DW would probably throw in a few, more descriptive adjectives if it was just the ladies talking. For me, the Guys Restroom was fine. The lights worked; there was water, and not one dead body to step over. What more do you really need in a bathroom…? So, that’s a heads up for some of you delicate types– The Discovery Center is a good Pit Stop.



The guys with the Baby Dinosaur are really good – the boys love it. They also loved getting me to pet it since they’d obviously already set me up with the handler. That little dino bit me – hard. Ha, ha, ha. Two funny, funny boys I have…

Off to rent a locker for the perishables (there’s a charge factor for the ones by the water rides, btw) and then on to JPRA.

Okay, we’ve hit the “Wet” part of the Trip Report. I think I’ll let the Ride Pictures tell most of our adventure. They do it way, way better than I – a “Collage of Increasing Wetness” I would call them if this was one of those "hoity toity" Photography books we all place on our coffee tables, but never look at. Just pay close attention to the increase in Wetness Level from ride to ride. Remember, I’m doing this as a Public Service.

If you had a chance to look at last year’s report, it was a little cooler, which is why we rode like we were heading into a full Nor'easter, all decked out in foul weather gear. Not this year. This year we rode completely sans protection. As you can see:

Ride One, Back Row



Ride Two, Front Row.



Feel free to laugh. I do. It’s hilarious. I think DW said it best after three rides: “The good thing is, I could have wet my pants when I was screaming during the big drop and nobody would ever know – that’s how wet I am…” She should know better. Those are the types of comments that keep the boys begging her to ride again and again. Continuing on with the Public Service Announcement, I should point out that the front row is much wetter than the back. A lot wetter. I know that should be obvious, but these days I really feel I should emphasize it, just in case. Like those warnings on the new toasters with the picture that shows how you shouldn't use the toaster while in the bathtub. And I’m a much better and safer person now that I know to not bathe with my toaster. We did one more ride up front, but no ride photo. DW actually tried to kick me when I suggested we go over and take a look at it.

We absolutely love this ride, btw. I know some think it’s a bit dated. But, all of the animatronic dino’s were working this time, as well as all of the water effects. The drop is one of the best anywhere, and that huge T-Rex reaching down at you before the drop is one of the best “set-up the newbies for the big finale” ever placed on a ride – just the way it changes your visual perspective right before the drop. Love it, though I wouldn't be surprised if JPRA gets a major update right before Kong’s finished. That whole area is going to see a big uptick in traffic after the opening. So, it would make sense.

On to Dudley! I mean, how much wetter could we get? We decided to leave our stuff in the locker by JPRA. Already paying for it, so why look for a closer one down the path?

Dudley. There’s a big part of me that actually enjoys a little tongue-in-cheek “kitschiness” in a major Theme Park, where they don’t take themselves too seriously, where cardboard cutouts, low-grade animatrons, and lame jokes are the thing. Maybe even a bad paint job, or two. Of course, not that any Theme Park would ever take themselves too seriously….;)

I know we‘re probably in the very small minority, but we actually like Dinoland in AK and rides like Primeval Whirl. It takes me back to those small town carnival days. Dudley is right in that vein, but wrapped around a pretty impressive log ride. Splash Mountain is definitely unchallenged king of the hill for theme-ing , but Dudley takes the prizes for thrill, wetness and drop. As a side note, I’ve seen a lot of references and threads about the ride vehicle and size of seating. I had no probs. I’m 6’4” 240, with a worn out football knee and a herniated disk. I didn't have any problems. The seats adjust a bit and, for you taller folks, the trick of going in straight-legged worked fine for me. Now, getting out of it.....

