“Dreams Come True Momma!” A 2 year old’s first trip ~ May 2015~Complete {NEW TR LINK!}

Nice update, fun pics of Little Miss with the Light Saber!

I have to say, I’m neither impressed or a fan of this show. Every TR and video I have ever seen of this show indicated that this show was designed in such a way that the kids spend most of the show dancing around. And while the CMs on stage repeatedly encourage the kids to get up and dance my experience was that any time a kid (mine included) started to get up to do just that a CM would appear at the side and fuss at the parent to make the kid sit. *** So Instead of getting to watch Little Miss enjoy herself and Dance it was a constant battle of “Sit down now”. Not at all worth the hype and I won’t bother with it again.

I agree it seems like they are supposed to get up and dance around, why would they have to sit on the floor and then have the puppets so high up where they probably can't see them too well unless they are standing? If they want them to sit, there should be chairs.
That was quite a group of characters in your husband's first Tower of Terror ride photo. I love the small child clutching her father's shirt and the trophy wife in the front row!

I really like the Star Wars shirt on Little Miss. I bet those sold out fast.

I'll guess you went to Magic Kingdom and rode four rides before watching Wishes.
that sounds very annoying to try and get the speeder bike photo and having the people cut through. if they have that set up as a photopass opportunity they should set up a rope or something to heard people around

That's odd that they told you to sit during the Disney Jr show, we never experienced that - always kids jumping and dancing around (especially when the gold doubloons fall from the ceiling) :confused3

Sorry that you didn't win at TSMM and also that timing didn't work out and you missed Lights, Motors, Action - especially given the strong rumors that it will close as part of the updates to the park

Love the magic shot with Stitch as Little Miss has that look of "yeah, ok, Stitch coming up through the concrete ... what's the big deal?" :rotfl:
My one problem with this location is the number of rude people who refused to walk around the photographer and instead chose to breeze right in front of her.

People are either getting more and more impatient, more rude, or both.

There was such a stream of people doing it that it took me stepping to the side and shoving the stroller in the path forcing people around us so that the photopass photographer could get the photo for the people in front of us.:sad2::mad:

Good move. I may have to rent a stroller to employ this tactic!

I unfortunately have no pictures of this because it had been so long since we have seen it that we just soaked it in and enjoyed Little Miss’s reactions.

It's always a bit of a balancing act I find.
Take enough pictures so the TR has enough and don't take so much that you're not enjoying the moment.


She looks like she's thinking "But Mama, will he help me like you did?"

As you can see, DH creamed me any ways. :headache::rolleyes2

Yes, but I noticed that Little Miss got zero, so he didn't have the same handicap you did last time.
I'm calling it a draw.

And while the CMs on stage repeatedly encourage the kids to get up and dance my experience was that any time a kid (mine included) started to get up to do just that a CM would appear at the side and fuss at the parent to make the kid sit. *** So Instead of getting to watch Little Miss enjoy herself and Dance it was a constant battle of “Sit down now”. Not at all worth the hype and I won’t bother with it again.

I thought the whole point of that show was to get the kids up and dancing.
I remember taking my DDs there when they were little and they loved it!
But that's because when the bubbles started coming down, all the kids were on their feet trying to catch/pop them.

I totally don't get why the CMs on stage would be encouraging the kids to stand while the CMs in the crowd would be telling them to sit.
That is nuts!

Well, someone looks like he's having fun! :laughing:

Same row far left. Poor little girl is so scared she's practically pulling her Dad's shirt off.

Okay, that whole car is hillarious.
I especially like the same row opposite side on the video.

Do NOT mess with Miss!

We hadn’t been able to catch that show on our previous trip and it was high on our to-do list for this afternoon. Now because of my slip up it wasn’t going to happen again!

Oh, too bad.
Guess you'll just have to go back then, right?

we stopped at Writer’s Stop for some treats

Okay, you got a carrot cake cookie... did DH and DD get the same? or?

Which Park do we end up going to this evening?

I'll go with Epcot.

How many rides do we end up doing while we are there?

Hmmmm.... two.
My one problem with this location is the number of rude people who refused to walk around the photographer and instead chose to breeze right in front of her.
I think it is a combination of being a bad spot, and rude people. It is kind of hard to see anything there if you walk up on it from the wrong angle. But then again, a PP photographer pointing a camera in that direction should be a pretty good indication that you're getting in the way.

I unfortunately have no pictures of this because it had been so long since we have seen it that we just soaked it in and enjoyed Little Miss’s reactions.

