Your ULTIMATE SURVIVAL GUIDE to Disney World at Christmas Time! UPDATE x2 10/21

I loved the view from you BLT room in your previous daytime photos and thought it couldn't get much better than that. But, the nightime view was truely magical!! That room is way better than I would have imagined.
And Spongebob would have left that "other" park if he had seen your view at night. :)
I seriously feel like I am in a dream every time I enter the Grand Floridian. Even more so on this specific day.


This picture is AWESOME!! I mean, all the sunset ones were gorgeous, too! But this looks like it's from a dollhouse! :thumbsup2 Disney should use this on a postcard!!

I know we'll only be in Disney for a few days (and not over Christmas Day), but you're making me want to decorate our room! :santa:

Wonderful update!!
OMG!!! That view is AMAZING!! I would not have been able to sleep. Love how you decorated your balcony.
Dinner at Narcoosee's looked so good. I definitely want to try it.
Your brother makes me laugh - what is it about boys not wanting their pictures taken? I had such trouble with my sons on our recent trip whne it came to pictures.

ps - started my own TR. It is definitely a lot of work. It will definitely not be as detailed as yours.
A few posts behind so bear with me...

Your pictures from around the Boardwalk are so pretty! I'm sure you've already answered this multiple times in this thread, but what kind of camera are you using? And do you use the same camera for your videos, or do you have a separate one for that?

My husband and I both say sa-LAD, but neither one of us has ever watched SpongeBob, so I have NO CLUE where we picked it up from, haha.

THANK YOU for the Oreo Bon Bon cross section - I've never seen one before and always wondered what they looked like on the inside.

Oh my goodness, I really want that monorail rug from the Contemporary Lobby.

Your comments about the Brown Derby bread really makes me think you should do a Top 5 Breads of Disney World list, haha. And all 5 cannot be Kona.

I don't think I've told you this, but I have a friend currently working at TSMM. That's the best kind of friend to have.

I love all the artwork in the BLT room. Also, you WOULD stay in a resort whose initials make up a food. Frump.

I looooooooove this picture!

Also - I remember reading the Manny Alejado twitter conversation and cracking up.
Okay I fell massively behind. Soooo far behind, in fact, that I missed the big move to BLT! But I'm all caught up now. :goodvibes

I am totally and completely in love with that 1-bedroom villa. I bought my first DVC contract in March (at BWV), but the add-on bug bit me hard and just this week I signed contracts on a BLT contract! :banana: I love the Contemporary, DBF and I stayed there last October and it was amazing. I think our first BLT stay is tentatively scheduled for May 2013. We're bringing a couple of our friends who have never been to Wizarding World of Harry Potter, yes it's the dark side (I know). And they haven't been to Disney since they were little kids. I'm super excited about that trip.

Christmas Eve dinner looked delicious. We've tried Citricos but not Narcooses. It's definitely on the "must-try" list.

Watching MMY from bed and then Holiday Wishes from the balcony, that must be heaven. :cloud9: Eight more days, what a trip!
AHHHHHH Your room at BLT is absolutely gorgeous! I love the Space Mountain artwork, and the booth, and the weird pull-out shelf thing, and the tile on the wall in the bathroom, and the view! OMG THE VIEW IS INCREDIBLE.

I love your Christmas lights! A+ decorating, Jess!

What were Mickey and Minnie doing in the Grand Floridian? They look so festive!

I've always wanted to dine at Narcoossees. I love the location and the food looks delicious. I'm all about the surf and turf!

MANNY ALEJADO! The most perfect child to ever exist in our collective imaginations. When other parents do that thing in which they brag about how awesome their kids are, we should start bragging about little Manny.

The gingerbread tree is so fabulous! The only thing better than a regular Christmas tree is one made out of food.

MM&Y and Holiday Wishes from your room? Perfect way to end a night. :upsidedow
I have read ALL your reports and I love them! I love how you are so excited about Disney. I am an obsessed Disney Mom with three kids and I am hoping they always have the excitement of Disney like you do. Keep the updates coming to get me through until our end of September trip. Running the Tower Of Terror 10 miler!

