You just graduated from college!! What's next? 5/13 - 5/21 THAT'S A WRAP!

Congrats on the upgrade! I just got caught up after being wi-fi less for the last three weeks at my cottage in PEI. Sorry to hear about Sanaa but your Tusker House and Yak and Yeti meals look great. I think I would have gone for dinner at Yak and Yeti too!
I'll be interested to hear about the Hard Rock Hotel! I agree, the theming could be better - but it looks like a very nice place. Rainforest actually looks quite yummy :) If we did one of the restaurants like that it would probably be T-Rex, but I'm glad to know that the Rainforest Cafe is still surviving :P

Looking forward to hearing more!
Congratulations on the upgrade - looking forward to a Universal review. Every trip we say this time we will get to Universal but every time we don't even manage to do everything we want to at Disney - maybe next year ;)
There club level looks nice! The new rooms are nice, but I like the old decor better.
Now that is an upgrade! No wonder the guy at the desk was smiling :) The room looks nice but the view is great! Any view with palm trees is a great view to me! Looking forward to your Universal reviews :flower1:
I've never been to universal or stayed at their resorts but it's nice to see what it's like. That's cool that you got upgraded to club level. Can't wait to hear about your dining adventures in universal.

Our one dining adventure at Universal is coming right up! :thumbsup2

Sweet Upgrade!!! Love the view of RRR from your window!

Yes, we felt very fortunate to receive such a great upgrade...especially since this was our first-ever stay at a Hard Rock hotel.

Very Nice Upgrade!!!! I bet you were still smiling when you woke up!!!

It was a very nice surprise, definitely worth of a big smile! :teeth:

Your Rain Forest meal looks surprisingly good. Not good enough to pull me away from Tusker or Yak n Yeti, but good nonetheless. And at least you did your part to save the rainforest ; ) Poor endangered cafe's

Congrats on the upgrade. Though I had to laugh that "rock royalty" meant gingham curtains. The food offerings sound good though. Do they have adult beverages like disney does?

Yes, the adult beverages will soon be making an appearance. ;)

Nice! It will interesting to see your comparisons between the HRH club level and the Disney club levels that you've done.

I will definitely be comparing the HRH with my recent club level experiences at the Yacht Club (which was also a complimentary upgrade), the Wilderness Lodge, and Animal Kingdom Lodge. :thumbsup2

Oooh very nice upgrade you lucky things :goodvibes

We did feel quite was such a nice surprise!

Always fun to get an upgrade! Can't wait to read more about your stay at the other park!

Our day at the Universal parks is coming right up, so stay tuned! ;)

Wow! How awesome that you got an upgrade! Looks like a great view.

It was pretty awesome to be upgraded and the great view was icing on the cake! :thumbsup2

Congrats on the upgrade! I just got caught up after being wi-fi less for the last three weeks at my cottage in PEI. Sorry to hear about Sanaa but your Tusker House and Yak and Yeti meals look great. I think I would have gone for dinner at Yak and Yeti too!

Yes, I guess you win some and you lose some. But overall, I'd say that the first two days of our trip were pretty good dining-wise.

I'll be interested to hear about the Hard Rock Hotel! I agree, the theming could be better - but it looks like a very nice place. Rainforest actually looks quite yummy :) If we did one of the restaurants like that it would probably be T-Rex, but I'm glad to know that the Rainforest Cafe is still surviving :P

Looking forward to hearing more!

I'd probably choose T-Rex over the Rainforest Cafe too, as I've never been to T-Rex. Plus, although the Rainforest Cafe is an endangered species, the T-Rex is extinct. :laughing:

Congratulations on the upgrade - looking forward to a Universal review. Every trip we say this time we will get to Universal but every time we don't even manage to do everything we want to at Disney - maybe next year ;)

I think my Universal review might make you feel a bit better about never having the time to squeeze in a visit. ;)

There club level looks nice! The new rooms are nice, but I like the old decor better.

Hmm...I'd be interested in knowing what the old decor was like, since the new decor didn't really do anything for me. ;)

Now that is an upgrade! No wonder the guy at the desk was smiling :) The room looks nice but the view is great! Any view with palm trees is a great view to me! Looking forward to your Universal reviews :flower1:

The great view was icing on an already awesome cake. The upgrade was such a nice surprise! :goodvibes

Yay on the upgrade!