As you can see, DH creamed me any ways. :headache::rolleyes2
:rotfl2: He also didn't help Little Miss get any points. :rolleyes1

I have to say, I’m neither impressed or a fan of this show. Every TR and video I have ever seen of this show indicated that this show was designed in such a way that the kids spend most of the show dancing around. And while the CMs on stage repeatedly encourage the kids to get up and dance my experience was that any time a kid (mine included) started to get up to do just that a CM would appear at the side and fuss at the parent to make the kid sit.
Wow. We've never had this experience there before. They always make you keep the marked aisles clear... so no dancing in the aisles, but I can't recall them ever making the kids sit down.

So Instead of getting to watch Little Miss enjoy herself and Dance it was a constant battle of “Sit down now”. Not at all worth the hype and I won’t bother with it again.
Definitely not fun. And I don't blame you. I really don't like going to that show. The kids love it though and they tolerate me riding things I like to do... so whatever.

Surprisingly one of his times on TOT was walk on even though it was the middle of the day.
Wow! That's pretty good. He got quite a bit done while you were in the show. I couldn't help but notice all the terrified kids in his first ToT picture. :rotfl:

When I set the itinerary I somehow forgot to give a full proper hour for lunch before we were scheduled to get to Lights Motors Action. We hadn’t been able to catch that show on our previous trip and it was high on our to-do list for this afternoon.
Eh, it happens. That's the hard thing about DHS. Just so hard to schedule everything in if you want to see many of the shows.

I enjoyed my Carrot Cake Cookie a lot.
I'm glad you liked it! Most people seem to really rave about it.

Which Park do we end up going to this evening?

How many rides do we end up doing while we are there?
MK, 3
I will be back soon to respond to comments. I'm trying to push and get the photobook done before a few coupons and deals expire tomorrow on shutterfly. With the book looking to be 50-60 pages its important to get the book done while I can. ( At least it's a heck of a lot shorter than what I initially thought it might be, the word doc for the Disboards version of the Trip Report is over 122 pages long! :scared1:)

Also DH's bday is Thursday so I have been busy with Birthday stuff.

One of DH's gifts this year was annual passes to the Georgia Aquarium. (All he asked for this year was a night to go eat sushi. I thought a year of fish was appropriate.:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:) I know a few of you have expressed curiosity in it on your own TRs if Y'all would like a mini TR on the aquarium let me know.
I will be back soon to respond to comments. I'm trying to push and get the photobook done before a few coupons and deals expire tomorrow on shutterfly. With the book looking to be 50-60 pages its important to get the book done while I can. ( At least it's a heck of a lot shorter than what I initially thought it might be, the word doc for the Disboards version of the Trip Report is over 122 pages long! :scared1:)

You go do what you need to do and we'll (well... at least I) will be here waiting for when you have more time.

One of DH's gifts this year was annual passes to the Georgia Aquarium. (All he asked for this year was a night to go eat sushi. I thought a year of fish was appropriate.:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:)

:lmao: Love that!

I know a few of you have expressed curiosity in it on your own TRs if Y'all would like a mini TR on the aquarium let me know.

Oh... I dunno.
Lemme think about it for a minute...

I love the Georgia Aquarium. We have season passes even though we live in Georgia, we bust it often enough it is worth it.
Great update! I really liked your family photos with the Chinese Theatre in the background. It is so much nicer than the hat. I think the hat is fine, they just needed to put it somewhere else in the park, there are plenty of places they could put it.

Little Miss looks so pretty in blue. Great photos of her in her Star Wars shirt and the light saber.
She really does! I actually back tracked when we saw the photopass guy with the blue lightsaber out. They are some of my favorite of the trip!

It sounds like your hubby was able to ride quite a bit while the two of you were at the Disney junior show. I, agree with the whole idea that the show was intended for the kids to just bop around and dance, so they should let them. The CMs should just watch for ones that get really carried away and are more physical.
::yes:: If she had been able to enjoy herself and dance that would have been one thing but It was torture to keep her down especially when all she was doing was trying to follow the directions of the people on stage. :confused3

My guess is that you go to EPCOT in the evening and ride five rides.

Next time! You'll beat him next time! And if not then, the time after that! :cutie:

I absolutely love this pictures of her with the matching lightsaber!
I actually back tracked when we saw the photopass guy with the blue lightsaber out. They are some of my favorite of the trip!

I'm going to say you go to MK... and end up doing 4 rides.

Fun update! Your DH's shirt is pretty cool. Don't think I've ever seen that one before.
:thanks:Another Woot Shirt find.