I am SO glad I documented the tweets from this trip because we literally had some winning material going on between the four of us. LOL I'm glad that I can be eating at the most elegant restaurant and my inner frump STILL comes out. I'm obnoxious. And LOL that absolutely would be necessary. MONORAIL CHILD BORN ON THE MONORAIL. I can see the headlines now.

haha I KNOW. We should all go to Victoria & Albert's so we can bring our frumpiness in. While eating $100 appetizers we can talk about Kristen's monorail birth plan and watch other guests file out of there like the place is on fire. OH US.

Aww thank you so much for your kind words. :goodvibes I'm glad that you like reading about everything! It truly was a once in a lifetime trip so I'm glad I am writing a trip report about it so all of the details can be remembered. I was BEYOND overwhelmed with joy and going back to write about it all makes me so happy all over again. Aww thank you! I really am thankful for every moment I get to spend in Disney and I still can't even believe this trip happened. It was too amazing to be true! Hahaha and yeah... I have no idea! Unless I like get married in Disney or something monumental like that... I don't know what could possibly top it! :rotfl: I hope you enjoy the upcoming updates too because there are A LOT of cool experiences coming up still! We still aren't even halfway through yet!

Unless you get married in Disney? hahaha I honestly have no doubt you will get married there. I can't believe you aren't even halfway done with this TR yet LOL but I love it! The more the better!!
OMG I love your post! I am in tears over beautiful, so magical, so perfect!! What a dream come true. Your pictures are absolutely breathtaking, I want to like save them and use them for backgrounds on my computer!! Loved the artsy ones, you have a great idea! I need to get to Disney during Christmas, FOR REAL. OMG how splendid.
I'm a faithful follower of all your TRs and have posted comments a few times, but I usually just lurk. ;)

I wanted to pop in to say how much I'm enjoying this TR and let you know that I'm taking note of all your tips because our October trip has been rescheduled for Christmas week. As exciting as that is, it's also a bit intimidating; so thanks for the survival guide!! :cheer2:
Hmmm.... are you sure there is definitely going to be a party that day? Because you're supposed to be able to buy tickets ahead of time. I would call Disney directly and ask :) That's a really great present though! Are you getting married in WDW? Or do you just live near the parks?
I found information on another board, but I will definitely call them! THank you :), I am getting married in WDW on December 16th at the Grand Pavilion. Love your TJ, so excited to see the decorations! We haven'te been there when the lights will be up, so I'm really excited! Also we're thinking about renting points at Bay Lake Towers, is that something you would recommend? Love seeing the pictures, glad it was a blast! I will be living through your adventures until I go in December! lol
Wow Jess your Christmas Eve couldn't have been more perfect...other than the yucky sore throat.

Your room looks so gorgeous as one of the only balconies with lights on it

I cracked up reading your twitter conversation...if I ever break down and decide to get it I so want to follow you guys as you're all awesome.

I love the dress you wore to is super cute.

Can't wait to hear more:goodvibes

Yup that was the only thing!
Thank you so much! I thought that would be a cute idea and I thought it looked lovely!
Haha you definitely should! I'm glad you enjoyed our frumpiness.
Thank you! It's from Forever 21!

What a fabulous way to spend Christmas Eve!!! And i have NO idea why- I can see all of your pictures, except for the Cheesecake ones! (So I googled it and YUM!!! DROOL! This pregnant diabetic is very jealous, and wishing I was in Orlando at this moment!)

Thank you! Oh no! Those are the most important pictures! Haha I'm glad you looked them up! Ahh congratulations on your baby! That's so exciting!