Yes, yay Hard Rock!! You rock! :cheer2:
MAGIC I'm a believer! :thumbsup2

If you read the first review of this report, you know that I'd already experienced my share of Magic Band trouble on this trip...and sadly, there would be more trouble yet to come. However, after spending one day at the Universal parks where instead of wearing one Magic Band I had to carry four cards, I am now totally on board the Magic "Band"wagon! ;)

To further explain, at Universal there is your park ticket, which of course you need in order to enter the parks. For Disney resort guests, the park ticket has been replaced by the Magic Band. Then there is your hotel room key card, which in addition to opening the door to your hotel room, must be shown in order to gain early admission (one hour prior to the regular scheduled park opening time) to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter area at Islands of Adventure. This is a perk available to all guests of the four Universal hotels. Again the room key card has been replaced by the Magic Band at the Disney hotels, both for entering your room and entering the parks during Extra Magic Hours. Then, because you only have charging privileges within your hotel and not at the theme parks, you must also carry cash (or a credit/debit card) in order to make any purchases. Once again, the Magic Band is all you need at the Disney parks as long as you are willing to leave your credit card information on file at your Disney resort. And last, the guests of all of the Universal hotels (except for Cabana Bay) also are issued an Universal Express pass which can be used to bypass the regular line for some of their rides (similar to the Fast Pass line at Disney). And speaking of Disney's Fast Passes, access to your Fast Pass choices is easily attained with the touch of your Magic Band, which eliminates the need to carry around a separate Fast Pass ticket.

So what is the point to my rant? My point is that with 4 of us that meant 4 park tickets, 4 hotel key cards, and 4 Express Passes to keep track of. And what does 4 + 4 + 4 equal? :scratchin

Yep, it equals 4 Magic Bands! :thumbsup2

Ok, stepping down from my Magic Band soap box now and moving on to our day at the Universal Studios theme parks. We had three primary goals on this day...Harry Potter & the Forbidden Journey, Hogwart's Express, and Harry Potter & the Escape from Gringotts (and FYI, on none of these rides could we use our Universal Express Passes :sad2:). Despite my daughters nearly coming to blows over a "sunscreen in the hair" incident :eek: we somehow managed to make it to the park entrance shortly after 7:00 a.m., the Early Admission time for that day. Therefore, our first goal of riding the Forbidden Journey was accomplished pretty quickly. We had visited Universal Studios in August 2010 so had already done this ride a few times. However, we all enjoyed riding it again...some more than others.

SPOILER ALERT: One of us is deathly afraid of spiders! ;)

From here we got in line to board the Hogwart's Express train. Before being allowed to enter the line, they verified that we had a 2-park ticket (called a park hopper in Disney speak ;)). After a short wait, we boarded the train and departed for King's Cross Station (which is located at the other park, Universal Studios). Once there, we quickly made our way to Diagon Alley and located our third and final goal...

We were greeted at the entrance to Gringotts Bank and told that the ride was currently down but we were welcome to enter the line anyway, as they expected it to be up shortly. So we did. And we waited, and we waited. When we were about ready to give up, the line finally starting moving at a fairly steady pace...the ride was up and running! :woohoo:

And we got pretty close to boarding, even donning our 3D glasses in preparation for the ride... :laughing:

...when the line came to an abrupt stop and an announcement was made that the ride was again down and would be down for awhile. We were asked to leave and return later and each given a "fast pass-like" ticket to skip the regular line whenever we did return. So we left and went in search of breakfast, which in Diagon Alley could be found at the Leaky Cauldron.

Here is their Breakfast Menu...

We placed our orders and paid at the counter. With our order number in hand (to be placed on our table), we were directed to seats at one of the long row of tables. I swear I took a photo of the dining area here, but found no such picture on my camera or phone. So I've borrowed this one from the internet...

Not long after sitting down, our order was delivered to our table. Three of us ordered the American Breakfast...