I don't think you ended up at MK, because we were supposed to meet that night and we did not, so I am going to go with EPCOT and 1 ride (the Mexican small world...can't think of it's proper name, LOL). Yes, I am winging it these days on what you did! I may not win, but I promise to be creative! I think you all spent some time wandering the World Showcase.

Fun update!

I love Little Miss's R2D2 tee-shirt -- and with the blue and white bows in her hair -- she was simply Star Wars fabulous :)
:thanks: I have to give credit to @duggett for the shirt. She found it first and when I saw it on her PTR I hunted it down myself. And then just HAD to make bows to match. :rotfl: But I was pretty happy with how it turned out. And the outfit has become one of Little MIss's favorites!

I agree with your feelings on the Disney Jr. Show. Half the time, my DS couldn't really see the puppet characters at all because of their placement on the stage and his low viewing vantage point. And sitting on that floor, criss-cross applesauce, jammed in between tons of people..... not fun for me or DH :sad2:
Can't say I'll be sad if it went away in the DHS redo.

I'm guessing you guys went to Epcot in the evening and went on Spaceship Earth and Figment :)
Nice update, fun pics of Little Miss with the Light Saber!
:thanks: The lightsaber pics are some of my favorite.

I agree it seems like they are supposed to get up and dance around, why would they have to sit on the floor and then have the puppets so high up where they probably can't see them too well unless they are standing? If they want them to sit, there should be chairs.
I really don't know what was up with the show. Maybe it was a fluke but unless she really insists on going back I won't return.

That was quite a group of characters in your husband's first Tower of Terror ride photo. I love the small child clutching her father's shirt and the trophy wife in the front row!
:rotfl: I think people watching is the best part of getting the ride photos isn't?

I really like the Star Wars shirt on Little Miss. I bet those sold out fast.
:thanks: @duggett is the one that found them at old navy before the trip. I saw it on her PTR and hunted it down at Old Navy. Its now one of Little MIss's favorite shirts.

I'll guess you went to Magic Kingdom and rode four rides before watching Wishes.

that sounds very annoying to try and get the speeder bike photo and having the people cut through. if they have that set up as a photopass opportunity they should set up a rope or something to heard people around
You would think right? :confused3

That's odd that they told you to sit during the Disney Jr show, we never experienced that - always kids jumping and dancing around (especially when the gold doubloons fall from the ceiling) :confused3
Who knows maybe it was a fluke or poorly trained CMs the day we went. Not worth it to go back though.

Sorry that you didn't win at TSMM and also that timing didn't work out and you missed Lights, Motors, Action - especially given the strong rumors that it will close as part of the updates to the park
Meh, we had fun that was what matters. And at least writing up the TR made me figure out how I slipped up with the timing issue. I'm pretty sure it came down to a last minute menu change at the QS outside of LMA.

Love the magic shot with Stitch as Little Miss has that look of "yeah, ok, Stitch coming up through the concrete ... what's the big deal?" :rotfl:
She was exhausted at that point.
People are either getting more and more impatient, more rude, or both.

Good move. I may have to rent a stroller to employ this tactic!
It won't be the last time I used the stroller as a crowd managing device. I found that it was almost as useful in that regard as it was as a stroller.

It's always a bit of a balancing act I find.
Take enough pictures so the TR has enough and don't take so much that you're not enjoying the moment.

She looks like she's thinking "But Mama, will he help me like you did?"

Yes, but I noticed that Little Miss got zero, so he didn't have the same handicap you did last time.
I'm calling it a draw.
Works for me! :thumbsup2:rotfl: Though DH CLAIMS that he was under the impression that she got those 500 by herself. :rolleyes:

I thought the whole point of that show was to get the kids up and dancing.
I remember taking my DDs there when they were little and they loved it!
But that's because when the bubbles started coming down, all the kids were on their feet trying to catch/pop them.

I totally don't get why the CMs on stage would be encouraging the kids to stand while the CMs in the crowd would be telling them to sit.
That is nuts!
I know right! :confused3 THat was my impression!

Well, someone looks like he's having fun! :laughing:

Same row far left. Poor little girl is so scared she's practically pulling her Dad's shirt off.

Okay, that whole car is hillarious.
I especially like the same row opposite side on the video.

Do NOT mess with Miss!
::yes:: some of my favorite pics of the trip!

Oh, too bad.
Guess you'll just have to go back then, right?

Okay, you got a carrot cake cookie... did DH and DD get the same? or?
DH got a Selma's cookie (White Chocolate Chip or something) which we determined wasn't quite as good as my carrot cake cookie. Little Miss got a standard Mickey sugar cookie. She was happy with hers for the most part.

