WISH Check-in Thread week of October 26, 2003

Otto's Doll

<font color=blue>Cheese and Whiskers, I just can't
Aug 9, 2003
Finally! All that measuring of my cream for coffee and counting every carb (gee, and various other adjustments in attitude and habits!:p ) have resulted in a loss. I am down 4 pounds since my last weight checkin! And I feel like I am back on track.

Have a beautiful Sunday!
I lost 2lbs and 1inch this week. But even better - a 3 piece suit Dan bought me nearly 2 years ago fits now nearly perfectly, even better than when he bought it except for the jacket (apparently my chest has grown so the top buttons are a bit snug) - and I ordered a new skirt for work from chadwicks in a 14 figuring I would wear that size in a few weeks or so and it fit perfectly with no tummy bulging over the top.
I maintained this week, which is fine with me. I still stand at 131.

God's weight for me? Yet to be determined. :) If I keep staying at 131 for a couple weeks then I'll grab my goal clippie. :)
I'm down a pound and a half this week, and I've lost a few inches this past month. :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: I am looking to stay on track this week. princess: Good luck, everyone, as you step on the scales and pull out the tape measures!!:wave2:
I'm down the same 1.6 that I gained last week.

I also finished my receptionist training for Weight Watchers. I have a staff meeting today. Maybe I'll find out when I start working, and start leader training! :)

Holly hasn't started one of these threads in almost a month. Did I miss a post that she would be away? Is everything okay with her??
Jeanne, congratulations!!!! 4 pounds is awesome!! Keep up the great work.

honeymo78, 2 pounds and one inch in a week....wow, it takes me forever to lose an inch!

ohiominnie, maintaining is wonderful, good for you.

Debbie, congratulations on losing a pound and a half. Thanks for the good luck, the same to you!

SnackyStacky, great for you for losing what you gained. You have been a huge inspiration to me and I enjoy following you during maintenace. You give me hope that some day I too will be maintaining.

As for me, the news this morning was good, but since today is not my official weigh-in day I want to wait until Tuesday to make sure it is official.

Onward and downward gang, we CAN do this!!!!
Good Morning everyone! I am happy to report that the Bloat Fairy left my house JUST in time for weigh in and I'm down 2.2 lbs this week! I also reached my first 10% goal this week!!! :Pinkbounc Keep up the good work everyone - onward and downward.
I've been gone for almost a month from here!! I've gotten totally hooked on my exercise. Doing treadmill4-6x week. It is part of my routine and that makes it easier..I would never skip brushing my teeth so this is the same thing to me now!! I finally reached the 180's - ok it was 189.6 but still it's an accurate statement!! I have not seen that number in years and almost cried when I did!! NOthing going on this week so I feel like it will be a good one too. No chocolate Halloween candy in the house..only Wonka hard candy that I don't care for!!

So 2.4 pounds down for me...I feel like such a LOOSER!!!!:teeth:
I am not sure how it happened but I am down 5 pounds from last week's weigh in:bounce: :bounce: This means I get a new clippie!! Everybody keep up the good work.
Congratulations everyone!!!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

I'm happy to report a two pound loss, to bring my WISH loss to 41 pounds and my overall loss to 52. I went to a party last night and received lots of compliments. It was wonderful. :)
I haven't been around much since I joined - was planning my WDW trip and have been back for two weeks now.

I only gained 1 lb on vacation, so I was real happy about that. But, when I weighed in at WW this past tuesday, I had lost 3.4 lbs!!! That is 12.8 lbs from when I started WW (8.8 since I joined wish!)! :)

I really want to get serious now. I know I need to start excercising - I just can't seem to get motivated! I got a WATP dvd, but have not used it yet. Any tips to get me off my butt?

Take Care and Stay STrong!
I'm down 2 lbs this week. :sunny: I had a new record for me this week. I either lost or maintained 9 days in a row. I usually go up and down quite a bit. I think I would have continured if not for a visit from the BF. :mad:

I really tried hard to stick to whole unprocessed foods. I have yogurt for breakfast instead of bacon and cheese. I have grilled chicken breasts rather that sandwich meat. It really seems to help. :)
I'm down two pounds this week. 10 more pounds to go! I went to the gym three times this week which felt wonderful! I especially think the strength training is helpful. If I can stick to my exercise schedule, I know I can meet my goal.

