worried ~ found lump... looking for some insight?


<font color=deeppink>Beware the Cruise Shampoo!<br
Apr 8, 2005
I'm 35 and found a lump in my breast last month. It was very painful too. I decided to wait and see if it went away.... well three weeks later it's still there and although the pain is nowhere near what it was when I first discovered it -- it's still tender and rather large. Anwyay ~ I called the breast center and made a appt. I saw the Dr. yesterday and after she examined me I asked "did you feel it?" And she replied "OH ~ I felt it! You have a large mass from about 12 O'clock to 3 O'clock" She also felt some small bumps. She said I could have several cysts kinda piled on top of each other??? But the large mass scares me. She scheduled me for a mammogram Tuesday morning. Does anyone have any thoughts or comments on this they would like to share? I'm getting worried. DH was diagnosed last February with Hodgkins Lymphoma - he went through months of chemo and radiation and thank GOD he's still scanning clear. He had three masses - one under his collarbone, one under his arm and one in his chest cavity. It was an awful time ~ with dd 10 and ds 12. I can't bring myself to believe that we could be so unlucky as to have this occur again. But I'm feeling very anxious. :sad2:
Please feel free to come here for support.....we are here for you, but as the previous poster said there is a thread on the CB where many breast cancer survivors post and they can be most helpful and have so much experience with what you are going through right now.

I do not have any experience with this other than I am going for my mammogran 12/28...not looking forward to it, and my husband is currently in chemo so I hear you on your husband's battle.. hugs to you, try not to worry and go to that thread on the CB.....those ladies are great with answering questions...

If you need a hug or want to vent, need support, or want to give others support on this board, this is the place for all that....
First, don't panic. I went through the exact same thing this year.

I had a rather large lump in my right breast. It ended up being a cyst. It too was painful. It's still there!

I had a diagnostic mammogram and an ultrasound. I was given the all clear about the cyst, but then got phone call the next day, about another, smaller, more dense lump with cell walls, that was underneath the cyst.

That one had my doctor and the radiologist concerned, so I had to wait until after another cycle had passed and have another ultrasound. By that time, the worrisome lump had disappeared. :thumbsup2

I am totally fine, other than being diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease. Every period is a little painful, but other than that, I'm good to go!
gemjoy said:
I'm 35 and found a lump in my breast last month. It was very painful too. I decided to wait and see if it went away.... well three weeks later it's still there and although the pain is nowhere near what it was when I first discovered it -- it's still tender and rather large. Anwyay ~ I called the breast center and made a appt. I saw the Dr. yesterday and after she examined me I asked "did you feel it?" And she replied "OH ~ I felt it! You have a large mass from about 12 O'clock to 3 O'clock" She also felt some small bumps. She said I could have several cysts kinda piled on top of each other??? But the large mass scares me. She scheduled me for a mammogram Tuesday morning. Does anyone have any thoughts or comments on this they would like to share? I'm getting worried. DH was diagnosed last February with Hodgkins Lymphoma - he went through months of chemo and radiation and thank GOD he's still scanning clear. He had three masses - one under his collarbone, one under his arm and one in his chest cavity. It was an awful time ~ with dd 10 and ds 12. I can't bring myself to believe that we could be so unlucky as to have this occur again. But I'm feeling very
anxious. :sad2:

I am one of the posters from day 1 of the DIS breast cancer thread. We would love to see you post over there if you like.

As you are young, don't be surprised if the mammogram is not definitive. Younger women have denser breasts and their mammograms are harder for the radiologists to read. They may decide to do an ultrasound. I just wanted you to know that so you aren't alarmed.

My case was different-no lump-but areas of calcifications were found on a routine mammogram. After diagnostic mammograms (magnified) were done, I saw a surgeon who ordered a stereotactic needle biopsy at the breast center.
The biopsy was not bad, it was not very invasive. A biopsy is the only definitive way to diagnose breast cancer.

I am hoping Tuesday you will get some answers. Please post and let us know what happens.

I am hoping you won't be in need of our breast cancer thread at all, but if you are inclined to post there, you will find both info and support there before you go in for your mammogram or after. There are some young posters as well as older ones like me (age 53).

Good luck Tuesday!! I hope you can do things between now and then to distract yourself from worrying.
My prayers are going out to you :love: . Trust me I know this is hard but try not to get to far ahead with the possibilities in your head just handle the problem in this moment and breathe deeply. I have had so many health problems all at once in the past year, including a breast lump, that I have had to learn to take it one moment at a time and to limit thoughts on the possible negative outcomes.
Hi there Gem,

So sorry for your anxiety! I will keep you in my prayers and hopes! I found a large lump 2 years ago in my breast and my DH was away for business. I went to the Dr. ahd the mamo and learned it was a cluster of cysts. My lovely parents came and stayed my DS just loved them being here too!

I went to the chief of surgery at my local office and I must say his bed side manner left much to be desired , he did not find me asking while he was in there if he didn't mind taking some of the extra out of my seat?? He stared....and then spoke...you would need to see a plastic surgeon for that he does not do such types of surgery!
What a drip!

What a great surgeon what he lacked in humor and sensitivty he made up for in his skills! The surgery went well and he even called me as song as he got the results. God reprieved me from breast cancer.

No I did not ask if I would weigh anyless after the surgery but don't think I wasn't wondering!!! I do not go topless so the scar doesn't bother me! It is one I wear with pride. It shows me hope for tomorow every day!

It is not worth the stomach ache and heart ache wondering and the good sign is the pain. From what I was told that was a very good sign. The fear was mazing but I have a God I know will never drop me along my way ! I hope you know the same!

Heres hopes and prayers!
just know that most lumps are not malignant...many women have fibrocystic breasts...they can do an ultrasound to see the difference ( they told me they look different but right now can't remember how). i get them all the time so much so last time my dr just scheduled an ultrasound for the same day as the mammogram since they show up on a mammogram. i've only had to have a needle biopsy once and it wasn't really that big a deal. the lumps do hurt though and take months to go away completely..i had one huge one once and last time had 3 with in the space of a couple inches
hope everything goes great for you


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