I'll go with Epcot.

Hmmmm.... two.

I think it is a combination of being a bad spot, and rude people. It is kind of hard to see anything there if you walk up on it from the wrong angle. But then again, a PP photographer pointing a camera in that direction should be a pretty good indication that you're getting in the way.
That might just be it.

:rotfl2: He also didn't help Little Miss get any points. :rolleyes1
DH CLAIMS that he was under the impression that she got those 500 by herself. :rolleyes: :rotfl2:

Wow. We've never had this experience there before. They always make you keep the marked aisles clear... so no dancing in the aisles, but I can't recall them ever making the kids sit down.
Really they jammed us in so tight I'm not sure there was room for the kids to dance even if they had let them. Who knows.

Definitely not fun. And I don't blame you. I really don't like going to that show. The kids love it though and they tolerate me riding things I like to do... so whatever.
yeah, I'm thankful that Little MIss came away pretty underwhelmed as well.

Wow! That's pretty good. He got quite a bit done while you were in the show. I couldn't help but notice all the terrified kids in his first ToT picture. :rotfl:
That he did!

Eh, it happens. That's the hard thing about DHS. Just so hard to schedule everything in if you want to see many of the shows.
::yes:: At least I have figured out how the mistake happened. I think I can chop it up to a last minute menu change at our originally planned QS.

I'm glad you liked it! Most people seem to really rave about it.
If you like Carrot cake and/ cream cheese frosting you will love it. It is a very nice cream cheese frosting that is not overpoweringly sweet.


You go do what you need to do and we'll (well... at least I) will be here waiting for when you have more time.

:lmao: Love that!
Glad my humor is appreciated! :rotfl::rotfl2:

Oh... I dunno.
Lemme think about it for a minute...

I thought you might! :rotfl2:

I love the Georgia Aquarium. We have season passes even though we live in Georgia, we bust it often enough it is worth it.
The passes really are worth it. They pay for themselves in two trips.
The passes really are worth it. They pay for themselves in two trips.

I am totally blaming the phone for saying we live in Georgia. We totally live in Maryland and still have season passes to the Georgia Aquarium. It is totally worth it since we end up going 3 to 4 times a year. We visit my parents in Georgia often, we're here right now in fact.
As we left the exit shop we went and got in line for the speeder bike photopass shot.
I wish we had remembered to do this! Izzy loves speeder bikes! (well, at least her toy version)

And while the CMs on stage repeatedly encourage the kids to get up and dance my experience was that any time a kid (mine included) started to get up to do just that a CM would appear at the side and fuss at the parent to make the kid sit.
Wow, sounds like an unusual experience, from what I've heard. We were able to dance/stand, but I did notice the CMs were pouncing on any kid that got into the aisle. There was one little girl in front that kept dancing into the aisle and they were constantly retrieving her. But dancing in your spot was fine. :confused3

I love this whole series of pictures! Just adorable! :lovestruc

After we met up we headed to ABC Commissary for some lunch. It was while DH was getting our food that I realized my mistake in timing. When I set the itinerary I somehow forgot to give a full proper hour for lunch before we were scheduled to get to Lights Motors Action.
I was able to guess this one because we had a similar issue. We had to really rush lunch at ABC Commissary too. Sorry you missed LMA.

Which Park do we end up going to this evening?
Um, Epcot?

How many rides do we end up doing while we are there?

Also DH's bday is Thursday so I have been busy with Birthday stuff.
Happy birthday to your DH! :bday:

One of DH's gifts this year was annual passes to the Georgia Aquarium. (All he asked for this year was a night to go eat sushi. I thought a year of fish was appropriate.:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:)
:lmao: I like the way you think! :thumbsup2

if Y'all would like a mini TR on the aquarium let me know.
I love mini-TRs! :thumbsup2

:thanks: I have to give credit to @duggett for the shirt. She found it first and when I saw it on her PTR I hunted it down myself. And then just HAD to make bows to match. :rotfl: But I was pretty happy with how it turned out. And the outfit has become one of Little MIss's favorites!
Little Miss looked great in that and with those cute matching bows! Happy to help! Izzy actually wore her R2D2 shirt today too. :goodvibes (By the way, your tagging is going to someone else's profile - spelled different than my username - no biggie, though).
I am totally blaming the phone for saying we live in Georgia. We totally live in Maryland and still have season passes to the Georgia Aquarium. It is totally worth it since we end up going 3 to 4 times a year. We visit my parents in Georgia often, we're here right now in fact.
:rotfl::thumbsup2 I figured there was some kind of auto "correction" going on.