Hmmm…. what is “Dudley Wetness.” Try to think of Splash Mountain -- but in a hurricane. That should about cover it. The nice thing is the wetness starts pretty much right away, with lots of little waterfalls, side to sides, nice small and intermediate drops, and the big finish – oh, and people squirting you from the bridge - can’t forget that. There are some pretty good POV ride videos of Dudley on YouTube, if you’re interested. It’s just a darn shame we forgot to show them to DW before we left……. :scratchin

Ride One


That was enough for Russell and Mom. As you can see, Mom had her mouth open. That would have been wonderful – if she’d really wanted to bring that mouthful of Dudley water home as a souvenir - not kidding. But, it’s these little things, these little known Easter Eggs that keep bringing us back year, after year.... So, while they head off to grab our stuff from the locker, back into the line Christian and I go. I mean, why not? By this point, I've regressed into full 12 year old mode (DW says it’s not that far of a trip for me). Of course we have to do the front. I can’t let down my 9 year old, can I?

Ride Two


Okay. Now I’m embarrassingly, head to toe, wring out the socks, soaked. But, not embarrassed enough to put all of my lunch money into one of those whole body, “people dryers”. They are not cheap, by a long stretch. Besides, the line was about an hour long with all of the teen-aged girls from the BTG’s trying to resurrect their hairdos. Some of the longest lines I saw the whole trip. As much money as they were throwing away in those things, I’ll bet Uni could make enough top line revenue for a complete 3rd Gate build-out just by putting in "pay as you go" hair dryer stands, or their version of BBB right across from Dudley. Amazing.

Christian thought it was awesome the Photo TM put that thought bubble over the lady riding behind us. Some of the TM’s really get into it. It’s a nice touch and hilarious. For us, that is, but I’m sure not for that poor lady. Luckily, she was too scared to scream in my ear the whole time. Most of it, but thankfully not the whole time. ::yes::

Russell and Mom met us in front the PhotoConnect Ride Photo stand after picking up the locker stuff. So, we head out for The Hard Rock and lunch. A nice, warm, sunny walk to finish up the drying-off.

It was a perfect day to take a few pics down the walking path that leads from the Parks to HRH and PBH. It’s beautifully landscaped and such a nice way to degauss from a day in the Parks, as you walk back to the hotels. I was looking forward to taking some nice shots with the camera since it was a brightly lit afternoon. But, here comes the yearly, Griswold family camera incident….

So, I pull out the Pentax, take off the lens cap, and turn the lever. The lens extends, but there’s nothing but a bright blue screen on the display. And yes, they have blue screens of death just like Microsoft Operating Systems. Oh, Joy…. and I was really pretty happy with that camera. The functions and layout were intuitive and well designed, it seemed to take decent pictures, and was a good compromise from lugging the Nikon D50 around. Back we now have to go to that “Amazing Technology Known as IPhone” as our camera for the rest of the trip. Luckily, the problem didn't compromise any of the pics we’d already taken. As a matter of fact, we could still view those on the display, just not anything that had to do with actually taking a picture – go figure. We got a chuckle (sort of) out of the tech support guy later that evening when he said “Did you move around a lot or shake the camera at all while you were using it...? It doesn’t like that….”

“We’re in a Theme Park with RIDES for Chrissakes! What do you think, my friend….?” I mean, what kind of camera that’s advertised as “great for action shots”, doesn’t “like to move around…... “ :confused3

So, the rest of this Trip’s Visuals are now brought to you by Apple. Same as last year, as I know I should have expected.

The Walking Path and Butterfly Garden (sans the butterfly close-ups I'd been look forward to taking for the Past Year...! :headache:)





Even though DW seems to be doing one of those thoughtful, artsy poses in the picture above, she’s actually trying to get the Pentax to work while I walked back a bit for a couple of shots. Pictures, actually. The shots were for later, after that wonderful Pentax customer service call.

Pool Time


The boys couldn't wait to get back to the Hard Rock Pool. Their favorite last year and our favorite pool lunch spot. You can see that it’s a lot of fun and a great place for kids to meet up and make a few new friends. It just has that kind of vibe.




We've even relaxed from the techno fiasco, as you can see. Hard Rock drinks are perfect for that. I can’t remember what she and I ordered. I just remember the waitress saying “that’s so sad about your camera - I know just which drinks you need…” Sometimes you just gotta put all of your cares and worries into the hands of a professional. That was one of those times. They were excellent, but then I’m not sure I've ever actually had a bad drink at a Hard Rock Pool.


