WISH Away the Pounds **Maddening March Challenge** All Welcome

I absolutely CANNOT seem to get back into the routine of daily, regular exercise! I literally have broken a good 5 year habit!! And of course, it shows in my pants (muffin top) and my scale (a number I haven't seen in years!). So WHY can't I get my butt moving regularly? Cripes, this month at WW is all about MOVING!! What a terrible example I am to my members if I am not moving regularly! I really made an effort this week and STILL didn't manage 5 days of exercise. :worried: PATHETIC.

First of all: I think because you have your own struggles, you are a far better example for your members than if it all came naturally to you! I have a close friend who is very sporty and moves a lot and can eat a ton without gaining any fat. After 3 kids she still wears a size 2! When she tries to give me advice on how to lose weight I never find it sincere because she does not understand why it is difficult for me.

But then I am wondering how much your struggle has to do with your life being changed due to your DD being away at college now. You seemed to do a lot of exercise while she was training, so that opportunity is lost. Also, it must have been quite a change to your daily routines with one less kid. And finding a new routine is always difficult for whatever reasons. So, don't be so hard to yourself!

I am sure you know this for yourself anyway, but the only suggestion I would have to think of what kind of new routines would work with your daily life as it is now. And maybe instead of aiming for 5 work outs per week. Start with setting yourself the goal of three workouts a week and once you were able to incorporate those, try to get in more.
I absolutely CANNOT seem to get back into the routine of daily, regular exercise! I literally have broken a good 5 year habit!! And of course, it shows in my pants (muffin top) and my scale (a number I haven't seen in years!). So WHY can't I get my butt moving regularly? Cripes, this month at WW is all about MOVING!! What a terrible example I am to my members if I am not moving regularly! I really made an effort this week and STILL didn't manage 5 days of exercise. :worried: PATHETIC.
Hugs to you P. I thought Magdalene gave a great reply. I too was wondering if not driving to all those swim practices (and having all that time waiting) was making it hard to get on some kind of schedule. I have been thinking a bunch about whether I am setting myself up to fail by some of my choices. Like I expect to fail, so I make bad choices, and then guess what...Anyhow, the point is you are a success. Even though you might not be where you want to be at this moment, you have been maintaining a healthy weight for YEARS and that is awesome! This is just a bump in the road, and I have no doubt you will find a way to get back to a place you feel good about.:goodvibes :hug:
Morning, everyone! Its that time again!!

:cool1::woohoo:Happy WOOHOO Wednesday!!! :cool1::woohoo:

QOTD Wednesday, March 12: What is one thing this week you've done that you feel great about? Something on the scale or in measurements or going down a size? Or a non-scale victory like a new amount of pushups? Crunches? Or better eating habits? Take a moment to celebrate something, even if it is small!


YAY Rose!!!!

Wow Magdalene that is great - I noticed last night I was done my dinner 10 mins before the Hubs and while he did have more on his plate I should have not inhaled my meal! Great job on resisting the temptations!

Ohmom, Yay a walk for you and your doggie!! and yay for you DD to :cheer2: you on!!1

well my Whoo hoo is Monday at work we welcomed our new boss with local donuts, coffee, and fruit and I welcomed her with just coffee.. I did take a donut but brought it back to my desk and as I was looking at it I decided yes it would taste SOOOOOOOO good but I'd beat myself up and give myself an excuse to ruin the WHOLE day so I wraped it up and brought it down to the Hubs in the kitchen for a treat! then when I went to the gym I shared that I jogged for a total of 6 mins and yesterday even though Hubs didn't want to go to the gym I still went to Zumba and gave him an errand list and he just came back and got me! still doing pretty good with the low carb stuff this week and I'll actually WI on Friday am because I am going away for the weekend with some girlfriends and will miss my normal WI/Meeting..

Keep up the great work everyone :woohoo::yay::banana:
The guy at my gym is starting to become a problem again-- I swear I feel like the kitty Pepe Le Pew is after. I was on the elliptical a few days ago almost done and he came in and just sat on some equipment and just sat there staring at me. He knows my routine and positions himself accordingly so he went back to the other room when I was done and I escaped out the pool way and skipped the weights. It's ok I got it all done Saturday in one shot but jeez-- I had to stretch in the womens locker room the day I escaped. I don't know if I should just say something to him or what but I've given him a lot of hints. Maybe I should just say hey look when I'm here I'm just one of the guys and that's how I want to be treated--you make me feel uncomfortable. I don't know.

