ºoº Realistic Schedule for 7 year old and 15 month old


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi, 6 more sleeps! YIPPY! WDW here we come!

I am thinking about our schedule and I don't want to to WDW commando style (like I always do). I want to RELAX but still see EVERYTHING!

dd is 7 years old, loves swimming and rides. She has congential heart defects that will tucker her out.

ds is 15 months old, loves swimming and being outside. He doesn't sleep in his stroller at home, I'm hoping that's different in WDW.

We know there will be lots of pool time because we like swimming and relaxing beside the pool. We are staying at CBR.

Here's a typical day that I'm thinking about.

8 am-ish Character breakfast
10 am at a park (let's say MK)
1 pm leave park for CBR, rest a bit and try to get ds to nap (LOL ~ right).
3pm go to a water park or sit by the pool.
5 - 6 pm dinner at resort or park or in-room.
8 pm lights out for ds and dd can stay up if she likes.

dh and I will take turns visiting wdw stuff in the evening alone.

What do you think?

There might be a couple days when ds will miss a nap because I drag him to parades and waterparks, what od you think?

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
sounds good to me. we went last summer and left for lunch in our room and nap time. it made all the difference in the evenings!
My DS has severe asthma, which severely limited our trips when he was younger. Now he's 13 and it's not so bad. My 5 year old DD is healthy but "oppositional" , as they term it. It's hard to get her up, hard to get her someplace, then hard to get her to leave, hard to get her to bed.

One thing which has worked for us is to take a least a couple of days where we sleep in, have a slow breakfast, do the swimming thing, and then only have to get ready once to go to the park. We aim to arrive around 3 or so, when the sun is less intense, and enjoy the bigger attractions as all the families are clearing out for the night. When a baby, DD would fall asleep in her stroller and it was much easier for DS to get around without the blazing sun.

Good luck, and have a wonderful time!
One thing we found is that the first aid personnel are absolutely wonderful. If your DD needs a bit of time to rest, they have beds and will cheerfully give you a little respite w/o having to trek all the way back to your room.
If you can swing it, I'd recommend at least one EE day at the MK. The lines at Fantasyland and Toontown can get long very quickly after the park opens and they stay long all day. On EE day to the MK you can often do several rides before the park opens to day guests. You're going to leave the park later to rest/swim, so you'll miss the big crowds. If you do a water park, I'd allow more time--the WDW water parks are big and they are a blast--our 5 yr and 3 yr old boys could spend all day at the water parks.
If your daughter's health permits your might really want to consider having a Fairy Godmother one night. Although you and your husband can alternate there's something very lonely about not being able to do a few attractions together.

When DD was 3 we phone ahead and reserved one who would be competent in case of medical emergency (DD also has extreme food allergies). We got one who was also an LPN! We had a beeper in case she needed to get hold of us and had a great time away for a few hours.


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