Oh my goodness, I'm so overwhelmed with happiness. Your writing style makes me feel like I'm actually there with you :)

Narcoossee's is one of the restaurants that I haven't ever been to, but it looks beautiful and delicious! I literally squealed with joy when I saw the view of the castle all lit up from your table. It made me so happy *sigh*

The monorail guy conversation was totally hysterical. My sister and I try to quote him all the time and never get it quite right, lol. I'll be on the lookout for Manny Alejandro and his movie ;)

Thanks for another awesome update!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aww thank you so much! That really means a lot to me!

You DEFINITELY should go there! It is a magical experience! Getting that window table made it even better!

Hahaha thank you! Get the monorail loop on your iPod and you can practice! :laughing: Gotta love Manny!

Thank YOU for reading!

Boardwalk Villas is our second choice.

Ahh that would be AWESOME! I stayed at the Boardwalk when I was 10 but I don't remember it. It is a beautiful resort, though! I have walked through it several times! I'm sure your vacation will be wonderful no matter what happens!

Narcoosee's is beautiful. My sister's wedding reception was there and we had such a great time! I can't wait to get to Disney for Christmas...I'll be printing out your tips page before I go...believe me!

It really is! Aww that's so wonderful for her! How lucky. That restaurant is BEYOND gorgeous... having your reception there would be a dream come trie! Haha YAY I'm so glad you will be putting the tips to use - that was what I hoped for! I hope you have a magical vacation!

Get out of here with that gorgeous hair, Rapunzel. ;) I’m jealous.

Aww thank you, Joni! Haha I love that compliment!

I think that your freak out is completely justified. I mean, you saw the castle lighting FROM YOUR HOTEL ROOM. :eek: If that’s not worth a good freak out, I don’t know what is.

I'm glad my behavior was ultimately acceptable hahaha. I WAS IN HEAVEN!!!

The Christmas Mickey and Minnie are literally the cutest things I’ve ever seen. EVER.

I know, right!? I wish I could have met them!

I am so excited to finally go to the Grand Floridian for the first time next month! It’s so gorgeous! I seriously want to wait until they finish the DVC villas there so I can make that my home resort, although John wants AKL!

YOU HAVE NEVER EVEN BEEN IN THERE!? Omg Joni you are gonna FREAK out. It's amazing! And LOL I think you should be the one to decide where your home base is. You are the one who does all of the Disney planning! :p I would pick GF over AKL too because the availability is going to be much slimmer. If you have your home resort there you will get first say 10 months out! AKL always has availability so it doesn't have good as an advantage.

Ooooh Narcoossee’s! How exciting! That’s a great pick for a Christmas Eve dinner! :thumbsup2

It was SUCH a great decision!

Those entrees look amazing, although I’m not sure I’d be as brave as your dad with the entire fish thing! :scared:

ME EITHER! I was perfectly happy with my lobster and filet!

HAHAHA Manny Alejado is sheer brilliance. :rotfl: I want to be his god mother. (FAIRY god mother. See what I did there? Heh!)

HAHAHA you are OFFICIALLY the fairy god mother, Joni. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Holy mother of cheesecake, that dessert sounds amazing!

You have NO idea. Words cannot describe.

Oh no! I’m sorry to hear your throat started to hurt. I hope it didn’t last! :sad1:

I know, that stunk! It went away by the end of the trip, but it stuck around for a couple of days! What a pain. (no pun intended!)
I loved the view from you BLT room in your previous daytime photos and thought it couldn't get much better than that. But, the nightime view was truely magical!! That room is way better than I would have imagined.
And Spongebob would have left that "other" park if he had seen your view at night. :)

Aww I'm so glad you enjoyed it! That room was the DEFINITION of Disney Magic! It perfectly captures the whole experience!

This picture is AWESOME!! I mean, all the sunset ones were gorgeous, too! But this looks like it's from a dollhouse! :thumbsup2 Disney should use this on a postcard!!

I know we'll only be in Disney for a few days (and not over Christmas Day), but you're making me want to decorate our room! :santa:

Wonderful update!!

Aww thank you so much! I wish my pictures could be on Disney post cards - that would be awesome!