If this keeps up, you may want to go to the gym management. I had a true stalker in college and it was terrifying. Dh (well boyfriend back then) had to pick me up at work and walk me back to my dorm every night. It was a mess!

I wanted to say that I have been doing the C25K 2 days a week (I know its supposed to be more but my time only allows 2 days for this so I figure better then nothing) plus I am always on the TM for at least 30 mins.. anyway.. yesterday I was on it 32 mins and it looked like this
Walk 5 min, Jog 2 min, Walk 7 min, Jog 2 min, Walk 7 min, Jog 2 min, Walk 7 mins..
I can't believe I actally jogged 3 times for 2 mins each... I was WINDED but I felt soo accomplished that I had to share with you all.. Thank you for being here!!!

I started with C25K (well started and stopped and started and stopped about 100 times before I finally made running a "thing" for me), but it is a great program and you will feel so good about yourself when you finally finish it. My biggest advice is to remember that you WILL get stuck on a run and it may take weeks before you can finish it. Don't get discouraged! My issue day was the one after the 20 minute run. I could run that 20 minutes ok, but the next day's run was like 20 minute run, 2 minute walk, 5 minute run or something and I just could not do that second run despite it being so short in comparison. :confused3

QOTD for Tuesday, March 11th, 2014: In the spirit of the holiday, what is the one thing that you just can't seem to get into a routine with? What steps are you taking to get into a better habit?

Mine is my language software. I took spanish in school and college for 12 years or so and I still have the spanish vocab of a toddler! :blush: Dh has a convention in Barcelona in October and I am thinking of going with him. I would love to be able to communicate with the locals with more than 10 words and pantomime hand signals. But I put it on the to-do list every week and I never seem to find the time to use the software. The software is fun, so it is not a hardship to use it, I just don't.


This has been an odd week so far (and I am not complaining). Monday my husband's big boss (regional manager..so his bosses boss) gave us tickets to his corporate box at the Caps game (hockey). There was tons of no-no food and of course I ate it! We got home at midnight that night so by the time I got settled down and fell asleep the alarm was going off. So yesterday I was exhausted. I made it to the gym and gave it my all but I was starving all day. I know it was my body grasping at straws to stay upright when it really needed sleep, but I listened to the hunger anyway and ate and ate and ate. I had 600 calories of ice cream alone, some chocolate espresso beans and the list just goes on. Yet I have been down on the scale the last two days. This morning I am .2 away from my first milestone! I have no clue how and I know at some point the scale will skyrocket because of the last two days of eating, but right now it feels good! :smokin:

Morning, everyone! Its that time again!!

:cool1::woohoo:Happy WOOHOO Wednesday!!! :cool1::woohoo:

QOTD Wednesday, March 12: What is one thing this week you've done that you feel great about? Something on the scale or in measurements or going down a size? Or a non-scale victory like a new amount of pushups? Crunches? Or better eating habits? Take a moment to celebrate something, even if it is small!


Was watching Dr. Oz and seeing the symptoms of anemia decided to check my vitamins for what he said and found out my current multi is entirely lacking of iron! I refuse to buy one more supplement so I'm just going to try to eat foods rich in iron until these supps are gone.
With my gym stalker-- I've been going at night a lot to avoid him but the rest of the week I work at 3:30 so if he doesn't stop I will say something to him. If that doesn't stop him I'll say something to the people at the gym.
I ate more than I should have yesterday but I was trying to get daughter to eat more and she did eat more than I've seen her eat in years so I guess victory there. Then I had to go home and make dinner for husband so I could go work out and it was just too much too soon lol, even after 30 minutes on the hardest elliptical I felt stuffed. Maybe today I'll make up for it, I work and I'll ride my bike and work out before.

I am so happy to have enjoyed such balmy, beautiful weather this week, and I made the most of it - NSV, hit 10,000 steps using my fitbit flex. YAYYY!

the weather is about to stink out loud for about 2 days, so I am planning to squeeze in another excursion tonight, just to make up for the potential loss of motivation I typically feel at the onset of SNOW.

