ºoº ~ Important Message from Webmaster Pete ~ ºoº


Staff member
Dec 15, 1998
Hi everyone:

We were made aware recently that an individual who was actively trying to circumvent our policy of "no for sale posts", had been arrested, and is under investigation for Internet fraud. The issue relates to the sale of pins, and this affected some on our Collectors Board.

There are many who question our guidelines, and in situations like this, I'd be remiss in pointing out the fact that this is why we have guidelines in the first place. To try and protect our visitors from situations that has plagued other sites. Fortunately, the numbers of people affected on the DIS were few, and I credit the guidelines and the hard work of the moderators for that fact.

Nonetheless, I feel I must reiterate the importance of this guideline to everyone. The size of our site makes us a HUGE target for scams. Florida is ripe with companies selling timeshares and vacations that don't exist, and never will. They are ripe with companies that book hotel rooms on-line, but never deliver the product. These companies will try, on occasion, to email visitors to the site directly and solicit their business. I cannot stress how dangerous this is. With EVERY advertiser on this site, we have checked, and double-checked to ensure that they are legitimate businesses, with strong, customer-focused ethics. The process that advertisers must go through to find a place here is rigorous, and the ones that lack legitimacy usually back away when they find out that their credentials will be checked.

If someone trying to solicit business has contacted you, and you believe that contact is related to your presence on our boards, I ask that you please notify me immediately at webmaster@wdwinfo.com. Please protect yourself and your money...don't do business with people you don't know. It's not worth risking your vacation, just to save a few dollars, when you might end up losing thousands in the process.

While we do everything we can to ensure the boards are safe, it is the ultimate responsibility of each person on the site to make sure the people they are doing business with are legitimate and honest businesses.


Pete Werner
My motto...why sleep when you can work?


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