YOU SHOULD! People actually do decorate their rooms all throughout the months of November and December! It would look so cute!

Thank you!

OMG!!! That view is AMAZING!! I would not have been able to sleep. Love how you decorated your balcony.
Dinner at Narcoosee's looked so good. I definitely want to try it.
Your brother makes me laugh - what is it about boys not wanting their pictures taken? I had such trouble with my sons on our recent trip whne it came to pictures.

ps - started my own TR. It is definitely a lot of work. It will definitely not be as detailed as yours.

Haha the only reason I slept so well was because I was COMPLETELY at peace. I don't think I had ever been that happy in my life!

Thank you so much! And mmm that was definitely one of my favorite dining experiences of the whole trip!

I KNOW, RIGHT!? Ahh he HATES getting his picture taken. So lame!

Haha I'm sure it will be great! It is a TON of work. But if you love doing it, it's so worth it!

A few posts behind so bear with me...

No problem! You read at whatever pace works for you!

Your pictures from around the Boardwalk are so pretty! I'm sure you've already answered this multiple times in this thread, but what kind of camera are you using? And do you use the same camera for your videos, or do you have a separate one for that?

Thank you! I use a Nikon D3100 and iPhoto to fix up the pictures even more! And I use a separate video camera. It's a Sony HD Camcorder!

My husband and I both say sa-LAD, but neither one of us has ever watched SpongeBob, so I have NO CLUE where we picked it up from, haha.

Hahaha that's just the inner-frump coming out, I suppose. :laughing:

THANK YOU for the Oreo Bon Bon cross section - I've never seen one before and always wondered what they looked like on the inside.

Well there ya go! I was surprised, so I thought I would share my discovery with you all!

Oh my goodness, I really want that monorail rug from the Contemporary Lobby.

RIGHT!? Why are they not for sale!?

Your comments about the Brown Derby bread really makes me think you should do a Top 5 Breads of Disney World list, haha. And all 5 cannot be Kona.

AWW why not?? :p hahaha that actually would be a great idea! Kona would go on there... Ohana... hmm I'll have to keep thinking!

I don't think I've told you this, but I have a friend currently working at TSMM. That's the best kind of friend to have.


I love all the artwork in the BLT room. Also, you WOULD stay in a resort whose initials make up a food. Frump.

HAHAHAHA Living the frump life.

I looooooooove this picture!

Why thank you! I do too! The pictures from that night came out wonderfully, I was so happy!

Also - I remember reading the Manny Alejado twitter conversation and cracking up.

Hahaha I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Okay I fell massively behind. Soooo far behind, in fact, that I missed the big move to BLT! But I'm all caught up now. :goodvibes

LOL well welcome back! The trip report will always be here for ya!

I am totally and completely in love with that 1-bedroom villa. I bought my first DVC contract in March (at BWV), but the add-on bug bit me hard and just this week I signed contracts on a BLT contract! :banana: I love the Contemporary, DBF and I stayed there last October and it was amazing. I think our first BLT stay is tentatively scheduled for May 2013. We're bringing a couple of our friends who have never been to Wizarding World of Harry Potter, yes it's the dark side (I know). And they haven't been to Disney since they were little kids. I'm super excited about that trip.

Thank you! CONGRATULATIONS on your DVC! You will seriously not regret it. That's so wonderful! You are going to LOVE BLT when you stay there. It really is an experience like none other! Have a magical trip!

Christmas Eve dinner looked delicious. We've tried Citricos but not Narcooses. It's definitely on the "must-try" list.

I have never been to Citricos! It looks delicious though!

Watching MMY from bed and then Holiday Wishes from the balcony, that must be heaven. :cloud9: Eight more days, what a trip!

Best trip OF MY LIFE.

AHHHHHH Your room at BLT is absolutely gorgeous! I love the Space Mountain artwork, and the booth, and the weird pull-out shelf thing, and the tile on the wall in the bathroom, and the view! OMG THE VIEW IS INCREDIBLE.