DW and I split the Ahi Tuna (two pieces are missing. It seems there isn't One Single Person in this family who can wait ‘till after the picture...! :badpc: ) It was quite good, btw.


Russell and Christian split The Wings and the monstrous Chili Cheese Fries:


I’d give a review of both, but I think I’ll just let these pictures do the review for me – saves a lot of typing.



Another great afternoon at the Hard Rock. Even if you’re not staying there, I highly suggest taking advantage of those pool-hopping privileges and head on over. It’s a great place for some good times.

With that, it’s time to head back and get ready for a really fun evening.

On Deck: A Mini-Golf Throw Down Cage Match and the much anticipated Cowfish Sushi….!!!

I promise to have it up before Memorial Day….. (kidding)

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Awesome day! Your pics really show how much fun you're all having. DD and I did all 3 water rides on a coolish day in November and we were completely 110% soaked. The snipers got us from the bridge on the barges and as a final f-u after the drop on the Dudley ride I got a wave to the face as we rounded the first corner. Looking forward to doing it all again in April with a bit of warmer weather!
Awesome day! Your pics really show how much fun you're all having. DD and I did all 3 water rides on a coolish day in November and we were completely 110% soaked. The snipers got us from the bridge on the barges and as a final f-u after the drop on the Dudley ride I got a wave to the face as we rounded the first corner. Looking forward to doing it all again in April with a bit of warmer weather!
Ha! Maybe we need to start a Dudley Wave Support Group. I know DW would be right in there with you :thumbsup2

They are a lot of fun though, aren't they? We've come to really looking forward to Water Ride Day on our trips and get nervous if the weather report looks iffy the week before we go.
OMG those pictures on the rides! I should really know better by now to NOT READ these during kid awake hours! (I laugh-they ask what I'm laughing at and immediately head over to see computer screen...-they still don't know we are going in June). I think the "water" rides in the parks at WDW are tame-we live by Branson MO -- and Silver Dollar City--and last year we all got off Kali and said "That's it??" . SDC has some soaker rides so looking forward to Universals! Plus we will be there in hotter-than-Hades June...
Can't wait til next installment!
OMG those pictures on the rides! I should really know better by now to NOT READ these during kid awake hours! (I laugh-they ask what I'm laughing at and immediately head over to see computer screen...-they still don't know we are going in June). I think the "water" rides in the parks at WDW are tame-we live by Branson MO -- and Silver Dollar City--and last year we all got off Kali and said "That's it??" . SDC has some soaker rides so looking forward to Universals! Plus we will be there in hotter-than-Hades June...
Can't wait til next installment!
We've done the secret Theme Park trip thing with the boys. Man, was that tougher than we expected. Just like you're saying, I spent half the time planning on the computer looking over my shoulder - so I sympathize! And I've heard SDC has some good soakers. You'll be more than happy with Uni's. I lived in Fla as a kid. I don't know if I'd even leave the Toon Lagoon and Jurassic areas in the Summer!.

I really can't wait for the big new Uni Water Park. 200 ft Volcano that erupts? and with water slides...? How great is that going to be....
Excellent update!

I think it's great how they put all those water rides in one area of the park...so you can keep the water rides contained.

Love the Discovery Zone...I really believe it saved our life (or at least the day) last August when it was a billion degrees out and we could just chill in there for a bit with the dinos and have a soda!
Thanks for sharing, I have enjoyed reading this one too! Great pics, mad storytelling skillz, what's not to like?

I've made a few short trips back too in the last year, but TRs are not my forte. Enjoyed RPH over Labor Day, backed into a day-trip private VIP tour last month, and then a quick return once more for a weekend at Cabana Bay--had a great time too. Diagon Alley in particular is very impressive, and the laid-back pace at Universal has been winning out for us lately, Disney hasn't seen us for 6 months--an eternity for us!

Keep 'em coming. :goodvibes
Excellent update!

I think it's great how they put all those water rides in one area of the park...so you can keep the water rides contained.

