first time buyer

  1. D

    Advice For First time Buyer (resale)

    Hi everyone. I am seriously considering buying DVC for the first time. There's simply too many factors here and I'm having trouble working through all of it and could really use some advice. We are an adult couple with no children who would like to travel every year or two. Studio is fine. I...
  2. kelsey2020

    Last-Minute Booking and Managing Expectations

    My husband and I just signed our very first DVC contract at OKW! But, I have a question for you all: My sisters and I have a WDW trip planned in April and I would love to be able to use our new points for this trip. My question is if our DVC points don't get transferred to us for a few months...
  3. T

    Best home resort for renting out

    We are looking at buying DVC (first time) and intend on some years to rent our points out (when we don't go to Disney). Since we know this is part of the plan, we want to make sure we factor this into our decision. We are trying to decide between SS or AKV. SS is cheaper, but we're willing to...
  4. cobenz

    Thinking of buying - want advice

    Hi guys, I'm thinking of buying DVC within the next year or two (once I have more saved up) and am definitely thinking of buying at least partially direct from Disney. I think I would need 150 pts total in order to do all the vacations I am dreaming of. Wondering if you guys know how much stock...
  5. MinnesoTristan

    Considering DVC - Looking for Advice

    A little bit about me: -Recently sold my house, which allowed me to pay off my auto loan, student loans, and all credit card balances, with $6K left over to put into savings. -Recently accepted a new position with significantly higher earnings. -Parents will be retiring this year, and sister...


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