ºoº 37 Hours to go ºoº


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
We started our count down at 400 days! Now it's only 37 hours! YIPPY! Love to hear your last minute advice!

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
You sure gave me lots of great advice when I was frantically planning our trip this past winter
and it was greatly appreciated. Our trip was so wonderful that guess what??? Surprise...we are planning another...now I know what everyone on here is talking about. Anyway, my advice to you is to ENJOY and remember the magic!!!! Have a
super fantastic time! :D
Have a great trip!!!!!! :) :) :)

<img height="124" src="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/disneyfan/NewWinnie2.jpg">

No advice but have a great trip!


11/01 Beach Club
12/01 Wonder Cruise
12/01 AKL
I'll sure be thinking about you! Be sure to tell us all about your trip when you get back. Have one of those orangejuice/yogurt swirls at the Magic Kingdom for me!! Yum! Have a ball! :D
Sandra, you seem so excited! Hope you have a great time and that the weather cooperates. My piece of advice? Get some sleep so you don't start off tired out!! (I know - easier said than done!) I was able to get only 3 hours or so the night before we left and the exhaustion hit me the next evening like a ton of bricks.

Hope you have a great vacation!!!


Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board
Cindy~ I know what you mean~ right now I am soooo tired and I have a but of work ahead of me! Just have some dishes and finish packing. It's mostly all done. I will call to confirm EVERYTHING tomorrow and hope for the best. I am VERY excited but nerves are just starting to kick in. I think when Friday morning comes I'll be ready to go go go go! THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR ADVISE! I will try to keep a journal in WDW. HEY! Hear about the shark attackes in Daytona Beach ~ guess where we are staying our first night?

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
Have a great trip and tons of fun, SandraC. I'll be waiting to hear how you enjoyed Daytona, too. Just try to relax (easier said than done, I know) and don't worry if every little last thing doesn't get done. I make list after list after list and then realize how crazy some of the stuff is, that I've got on it. Hope you have great weather, too and bring back some of that sun and warmth, will you? :D :cool: :D


off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00 (no kids)
off-site March 01
CSR & ASMu July 01
Hi Julie, I know what you mean ~ the newest list is "what to turn off before leaving ~ iron, oven etc.,."

I am all packed and ready to go! Having coffee with a friend in the morning, last minute shop, diapers, etc.,. I'm taking ds to doctor to make sure ear infection is gone. In the afternoon I'll just tidy a little and make sure I have money and tickets. THAT'S IT! A light dinner and a good sleep (sure) and off we go!

Just hope the sharks don't eat me in Daytona Beach! LOL

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
Hi SandraC: I know that last list well...... It's always strange to come home and see it still lying on the kitchen counter, those last few items all checked off and wonder "where ever did that week(s) go?"

As far as sharks, I stay pretty close to the shore. That music from "Jaws" starts to play in my head if I go too far out and although I used to be braver, I finally decided to give up body surfing in the waves in the interest of being able to walk on my own two legs into my old age! ;)

Don't forget your passport and camera, too! Have a wonderful time!! :cool:


off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00 (no kids)
off-site March 01
CSR & ASMu July 01
Have a great time SandraC...and save some magic for us.

9 more sleeps!!!!
Enjoy your holiday!!!!!!!!!!!

23 more days for us!!!!!!! Oh my l have alot to do!!


P.S. Could you please bring some nice sunny weather back with you!!
Advice?? No advice here...but lots of wishes for a wonderful fun trip!!!!!!
:cool: :cool:

<img src="http://members.home.net/otter77/Sylviam1.gif" border="0">

<font color=steelblue>SylviaM...formerly known as 'NicksMom'
Moderator ~ Canadian Board
</font color>

I hope you have a wonderful trip Sandra! If you're like me, your face will hurt from smiling so much!! :D Have fun!!! :)


Have a fun time and as the tip from the 'Daily Fix' once said: "It's only money". :D Enjoy the time with your family in the most magical place on Earth. That's something that can never be replaced.
Watch out for sharks! (Jaws was on the TV last weekend...coincidence?)
Have a great trip, Canadave
Have a wonderful trip Sandra. I'm sure that those 2 cuties of yours will have a real blast. Kathy

Oooh, I am all jealous Sandra!

As for advice, all the hard work is done so now relax and enjoy! Your plans may change a little bit but go with it! I just know you're going to have a great time!


Port Orleans 2000


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