I have an unofficial question for whoever feels like answering:

What do you do, if a gym membership or classes are not within your budget, and the weather is just not being kind to your metal parts? Do you pop in a video, or hit the mall? I need ideas for when I can't walk outside. I used to do BeFit in 90, but I got bored and discouraged. I am thinking of ballet barre in my kitchen as a warm up...
I am doing a DVD. I committed to 30 day shred last spring and while I did not lose as much as I hoped, it really made me fit! The first level of 30 day shred is available on YouTube for free.


I am so happy to have enjoyed such balmy, beautiful weather this week, and I made the most of it - NSV, hit 10,000 steps using my fitbit flex. YAYYY!

What do you do, if a gym membership or classes are not within your budget, and the weather is just not being kind to your metal parts? Do you pop in a video, or hit the mall? I need ideas for when I can't walk outside. I used to do BeFit in 90, but I got bored and discouraged. I am thinking of ballet barre in my kitchen as a warm up...

We should become fitbit friends! Ive had mine a few years. I am fairly certain my name on there is Raenstoirm too.

I actually have two gym memberships at the moment (and my community has a nice gym that is free, well, not free, part of our HOA fee), but that doesn't mean I use any of them at times. My go-to is the mall, but I don't know how good that is it terms of fitness. It gets my fitbit to 10,000 so thats good, but I don't get the energy - boost - just - worked - out feeling. I planned on going to the gym for a 5k on the treadmill and then a yoga class, but nope, class started at 5. Then I figured I would go wander the mall and get in my steps tonight, but a nasty storm is moving in (we are supposed to go from 70* to 30* in a span of an hour). I don't really want to be out of the roads when the wind gets worse and the pouring rain starts. So it looks like today is a rest day.

I am not sure how tight your finances are, but have you looked at community classes? I have taken belly dancing, tai chi and a few others over the years. They are all very reasonably priced since they are community sponsored. Maybe there is something like that in your area.

I am so happy to have enjoyed such balmy, beautiful weather this week, and I made the most of it - NSV, hit 10,000 steps using my fitbit flex. YAYYY!

the weather is about to stink out loud for about 2 days, so I am planning to squeeze in another excursion tonight, just to make up for the potential loss of motivation I typically feel at the onset of SNOW.

I have an unofficial question for whoever feels like answering:

What do you do, if a gym membership or classes are not within your budget, and the weather is just not being kind to your metal parts? Do you pop in a video, or hit the mall? I need ideas for when I can't walk outside. I used to do BeFit in 90, but I got bored and discouraged. I am thinking of ballet barre in my kitchen as a warm up...
I think probably Zumba is old hat. My hubby got it for us at Christmas but I don't like it - so I would say a DVD or fitness channel or u tube clips. I have been rubbish this week I have said every day that I must do yoga but youngest daughter is in a show and lots of transfers to theatre as well as full time job, so just can't do it. Maybe at the weekend - I am reminded of the post about procrastinating!:happytv:
Thanks for the input!

I am a big fan of free, so I think I'm going to see what the on demand yoga programming is around here -- I think that's what I need right now.

Adding you, Raenstoirm! thanks :D
Hope everyone had a great hump day today!

First I have to say thank you all for sharing your frustrations and triumphs. I don't do a whole lot of posting around here due to time constraints but I wanted each of you to know how encouraging it is to come here and feel a sense of camaraderie and that I'm not alone in this journey. You keep me going!:hug:

QOTD Wednesday, March 12: What is one thing this week you've done that you feel great about? Something on the scale or in measurements or going down a size? Or a non-scale victory like a new amount of pushups? Crunches? Or better eating habits? Take a moment to celebrate something, even if it is small!

Something great this week? Hmmm. Well, I did a pretty good job at dealing with my stress level today. I felt much better as opposed to yesterday as far as my emotions are concerned but it was absolutely insane with many fires to put out.

My habit has been to eat lunch at my desk while working because I feel like I need to be available to the staff and physicians at all times. As difficult as it is to do, I need to realize that it's ok to take a breather at some point during the chaos of the day. So with that in mind, I actually left the office for a bit to have lunch at Starbucks with my administrative assistant. It was a beautiful day and felt so good to get some fresh air and sunshine. Don't get me wrong, my boss and I do get out every once in a while but only when we're fully staffed and having a fairly slow day. When things get crazy is when I actually need to take a time out in order to regain some sanity. Baby steps I guess.