Scrambled eggs, Breakfast potatoes, Bacon, Sausage links, and a Croissant - $15.99

Andrew thought this breakfast platter was just okay and only rated it a 3. But Allison and I both rated our breakfast a 4, as it all tasted pretty good to us. This was similar to the breakfast platters that you get at many of the Disney quick service restaurants, except the Disney platter usually includes a biscuit plus either french toast (slice or sticks) or a Mickey waffle instead of a croissant. Another difference is the price. The Disney breakfast platter at an in-park restaurant, such as Epcot's Sunshine Seasons, is only $8.99. However, I'm willing to give Universal a pass on this one, as it's not often that you get to step inside a much-loved book/movie series to share a meal with your kids. :goodvibes

Unlike the Disney breakfast platters, the Leaky Cauldron breakfasts came with a drink, which for Allison and me was coffee. Andrew's beverage choice was much more unique though. His warm Butterbeer was definitely the hit at our table. :thumbsup2

I also purchased a frozen Butterbeer ($5.99) for us to share...

For those that have yet to try butterbeer, to me it tastes like butterscotch flavored cream soda topped with whipped cream. While it is very good frozen, especially on a hot Florida day, the four of us agreed that the butterbeer was even better served warm. I definitely regretted having gotten coffee rather this cup of buttery, sweet deliciousness. Also pictured in the above photo is Emily's beverage choice, orange juice...or the fancy name for it here was Otter's Fizzy OJ. As you can see, this was served on the rocks with an orange slice and cinnamon rimmed glass. ;)

Ok, that just leaves Emily's breakfast choice, which was the Pancake Breakfast...

Three Buttermilk Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage Links, and a Croissant - $15.99

She also ordered a side of scrambled eggs (not pictured) for an additional $1.99.

Like Andrew, Emily thought her breakfast was just okay and rated it a 3.

So overall I would have to say that our breakfast ratings were probably influenced by our degree of excitement with the surroundings. Allison and I are both big fans of the Harry Potter series of books and movies, while the other two like Harry Potter but to a lesser degree.

Following our breakfast at Leaky Cauldron, we returned to Gringotts to see if the ride was running again, which it was. We used our passes (that we were given when the ride went down) to bypass the long line and were able to board the ride fairly quickly. And let me just say, this ride was a 5 for all of us! I wish we could have ridden this a second time, but unfortunately because the ride had been down for most of the morning the regular line was incredibly long.

So we moved on to another area of the Universal Studios park, where we were finally able to use our Universal Express Passes to ride Men in Black. Well, three of us anyway. :worried: Emily did not have any pockets that day so gave her Express Pass and her hotel key card (I kept everyone's park ticket) to her brother to carry in the pocket of his shorts. Before getting into the Express Line for Men in Black, he reached into his pockets to retrieve their passes and hers was missing, as was her room key card. There was a hole in one of the pockets of his new shorts! We walked into a nearby store to find out how we could get a new Express Pass and were told that because she also lost her room key card, this could only be done back at our hotel. So she returned to the Hard Rock to do this...and never returned. :sad2: Apparently the walk back to the hotel was so hot and tiring that she decided to take a nap in our air-conditioned room rather than returning to the park. So her 3 rides cost me $50 each. Ouch! :(

The three of us then rode Men in Black and Transformers before running into yet another stumbling block at the Despicable Me ride. Once again the ride was down and we were given fast pass tickets which could be used on any other ride at either of the parks. We decided to try to use these to ride the Gringotts ride again, but guess what? Yep, the ride was down again. :rolleyes: At this point, I was hot, I was tired, I was done...took the boat back to the Hard Rock and joined Emily for nap time in our room. ;)

But despite the extreme heat and the frustration over the many ride break downs, Allison and Andrew soldiered on. They decided it was roller coaster time, first riding Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit at Universal Studios then returning to Islands of Adventure to ride the Incredible Hulk and the Dragon Challenge. Then they used their fast passes from Despicable Me to ride The Forbidden Journey...well, kind of. :rolleyes: The ride came to a complete stop not long after they boarded. The lights were turned on and they sat...and sat. Finally the ride started moving but the lights remained on. And then it stopped a second time. When they finally got to the end of the ride, they expected that they would be giving out fast passes to either return later when the ride was fully functioning or ride something else. No such passes were given out though. :sad2: Since this was their 4th time riding this (rode it twice during our 2010 trip) and they hadn't had to stand in line long, it was not a huge deal for them. But they felt really bad for those who were first-time riders and/or had stood in the long line, only to have a sub-par ride experience with the lights on and with two long stops. After this they too were ready to throw in the towel and returned to the hotel.