Congratulations to everyone!!
I've lost a total of 3 this week, bringing me down to 250! I had wanted to hit 250 or below by Thursday - we're leaving for Disney!!!! I have to laugh, I remember that when I joined WW in 1986 I was 252.5, so I guess I am finally below that memory,too. My next major goal is 228 (100 lbs. total loss) and I'm hoping to do that by Christmas. After that, it's OneDerland by Spring!
<b>Otto's Doll</b> Thanks for posting the check in thread. It's my favorite part of WISH.

Sounds like you are back on track and headed for goal. Good job this week. Losing 4 pounds in one week is so exciting, isn't it? I'm proud of you.

<b>honeymo78</b> WOO HOO!!! Look at you go. You're another inch smaller and 2 pounds lighter. I'm so happy and proud for you.

<b>ohiominnie</b> I like your attitude. 131 may be your goal. Let us know. You have done very well with this.

<b>Debbie</b> Isn't it fun to watch those inches disappear? Almost as much fun as it is to see a smaller number on the scale. Good job this week!

<b>SnackyStacky</b> Watching you deal with maintenance gives me hope and inspiration, Dan.

I saw a post by Holly a few days ago. I think real life has been getting in the way of her WISHing. You will find that post <b>HERE</b>

<b>kayeandjim00</b> WOO HOO!! 2.2 more pounds gone forever and you have achieved your first minigoal. You are doing so well and I'm proud of you. I hope you are feeling proud of <i>yourself</i>!

<b>gillis95</b> I am so proud of you for exercising so regularly. I love that you have made it part of your daily routine. You are an inspiration to me, exercise is my weak area.

Good job lsoing another 2.4 pounds this week, you are on your way to goal and nothing can stop you now.

<b>NCRedding</b> I can't see your clipart, the site must be down right now. But WOO HOO!!! I knows it's going to be that pretty golden 30 pound loss clipart, right? Look at you go. 5 pounds gone in just one week. You are just tearing up that road to goal. I'm really proud of you.

<b>addicted_to_WDW</b> Another two pounds lighter, new clipart <i>and</i> compliments. It just doesn't get any better than that, I'm so happy and proud for you.

<b>t2simon</b> Sounds like you controlled your portions and made wise food choices while you were on vacation. Way to go! Congratulations dropping that 3.4 pounds, too. You've almost earned that 10 pound loss clipart.

Welcome back. I like your positive "can do" attitude. That attitude is going to help you reach goal. Be proud of yourself, you are doing great.

<b>LisaTx</b> Look at you! another two pounds lighter and a personal best for the week. Way to go. Are you feeling strong and proud today? I hope so because you, my friend are a WISH success and I'm sure proud <i>of</i> you!

<b>TigerBear</b> WOO HOO! Another two pounds gone forever and you are sneaking up on your goal already. Good for you working out regularly. Strength training is so important to good health <i>and</i> weight loss. I'm proud of you.

<b>Baileymouse</b> Good job! Another 3 pounds lighter and you achieved a mini goal before your trip. You are doing very well and I'm so happy and proud for you, be proud of <i>yourself</i>.

<i>Onward and Downward</i>

After my three pound loss the previous week, I only maintained last week. I'm really disappointed since I didn't cheat. But I've been on this cycle...maintain for a week or maybe lose a pound, then have a week with a few pounds lost.

I really get grouchy when I don't lose. DH noticed right away. It is really aggravating that my loss is so slow. But I have to keep reminding myself "one pound at a time, one day at a time."

Congratulations to all who had a good week, and keep trying to those who didn't. It'll happen for us the next time!
<b>nancyj_pa</b> You are correct. One day at a time and one pound at a time. Our bodies don't always cooperate with the timelines we set.

Maintaining is <i>good</i>. It could be worse, you could have gained, right? You're doing a great job. Hang in there and don't get discouraged. Just keep on keeping on and you will make it to goal!
WooHoo ... the Whoosh Fairy came to my house ... I am down 3 lbs this week :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

I've sent her off to find some Wish'ers who have been cursed by the Bloat Fairy, or who have just been stuck at a plateau lately ... here's hoping she comes your way :)

Congrats to all ... have a great week, everyone.

Mary Liz
<b>maryliz</b> How wonderful! You've got to love that WHOOSH Fairy. Way to go. 3 pounds closer to goal. You're doing great!
I managed to rid of all the excess WDW vacation weight this week and was even prepared to get my 10 pound clippie this week as I had reached that goal the other day until TOM bloat fairy came for a visit. So, I lost the vacation weight from last week but still at a 9 pound loss. I'm happy with it, as long is it's not going up....next week I hope to lose a pound or two.


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