Have a wonderful Thursday ladies!:)
Happy Thursday, everyone!

Today is National Open an Umbrella Inside Day! Its a chance to break superstitions and tempt fate! Is there something you do each day that doesn't go along with what is known to be "good for you"?

QOTD Thursday, March 13th: What is the one piece of advice you found didn't work for you and your health, despite all the "experts" of the internet telling you to do it/not do it?

BBL with replies!

Its so great that you are a WW leader to motivate yourself to follow your own advice! I'm sure you'll back in the habit, soon. Maybe a new workout plan could be your lucky ticket? A race? A new exercise class? Today I realized I've always been too embarrassed to take a dance class because of my weight, so when I get to my goal, my next goal will be going to a dance class that I never would have felt comfortable in before! Stir things up, lady!

And more importantly, give yourself a little slack, things have been insane for you lately!

You are right.... I need something new!


Afternoon, everyone! Today has just not been my day. Slept through my workout after not being able to sleep for hours last night. Just sat there in the dark thinking about my life and my choices and my future happiness and suddenly, oy vey, its after midnight.

As far as the QOTD, I have been really bad about my morning workouts. There are mornings where I literally question how I have been doing this for months, and why I can't seem to wake my body up. To get myself back, I've decided to start planning things after work - even something like window shopping, or going for a long walk, just so that I can't wake up and decide to go back to bed and do my workout after work. Because, after work comes... and somehow it just doesn't get done.

Here's hoping with the rain tomorrow brings easier sleep and a less frustrating day. :)

Hope you slept well last night and hope you are staying WARM in these continued winter condition!

Called over to my Moms house yesterday as things had been awful quiet--found out my daughter is getting married and moving about an hour away, as soon as the boy gets it together up there. He has bee hives at his Gram's and is an apprentice bee keeper. I'm glad for her-- every time I've asked her about this boy--well do you want to spend time with him, does he make you happy, it's always a big yes and the feeling seems mutual, he just got scared. He's in counseling and seems to be really stepping up so this is great news. She'll stay at my Mom's until they move up there. I feel kind of guilty but this is kind of a relief for me too. I mean I'd love to be full time gramma and babysit--the whole thing but I'd be giving up a lot that I don't really want to right now. This way they'll be plenty close to visit but the diaper changes, late night feedings--all hers. :thumbsup2 :banana:

Well, have to go or I'll be late picking her up to go run her around today...

Congrats to your daughter!

Hello everyone! Hope you are all having a great week so far.

Had a really rough day today. Not so much from a weight standpoint. I actually lost 3 lbs. last week which I'm happy about. I'm in management and having issues with my staff which is taking it's toll as far as my stress level is concerned. That being said I haven't done what I typically do which is reach for the glazed donuts in the pink box that someone brought to the office. I looooovvve glazed donuts, so gooey and sweet...sorry, got distracted there for a minute.;)

Anyway, I've been a good girl. Now if only I could resolve my staff issues with a wave of my magic wand!pixiedust:

Nice job resisting the "call of the carbs"~!!

Morning, everyone! Its that time again!!

:cool1::woohoo:Happy WOOHOO Wednesday!!! :cool1::woohoo:

QOTD Wednesday, March 12: What is one thing this week you've done that you feel great about? Something on the scale or in measurements or going down a size? Or a non-scale victory like a new amount of pushups? Crunches? Or better eating habits? Take a moment to celebrate something, even if it is small!


It's gonna have to be REALLY small this week. And I'll have to give it some thought. (ETA:.... came up with something! Keep scrolling down!)

I have two. :)

I finished my four miles outside in the sunshine yesterday despite the fact that my legs felt like bricks the entire time. :)

Wonderful! And glad you had some sunshine to enjoy!

And this new eating plan (vegetarian type of paleo/primal) is working really, really well. Down another half pound today. The best part--I am still eating some really tasty treats--they just aren't full of sugar and bad carbs. I don't feel like I am having as many nasty carb crashes. Don't get me wrong, I love carbs, but this was the kick start I needed to get back on track. I am off from work today, so today could be challenging, but all in all just thrilled with the progress so far. :)

DELIGHTED to hear that new hybrid plan is working for you! Feel free to share what types of things you are eating (for those of us who might need some motivation or inspiration ;) ).