One more gripe to air regarding our experience at the Universal Studios park...MANDATORY LOCKERS! :sad2: I carried a purse-size bag into the parks, the same one that I take onto all of the Disney rides. However at Universal, with the exception of the train ride and possibly one other, I was required to place my bag in a locker before being allowed into the line. Though the lockers were free (for a limited amount of time), it was still a pain to do this each time I wanted to go on a ride. And in most cases it did not even seem necessary. For instance, the Men in Black ride is similar to Buzz Lightyear at Magic Kingdom. Like on Buzz, there was plenty of room to set a bag or backpack on the floor of the ride vehicle. I suppose though that they do this to avoid the problem of having bags left behind on the rides, but to me it just got to be tedious and time-consuming.

So there you have it, my review of our one day Universal Studios experience. While I love the two Harry Potter themed areas, the minor inconveniences and more importantly, the many ride break downs, caused my small taste of the Universal parks to be just a bit sour. However, the sour taste in my mouth was soon remedied at the Rock Royalty lounge. ;)

Next up: Afternoon Snacks and Evening Reception at the Hard Rock's Rock Royalty Lounge
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We went to Universal in May after 20 years. I agree with you that the Magic Bands are great. We stayed at Cabana Bay so only had our room key and park to park tickets to carry but it was still inconvenient when you have used the magic bands. I also wasn't a fan of the lockers. I have a cross body bag that doesn't really move much nor do I take it off. In a rush to get a locker and quickly get in line I forgot the number and which section I was in for one of the Harry Potter rides. Even told DH what the number was and he couldn't remember. I was in panic mode as my phone and all my money and credit card were in there. I wasn't the only one in the position so the locker attendant was kept very busy so it took awhile before I found the locker with my purse in it. I also noticed that the rides break down a lot which results in long lines. Seems like the Harry Potter rides break down continually during the course of the day. Looking forward to the rest of your review.
I am so sorry that you experienced so many break downs. That is particularly frustrating, if this is your only day at the park. I'm glad 2 of your party were able to make a full day of it :)
Leaky Cauldron looks delicious! Not really a bad price if the drink is included as well.
Wow that is a lot of break downs. I agree with your card/magicband rant.

Breakfast looks good. I'm not a huge HP fan but I bet I would really enjoy the environment and attractions if I went tho.
That's whole Universal experience just sounded aggravating. I've put off scheduling a visit there until my kids are a bit older. I think I've made the right choice.

I didn't even know there was a warm butterbeer. I will have to let my sister know about that. She is going to be there in mid-Fall.
Good grief on the breakdowns! We haven't been since Feb 2013 and I can't wait to return. However Alexander needs to be way older to experience all the rides and atmosphere.
I'm with you I just love the Magic Bands. I've used them twice now and luckily have only had one minor issue that at 1am seemed really annoying but really wasn't bad at all! Boy those breakfast prices seem high!
That's really cool that you got an upgrade to the lounge! But I was actually shocked when I saw the price of the breakfast platter. I thought it had to be a mistake. That's so expensive!
But they felt really bad for those who were first-time riders and/or had stood in the long line, only to have a sub-par ride experience with the lights on and with two long stops

I felt exactly the same way when I was at Universal last year. Thankfully we decided to wait in whatever line we were faced with when we went, since later on in the day when we tried for round 2 we got stuck about halfway through the ride. Where we sat for at least 20 minutes before they turned on the lights and we rode right through. Afterwards the topic of conversation was definitely about the people who waited all day for shorter lines to end up getting only half the ride. Although at the same time I loved the behind the scenes peek at how that ride actually operates.
Man, I have to say that the Universal experience sounds quite lacking, particularly with my more recent Disney experiences (Magic Bands, good travel times for short waits, etc). I have seen that 7DMT seems to shut down more often than older rides (or maybe that's just my perception), but nothing near the levels you describe. This makes me even more wary of spending the extra funds for a 2-park Universal ticket when I could simply add a day onto my Disney vacation and save money and travel time.

Looking forward to the Hard Rock lounge review :D I'm glad it seems to have been a bright spot in a somewhat frustrating day.
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I am a huge HP fan and will probably venture over to the dark side one day to check everything out. Can't wait to read about the Rock Royalty lounge!
Subbing in.....we have some of the same ADRs so I want to catch any mistakes I may be making, lol!


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