Thank you! I'm so glad you liked seeing all of the pictures!

I love your Christmas lights! A+ decorating, Jess!

Why thank you!

What were Mickey and Minnie doing in the Grand Floridian? They look so festive!

They actually had characters greeting in the lobbies of the Deluxe Resorts on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day. I think it was a crowd control thing, but it was a really cute idea!

I've always wanted to dine at Narcoossees. I love the location and the food looks delicious. I'm all about the surf and turf!

It is truly an amazing restaurant! I hope you get to go there someday!

MANNY ALEJADO! The most perfect child to ever exist in our collective imaginations. When other parents do that thing in which they brag about how awesome their kids are, we should start bragging about little Manny.

But seriously. And LOL I would be up for that. He is better than ANY OTHER KID OUT THERE!

The gingerbread tree is so fabulous! The only thing better than a regular Christmas tree is one made out of food.

Hahaha you got that right!

MM&Y and Holiday Wishes from your room? Perfect way to end a night. :upsidedow

It was too good to be true. But it was true. I just still can't even comprehend it. AHHH.

Loving your report. Subscribing, we're going the beginning of December this year!

Thank you so much! Ahh you're going to have such a magical trip! I hope my Christmas tips can help you out!

I have read ALL your reports and I love them! I love how you are so excited about Disney. I am an obsessed Disney Mom with three kids and I am hoping they always have the excitement of Disney like you do. Keep the updates coming to get me through until our end of September trip. Running the Tower Of Terror 10 miler!

Thank you SO much for being such a loyal reader! It really means a lot to me! Thank you so much haha. I'm sure if your kids have grown up with it, they will get bitten by the Disney bug! And I definitely will! And good luck with the 10 miler! That is AWESOME!

haha I KNOW. We should all go to Victoria & Albert's so we can bring our frumpiness in. While eating $100 appetizers we can talk about Kristen's monorail birth plan and watch other guests file out of there like the place is on fire. OH US.

BAHAHAHA the frumps take over the classiest place on earth!

Unless you get married in Disney? hahaha I honestly have no doubt you will get married there. I can't believe you aren't even halfway done with this TR yet LOL but I love it! The more the better!!

hahaha I hope to God! The whole reason I want to stock up my life savings is to make sure that dream of mine comes true lol. And I KNOW, RIGHT!? Ugh the thought of it scares me lol. Once the Disneyland one starts up... it's just going to be a never ending slew of Disney trip reports! But that was inevitable anyways.

OMG I love your post! I am in tears over beautiful, so magical, so perfect!! What a dream come true. Your pictures are absolutely breathtaking, I want to like save them and use them for backgrounds on my computer!! Loved the artsy ones, you have a great idea! I need to get to Disney during Christmas, FOR REAL. OMG how splendid.

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it! It truly was a magical evening! Thank you! Haha go ahead! :) I'm glad you enjoyed them! And yes you do - it is an experience like none other!

I'm a faithful follower of all your TRs and have posted comments a few times, but I usually just lurk. ;)

I wanted to pop in to say how much I'm enjoying this TR and let you know that I'm taking note of all your tips because our October trip has been rescheduled for Christmas week. As exciting as that is, it's also a bit intimidating; so thanks for the survival guide!! :cheer2:

Thank you for being here!

I'm SO glad that you like it and that's awesome that your trip is during Christmas week! I'm not going to lie... the crowds are BAD. But if you know how to manage them you will be COMPLETELY fine! Reading this trip report before you go is probably a really good idea! I hope you have a wonderful trip!