Good morning everyone!!

I saw a wonderful film yesterday: The Grand Budapest Hotel. It was just so lovely, funny (but not a true comedy), creative. I can only recommend it!! It was filmed here in Germany (in Babelsberg, the old Berlin film studio where Marlene Dietrich started out, as well as on location) even though it is an American film. And it won a price at the Berlin film festival (which is like the Cannes film festival, but in winter), a Silver Bear. Normally the films that win Bears at the Berlin festival are far too artsy for my taste, but this isn't!

Nothing to do with weight loss, but it put me in such a good mood that I had to share!

Wonder if it is available on Netflix or Amazon streaming? DD and I have been searching for a good movie this week. Last night's selection was absolutely lame! Thanks for sharing!

I am doing very well with thinking before eating and not give in to temptations this week. After not eating my own cupcakes on Monday, yesterday before the film we went to an Italian restaurant for dinner. The pizzas smelled so good, but I got a wonderful salad instead with grilled filet of lamb! About every second meal I also manage to remember to slow down. So greta progress with regard to conscious eating for me!

:thumbsup2 I too have been working on SLOWING DOWN my eating... most especially at breakfast that I often eat alone and I am usually hungry. Yesterday I tried to put down the yogurt bowl and grab a sip of coffee or tea between bites and to take much smaller bites. Baby steps! OOOHhh... that can be my WOOHOO Wednesday!! PHew!

First of all: I think because you have your own struggles, you are a far better example for your members than if it all came naturally to you! I have a close friend who is very sporty and moves a lot and can eat a ton without gaining any fat. After 3 kids she still wears a size 2! When she tries to give me advice on how to lose weight I never find it sincere because she does not understand why it is difficult for me.

But then I am wondering how much your struggle has to do with your life being changed due to your DD being away at college now. You seemed to do a lot of exercise while she was training, so that opportunity is lost. Also, it must have been quite a change to your daily routines with one less kid. And finding a new routine is always difficult for whatever reasons. So, don't be so hard to yourself!

I am sure you know this for yourself anyway, but the only suggestion I would have to think of what kind of new routines would work with your daily life as it is now. And maybe instead of aiming for 5 work outs per week. Start with setting yourself the goal of three workouts a week and once you were able to incorporate those, try to get in more.

OMG!! You have TOTALLY nailed it! And I hate to even admit it out loud, but you are TOTALLY CORRECT that NOT having DD here and NOT being "forced" to be at the gym daily has been a MASSIVE part of the new struggle. I need to start thinking about my NEW LIFE SCHEDULE. Especially since DD may not even be coming home for the summer!

After last school year's craziness, driving her to endless swim practices day and night, I really felt like I needed some time to relax.... take the evenings off from driving, etc. But honestly.... I have been "relaxing" since September!! ENOUGH! I need to figure out what my NEW life will be.... my life without swim driving etc.

And thanks for what you said about my members relating to me because the weight loss/exercise challenge is REAL for me. I try SO HARD to keep it real during my meetings. I never want to come off as "cured" or "perfect" or "doing it all right". But at the same time I want to be motivating and encouraging and if I am throwing in the towel in regards to exercise, how can I possibly encourage others? Time to put on my big girl panties! Thanks for being such a great friend and taking the time to give me some great words of advise and encouragement!!:thumbsup2

Hugs to you P. I thought Magdalene gave a great reply. I too was wondering if not driving to all those swim practices (and having all that time waiting) was making it hard to get on some kind of schedule. I have been thinking a bunch about whether I am setting myself up to fail by some of my choices. Like I expect to fail, so I make bad choices, and then guess what...Anyhow, the point is you are a success. Even though you might not be where you want to be at this moment, you have been maintaining a healthy weight for YEARS and that is awesome! This is just a bump in the road, and I have no doubt you will find a way to get back to a place you feel good about.:goodvibes :hug:

I certainly know that you can sympathize with all of this. Been there, done that, right? And we BOTH know that we CAN do this.... we've done it before and we can do it again! Thanks for taking the time to pass along your wise words and help. :love:

well my Whoo hoo is Monday at work we welcomed our new boss with local donuts, coffee, and fruit and I welcomed her with just coffee.. I did take a donut but brought it back to my desk and as I was looking at it I decided yes it would taste SOOOOOOOO good but I'd beat myself up and give myself an excuse to ruin the WHOLE day so I wraped it up and brought it down to the Hubs in the kitchen for a treat! then when I went to the gym I shared that I jogged for a total of 6 mins and yesterday even though Hubs didn't want to go to the gym I still went to Zumba and gave him an errand list and he just came back and got me! still doing pretty good with the low carb stuff this week and I'll actually WI on Friday am because I am going away for the weekend with some girlfriends and will miss my normal WI/Meeting..