I wish we had remembered to do this! Izzy loves speeder bikes! (well, at least her toy version)
I almost forgot myself.

Wow, sounds like an unusual experience, from what I've heard. We were able to dance/stand, but I did notice the CMs were pouncing on any kid that got into the aisle. There was one little girl in front that kept dancing into the aisle and they were constantly retrieving her. But dancing in your spot was fine. :confused3
I think it must have been. I just don't hear from anyone else that this is the way the show normally is. Maybe the CMs in charge were trained wrong? :confused3

I love this whole series of pictures! Just adorable! :lovestruc
Yeah they are some of my favorite!

I was able to guess this one because we had a similar issue. We had to really rush lunch at ABC Commissary too. Sorry you missed LMA.
At least I have figured out how it happened for next time.

Um, Epcot?


Happy birthday to your DH! :bday:

:lmao: I like the way you think! :thumbsup2
:rotfl2: I knew y'all would appreciate my humor!

I love mini-TRs! :thumbsup2

Little Miss looked great in that and with those cute matching bows! Happy to help! Izzy actually wore her R2D2 shirt today too. :goodvibes
Yeah now you can see why I relented and went and got it. I'm glad I did.

By the way, your tagging is going to someone else's profile - spelled different than my username - no biggie, though).
:rotfl::rotfl2::lmao: I KNEW something was off with the spelling. Thats what I get for Dising while tired I guess! :rotfl:
DH got a Selma's cookie (White Chocolate Chip or something) which we determined wasn't quite as good as my carrot cake cookie. Little Miss got a standard Mickey sugar cookie. She was happy with hers for the most part.

I figured that a carrot cake cookie would be too big (and too rich) for her. That thing would be as big as she is!

I thought you might! :rotfl2:

Whatever gave you that impression? :laughing:
I think you went to Epcot and you rode figment, seas with Nemo and Spaceship Earth.
Finished with the photobook (Final Page Count 49 pages) Between a Sale that is going on through today, a coupon for a free 8X8 which deducts the cost of an 8X8 book from my total and Free Shipping I ended up paying $59.91 total for a $130.68 book! I'm glad I have it finished and can't wait for it to get here! I am also relieved I was able to knock over $70 off the price of the book.

I figured that a carrot cake cookie would be too big (and too rich) for her. That thing would be as big as she is!
Well if she had wanted one I would have let her get one. But What temptation does a carrot cake cookie have when there is a giant mickey shaped cookie dipped in colored chocolate when it comes to 2 year olds. :rotfl:

think you went to Epcot and you rode figment, seas with Nemo and Spaceship Earth.
Looks like you had a fun day at MGM, missing the car show excluded. Love all the star wars pics of Little Miss and her t-shirt. She's really for star wars land already ; )

We've never had an issue with standing at the Disney Jr. show, odd they asker Little Miss to sit down. Mine is all over the place jumping, dancing, and just acting a disney jr fool.

Glad ya liked the carrot cake cookie. Once of my disney snack favorites!

Congrats on getting your book done. I'm about 6 months overdue on my daughters. And would love to hear about the aquarium. We're close to the one in Baltimore so I'd be curious to do some comparison .
I ended up paying $59.91 total for a $130.68 book! I'm glad I have it finished and can't wait for it to get here! I am also relieved I was able to knock over $70 off the price of the book.

Nice score! :thumbsup2

Well if she had wanted one I would have let her get one. But What temptation does a carrot cake cookie have when there is a giant mickey shaped cookie dipped in colored chocolate when it comes to 2 year olds. :rotfl:

:laughing: What temptation indeed!
ooks like you had a fun day at MGM, missing the car show excluded.
Indeed we did!

Love all the star wars pics of Little Miss and her t-shirt. She's really for star wars land already ; )
THose ended up being some of my favorites from the trip!

We've never had an issue with standing at the Disney Jr. show, odd they asker Little Miss to sit down. Mine is all over the place jumping, dancing, and just acting a disney jr fool.
I think it was just an off day or something.

Glad ya liked the carrot cake cookie. Once of my disney snack favorites!
Mmmm it's a new favorite.

Congrats on getting your book done. I'm about 6 months overdue on my daughters.
I'm glad its done. It has been quite tedious to get done. Also knowing I was able to get it done in time to use the combo of discounts to save so much. I worried about how expensive it was going to be.

And would love to hear about the aquarium. We're close to the one in Baltimore so I'd be curious to do some comparison .
:thumbsup2 Once I recover some from the push to get the book finished and consignment sales I will get a post written up.


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