I found information on another board, but I will definitely call them! THank you :), I am getting married in WDW on December 16th at the Grand Pavilion. Love your TJ, so excited to see the decorations! We haven'te been there when the lights will be up, so I'm really excited! Also we're thinking about renting points at Bay Lake Towers, is that something you would recommend? Love seeing the pictures, glad it was a blast! I will be living through your adventures until I go in December! lol

You're welcome! OH MY GOSH THAT IS MY DREAM! Congratulations - I am so happy for you! I am sure that you will have the most magical wedding ever! Thank you so much! You are going to be blown away by the Christmas decorations! And OMG absolutely. Bay Lake is beyond amazing and it will literally make your trip THAT much more special. Absolutely YES. That's a wonderful idea! I'm so glad you're here and enjoying the report! I hope you have the most perfect wedding! :goodvibes
Chapter 61: Christmas Mass and Christmas Breakfast!
December 25th, 2011

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Today was the actual Christmas day, and I woke up IN DISNEY WORLD! And this was the view out my window.



There is no tangible Christmas present that could EVER top that!

Unfortunately, MY THROAT WAS SORE TODAY. Ugh it made me SO mad. It was Christmas!! Come on. Oh well, I sucked it up. Nothing was going to ruin my day!

We got up at 7 am and got ready to go to Christmas mass which was conveniently located right in our resort! I tweeted:
Christmas Mass in Disney World at the Contemporary :-) I couldn't think of a better place to go for it. <3


Christmas Tip #27: They have a Christmas day mass RIGHT AT the Contemporary Resort! You don't even have to leave Disney property! Just make sure you take Disney transportation there. (Use the monorail! Just don't drive a car.) They have Catholic and Protestant services on this special day!


To get to mass, we walked over to the main building of the Contemporary. We went down to the first floor and found the Ballroom of the Americas!


This is what it the Ballroom looked like all set up for the Christmas Day services:



We went to the 8 am mass which was great because it was right at the beginning of the day. The priest was Father John from the nearby Shrine. It was a beautiful mass and they had lovely music. Mass took exactly one hour!

Once it was over, we went to catch the monorail!


I took a picture of the huge mural while I was waiting:




Our destination this morning was Disney's Polynesian Resort! ALOHA!


Their Christmas decorations are so beautiful and tropical!


I love those poinsettias! It really brightens up that waterfall even more so than usual!


We had a delicious breakfast coming our way! Something my Dad was eagerly looking forward to since February - KONA!!!!

We checked in early for our 9:50 am ADR. We got there at 9:15 am. Not a problem, we were seated within 5 minutes.

We started off our meal with Smoothies! I figured it would help my throat, and it definitely did! It tasted really good.


Mom and Dad got Press Pot coffee which they rave about to this day!


They also got some Lilikoi juice! Orange + Passionfruit + Guava = PERFECTION!


Jonathan got plain pancakes.


Mom and I split Macadamia-Pineapple Pancakes! It was more than enough for both of us! It's such a huge portion!


Dad got his own order! He had been looking forward to these for MONTHS! He got the Pineapple and butter on the side.


Overall the pancakes were really delicious! They were a little on the drier side today, but I think that was because of the Christmas rush. I still really enjoyed mine!

Our waitress' name was Ann. She reminded Dad of one of his coworker's secretaries, and she reminded Jonathan of his friend Joey's Mom! She was great! She was efficient and nice. It was a very pleasant meal and a wonderful choice for a Christmas Day breakfast!



There was a little gingerbread display set up at the dessert counter:


We took a nice family picture after breakfast:


Dad and Jonathan went back to the Contemporary after that. They wanted to go to the arcade and back to the room. Mom and I decided to do some resort hopping!

Christmas Tip #28: If you really want to avoid crowds, spend Christmas Day at the Disney resorts! There are tons of things to see and do while everyone else is invading the parks! See all of the monorail resorts' decorations, all of the Epcot resorts' decorations, eat at a resort restaurant, and spend time at the pool! It's so much more relaxing and very enjoyable!

We looked around at the Polynesian's decorations because I wanted to get some daytime pictures!




Continued in Next Post
I updated twice today! Don't miss the post on the previous page!