Keep up the great work everyone :woohoo::yay::banana:

Sounds like you are making GREAT choices! Love that you are managing to live a combined low carb/WW life!


I am so happy to have enjoyed such balmy, beautiful weather this week, and I made the most of it - NSV, hit 10,000 steps using my fitbit flex. YAYYY!

the weather is about to stink out loud for about 2 days, so I am planning to squeeze in another excursion tonight, just to make up for the potential loss of motivation I typically feel at the onset of SNOW.

Glad you got out and enjoyed the brief break from winter! Congrats on the NSV!

I have an unofficial question for whoever feels like answering:

What do you do, if a gym membership or classes are not within your budget, and the weather is just not being kind to your metal parts? Do you pop in a video, or hit the mall? I need ideas for when I can't walk outside. I used to do BeFit in 90, but I got bored and discouraged. I am thinking of ballet barre in my kitchen as a warm up...

I have done LOTS of things.... I've made up my own circuit training routine that I can do here at home without much of any equipment, I own several Walk Away the Pounds DVDs, I have some BL and Jillian Michaels DVDs as well as a yoga DVD and mat. I also have some hand weights, Wii Fit with balance board, and have been seriously considering investing in a kettle bell. What I need now is the motivation to get back to using any/all of this!

Happy Thursday, everyone!

Today is National Open an Umbrella Inside Day! Its a chance to break superstitions and tempt fate! Is there something you do each day that doesn't go along with what is known to be "good for you"?

QOTD Thursday, March 13th: What is the one piece of advice you found didn't work for you and your health, despite all the "experts" of the internet telling you to do it/not do it?

BBL with replies!

Cutting out carbs in the afternoon/evening. If I want the low carb/no carb thing to work for me, it needs to be virtually NO carbs (other than veggies and some fruit). I tried the "front loading carbs" (eating carbs at breakfast only) and it certainly didn't work nearly as well as going essentially to an Atkins Phase One type level of carbs.

Also smoothies..... most of them, even the "healthy" ones have waaaay more calories than I would normally have (especially for breakfast), they didn't leave me full enough, and didn't give me the same satisfaction that a smaller meal that I could CHEW does.


Morning all! Woke up to slippery roads and more snow flying... but of course, school was on as usual, so it was a very hazardous slow drive out there today. But DS made it to school and I made it home again and I am making a pseudo breakfast-in-bed for DD and I as soon as I finish up here. The "pseudo" part comes in because I'm going to wake her up and drag her to MY bed so we can cuddle and watch some useless TV for a bit. Then she needs to get down to homework and I WILL work out.... some how, some way! And then I have the REST OF THE DAY to relax! DH is away, DS is at school until late tonight (production week for the spring musical that opens Sunday night) and DD will be studying. I plan to work out, throw in some laundry and hit the scrapbook table for most of the afternoon! Yeah me! We have plenty of leftovers in the fridge so lunch will be easy. Dinner was scheduled to be a loaded baked potato night (we like to eat carbs for dinner when DH is gone), but since it is just DD and myself, we may just finish up the leftovers.

I promised myself I would only sit here until 9 am and it is now 9:04, so time to make breakfast for us! TTYL......................P
Well, we have another sunny day here. I'm gonna try to get to the pool and get back in time to eat and ride my bike to work. Yesterday I ended up swimming for my aerobic so it took extra time (changing from work out clothes and washing out chlorine from hair) Normally on a work day I wouldn't do this but I saw Mr. Stalky in the weight room when I got there and thought maybe he'd be gone by the time I was done. (I'll go lift weights after) He wasn't but didn't bother me yesterday so that's good.
I found a slimcoach MYtrak at goodwill a few days ago-- I haven't looked at it yet but it's in the box and has it's instructions and everything. I'll need to have a bit of time to check it out as I'm extremely technically challenged....