Love the Discovery Zone...I really believe it saved our life (or at least the day) last August when it was a billion degrees out and we could just chill in there for a bit with the dinos and have a soda!
I agree, they should re-name it Discovery Oasis. If it ever goes away for some other attraction, I hope it's just as much of an Oasis, escape from the heat, chill spot....
Thanks for sharing, I have enjoyed reading this one too! Great pics, mad storytelling skillz, what's not to like?

I've made a few short trips back too in the last year, but TRs are not my forte. Enjoyed RPH over Labor Day, backed into a day-trip private VIP tour last month, and then a quick return once more for a weekend at Cabana Bay--had a great time too. Diagon Alley in particular is very impressive, and the laid-back pace at Universal has been winning out for us lately, Disney hasn't seen us for 6 months--an eternity for us!

Keep 'em coming. :goodvibes
Wow, I'd love to do one of the VIP tours some day. Haven't heard anything but great stuff about them.

And dude, don't sell yourself short on your TR's. I found your Cali TR as one of the most concise, objective, and informative I've read. Seriously. Between Mom's TR's and yours, I know I won't even need to crack one of those overpriced propaganda Guide Books for our 1st trip west (maybe) even next year.....
Wow, I'd love to do one of the VIP tours some day. Haven't heard anything but great stuff about them.

And dude, don't sell yourself short on your TR's. I found your Cali TR as one of the most concise, objective, and informative I've read. Seriously. Between Mom's TR's and yours, I know I won't even need to crack one of those overpriced propaganda Guide Books for our 1st trip west (maybe) even next year.....

Well, thanks. At the very least mine wasn't half as entertaining as yours is. Mine reads more like a phone book!

I'll PM you the circumstances and details of the VIP tour if interested.
Well, thanks. At the very least mine wasn't half as entertaining as yours is. Mine reads more like a phone book!

I'll PM you the circumstances and details of the VIP tour if interested.
Absolutely. Would love to know. We got AP's just in case we need to go down and help with MiL anytime this year (hopefully for good not bad reasons). Having APs help if we ever want to chunk down some extra for a VIP.....
I've been reading this great report in-between watching tennis, basketball and now the Walking Dead season finale (unlike the other poster, I can't delay Walking Dead, sorry bro). I have to say, your family is just lovely and your report was fantastic. My DS, age 8, LOVED the pics. He is SO excited to get there at the end of May. We have invited Josh from easywdw to join us. He said he probably would! Once upon a time, I was having problems with my then-hubby (who is no longer hubby) and he had pretty much abandoned us in Disney and I saw Josh taking pics, knew who he was, and it made me feel better just seeing a friendly face. Now, I've been dating a wonderful guy for several years (and my son loves him and his kids). His kids went to Universal last year and now we're going this year. Josh will hopefully review one of the restaurants we go to! :)
I've been reading this great report in-between watching tennis, basketball and now the Walking Dead season finale (unlike the other poster, I can't delay Walking Dead, sorry bro). I have to say, your family is just lovely and your report was fantastic. My DS, age 8, LOVED the pics. He is SO excited to get there at the end of May. We have invited Josh from easywdw to join us. He said he probably would! Once upon a time, I was having problems with my then-hubby (who is no longer hubby) and he had pretty much abandoned us in Disney and I saw Josh taking pics, knew who he was, and it made me feel better just seeing a friendly face. Now, I've been dating a wonderful guy for several years (and my son loves him and his kids). His kids went to Universal last year and now we're going this year. Josh will hopefully review one of the restaurants we go to! :)
What a great, great story. I can't tell you how much it brightened up my not so great Monday. Thank you! :goodvibes

Life has a way of coming around, doesn't it? And just when you think it might not. Just gotta keep the faith. And I'm so glad I helped a bit in getting your DS excited - he's going to have such a blast!

Oh, and if you get a chance, tell Josh he brings it and he's helped us tremendously in the past. Besides, the last time I checked, snark never hurts - and heck, it's not even a misdemeanor in the Great State of Florida....

And I can't wait to hear how it goes - a post or PM, whichever you want - I very much look forward to it....


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