Chapter 62: Christmas Resort Hopping!
December 25th, 2011

I just love the Polynesian. The smell, the atmosphere... everything! It's gorgeous.



Hidden Mickeys on the walls lining the staircase!


I asked for a lei, even though they were technically only for guests dining at Ohana. However, since it was Christmas, the cast member gave us some! WHAT SERVICE! (Lia, does that make me the princess of the Polynesian? LOL)


I took this picture of a painting they had in the art store. So romantic!


Our next stop was Bou-Tiki!




I started talking with this adorable indian Cast Member who was on the DCP. She asked us what we were doing for Christmas and such. She told me ALL about the college program and the fun activities they get to do. She lived in the Patterson apartments! Her Mom didn't want her to go, but her and her best friend went right after college. She had never been to Disney before but she LOVED it! She said the college program was the best thing she's ever done! Her family came down to visit her and she went major commando and had them see everything. She wore her Mom out so much that she ended up getting sick in Norway! But they just kept truckin' along hahaha.

I traded for a Mickey Ears pin with her! She was absolutely adorable! We must have talked for half an hour! I love hearing such wonderful things about the College Program! I can't wait until the day that I finally get to do it!

I took one more picture, and then we headed out!


Our next stop was the Grand Floridian! I took some pictures of the Grand Floridian DVC Villas that are being constructed! They are opening in 2013!! I AM SO STAYING THERE OMG.



We walked up to the beautiful, elegant resort and I spotted SOME DEER! I had to take a picture. I told you this place was perfect.


Greetings, everyone! Welcome to the Grand Floridian!


We went into Basin White first so we could look at all of the soaps! We became huge Basin fans when we found it in Downtown Disney on our last trip, so we were excited to check this one out too!


These hand scrubs are my FAVORITE. I have one in my shower at home and it works SO well. I have the Almond flavor, which they only have at the Downtown Disney location. They have Almond Coconut at the Grand Floridian Basin. They have a lot of different scents at each location.


I love looking at the soaps with the cool designs! (especially when those designs include mickey heads!)


Three of my favorite things! Springtime, being a princess, and ICE CREAM!


Cool non-disney (but still amazing) soaps:


All of the Christmas soaps!


We exited the store and I had to take a picture of this glorious lobby:


The Christmas decorations here are so classy!


Such awesome theming!


Our next stop was seeing the Gingerbread House at the Grand Floridian!


This thing is MASSIVE and it's literally all made out of real Gingerbread. It is definitely something you are not going to want to miss!


I couldn't believe the detailing on this this - it's really amazing!



Continued in Next Post
Aww I'm sorry your throat was starting to hurt! :( That's no fun! But it looks like you were a trooper!!

Christmas at Disney World; that's just awesome! I think it's very cool that they offered church services at the resort!! Two thumbs up for that! haha It's always awesome to remember the actual reason for Christmas!! :)

I'm totally loving the Christmas decorations!! I am going to make it a point to resort hop while we are there in Novmeber so we can see all of the decorations!! That gingerbread house looks so awesome to see!

Can't wait to read more!
It is nice that so many castmembers are encourging you to do the college program. Everyone seems to have good things to say about it. I would definitely want to do that too if I were your age.
I enjoy spending time visiting resorts too. The architecture and themeing and shopping! It is all beautiful and fun.
SO sorry your throat was hurting. :(

You're making me wish I enjoyed pineapple and macadamia nuts. Hahah oh well.

The first thing I noticed when I went to see the gingerbread house is that the whole place just smells incredible. It's like the most elegant place also has the most amazing smell. SIGH. :love:

All those Basin soaps look like so much fun! (Especially the Mickey head ones, duh.) Did the ice cream cone one SMELL like an ice cream cone? That would be incredible. I don't need fruity or flowery smells, I just want to smell like ice cream please. :laughing:
What a wonderful way to spend Christmas Day! I so hope the resorts have at least some of their decor up in Nov. We will be visiting all the monorail resorts, so here's to hoping!


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