Just a quick kind of cute thing--took Lily and Louisa in for their last shots ( I thought they were done last time but it turns out the free spay and neuter place didn't give them leukemia shots) and the vet counted 7 toes on both Lily's front feet. The rest of her family we took in are mostly 6 toed, a few are normal but 7--jeez. paw:
I'm just beyond frustration right now! I've been so motivated and had a fabulous 4.5 loss last week! Well this is spring break and I've eaten so many bad things I'm so mad at myself! On a positive I bought a Groupon for a boot camp starting in April but I've now had a stress fracture in my foot and I'm in a boot!!! This has made me more upset which in turn makes me down and turn to food. Yes I know what I'm doing is all wrong and I can still do weights or situps, pushups (on knees) etc and eat well to maintain but I guess I've resorted to old habits. I feel like I've just sabotaged myself and ruined all my hard work.

ugh! pity party :rolleyes1

I guess I'll try and get back in gear at least with my eating tomorrow.

I joined the boot camp w 2 friends and now I have to delay. I want them to go on and get started and not wait for me to recover. Oh well - it is what it is!
Hi guys, I am back, and have caught up on everything....posts, weights, colours changes, everything.

Seems there are a few of us struggling at the moment, and me too!! I was supposed to be on 3 days holiday from work this week. Today is the first day that I have actually taken as I got called in for work on the other 2! I will get the holidays back, but I was sooo looking forward to some 'me' time to just potter about and do 'stuff'.....anyway, it was not to be.

I am feeling worn out today. I have a 10K in 2 weeks time, so have been trying to up the distance.....I have run every day this week so far and have covered 25k (and done 1 zumba class)....think a rest is due today!! I have reached a point with the running where I can 'just do it'....without thinking about it, or getting maddly out of breath. Average pace is around 8.2km/hr so I'm happy with that for the moment.

I got bored with my GarminFit app, so downloaded one called runtastic on the recommendation of a work colleague......it's great. It shows the map of my run with colour coding - green when I was doing well, amber when I was doing OK and red when I was slacking!!!! Used it yesterday morning and I was slacking runnng up the only hill in the area where I live!!! No surprise there.

The scales have been kind to me this week, another pound gone. It's slow but steady for me now! My official slimming world weigh-in puts me at 6lb from goal, so not far to go now. Then the hard work of maintaining begins!!!

Looking forward to getting all of your updated weights PM'd to me later, Good luck everyone.
Happy Friday, everyone! :cheer2:

Its Friday Funday!

I found this quiz on BuzzFeed the other day and I though it would be perfect as a nice Friday QOTD!

So, take THIS quiz and find out who your Disney Best Friend/Sidekick is!

And if you are bored and in need of a test of your Disney wits, THIS quiz is to see how well you REALLY know the princesses. ;)

Happy Weigh-in Day! Don't forget to PM your W/I into Eliza! pixiedust:
Well, we have another sunny day here. I'm gonna try to get to the pool and get back in time to eat and ride my bike to work. Yesterday I ended up swimming for my aerobic so it took extra time (changing from work out clothes and washing out chlorine from hair) Normally on a work day I wouldn't do this but I saw Mr. Stalky in the weight room when I got there and thought maybe he'd be gone by the time I was done. (I'll go lift weights after) He wasn't but didn't bother me yesterday so that's good.
I found a slimcoach MYtrak at goodwill a few days ago-- I haven't looked at it yet but it's in the box and has it's instructions and everything. I'll need to have a bit of time to check it out as I'm extremely technically challenged....

Just a quick kind of cute thing--took Lily and Louisa in for their last shots ( I thought they were done last time but it turns out the free spay and neuter place didn't give them leukemia shots) and the vet counted 7 toes on both Lily's front feet. The rest of her family we took in are mostly 6 toed, a few are normal but 7--jeez. paw:

I've never owned a cat with that many toes on one paw! That must look cute!

I'm just beyond frustration right now! I've been so motivated and had a fabulous 4.5 loss last week! Well this is spring break and I've eaten so many bad things I'm so mad at myself! On a positive I bought a Groupon for a boot camp starting in April but I've now had a stress fracture in my foot and I'm in a boot!!! This has made me more upset which in turn makes me down and turn to food. Yes I know what I'm doing is all wrong and I can still do weights or situps, pushups (on knees) etc and eat well to maintain but I guess I've resorted to old habits. I feel like I've just sabotaged myself and ruined all my hard work.

ugh! pity party :rolleyes1

I guess I'll try and get back in gear at least with my eating tomorrow.

I joined the boot camp w 2 friends and now I have to delay. I want them to go on and get started and not wait for me to recover. Oh well - it is what it is!

So sorry that you are injured! Hopefully the boot camp can take your injury into consideration and give you an extension on the use of your Groupon.

Hi guys, I am back, and have caught up on everything....posts, weights, colours changes, everything.

Seems there are a few of us struggling at the moment, and me too!! I was supposed to be on 3 days holiday from work this week. Today is the first day that I have actually taken as I got called in for work on the other 2! I will get the holidays back, but I was sooo looking forward to some 'me' time to just potter about and do 'stuff'.....anyway, it was not to be.

I am feeling worn out today. I have a 10K in 2 weeks time, so have been trying to up the distance.....I have run every day this week so far and have covered 25k (and done 1 zumba class)....think a rest is due today!! I have reached a point with the running where I can 'just do it'....without thinking about it, or getting maddly out of breath. Average pace is around 8.2km/hr so I'm happy with that for the moment.

Wowza! The running sounds like it is going great! Sorry you didn't get your "me" time!

I got bored with my GarminFit app, so downloaded one called runtastic on the recommendation of a work colleague......it's great. It shows the map of my run with colour coding - green when I was doing well, amber when I was doing OK and red when I was slacking!!!! Used it yesterday morning and I was slacking runnng up the only hill in the area where I live!!! No surprise there.

The scales have been kind to me this week, another pound gone. It's slow but steady for me now! My official slimming world weigh-in puts me at 6lb from goal, so not far to go now. Then the hard work of maintaining begins!!!

Looking forward to getting all of your updated weights PM'd to me later, Good luck everyone.

HURRAY! We will be having a "made it to goal" celebration here for you soon!!

Happy Friday, everyone! :cheer2:

Its Friday Funday!

I found this quiz on BuzzFeed the other day and I though it would be perfect as a nice Friday QOTD!

So, take THIS quiz and find out who your Disney Best Friend/Sidekick is!

And if you are bored and in need of a test of your Disney wits, THIS quiz is to see how well you REALLY know the princesses. ;)

Happy Weigh-in Day! Don't forget to PM your W/I into Eliza! pixiedust:

Thanks for keeping us on track this week! I will pop on later and take the quiz!


Morning all! My last real day here with DD.... tomorrow she will be packing up and doing homework and then I drive her back Sunday. We are tossing around a few ideas of what to do, but she got the cold that DH and DS were suffering with and yesterday she said she felt like she was hit by a truck, so if she isn't feeling better it may end up being an at-home day. We'll see when she gets up in a bit.

Steel cut oats cooked overnight in the crockpot for breakfast.... such a treat! Off to enjoy that!...................P
Hmmm, so I got Stitch in the quiz.......really not sure how I feel about that!!! Never really though he was a margarita kinda guy!!!!!!
You got: Abu from “Aladdin”

Really, you just need a partner in crime, and Abu is down to whatever monkey business you’re getting into. He may not be the best influence, but he’s your ride-or-die, and that’s good enough.

and I only got 8 of the 15 question for the princess quiz!! shame! shame!!

happy Friday everyone, the sun is shining, the bitter cold hopefully has passed over Ohio, and my favorite jeans are getting looser :thumbsup2 My WI was pretty good this week, I lost most of the fluff I regained last week and am nearly back down to the low end of my fluctuation. disappointedly I realized this morning while looking at my fitbit graph, that I've gained and lost the same 10 lbs since Jan :crazy2: soooo frustrating!!! my goal for March seems pretty far-fetched now as I'd have to lose another 6 lbs by the end of the month...sigh. DH is gone on business next week so at least that helps me by not cooking dinner. last time he was gone I was able to get into a good mojo, so I want to repeat that next week! I have been back at the gym though this month, so hopefully the change up in my WO will bring lower numbers on the scale in the coming weeks

PIXIE DUST to you all for your WI !!


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