~WISH Away The Pounds~ AMAZING APRIL 2014 Challenge! *All Welcome!*

Happy Thursday!

Here is your QOTD for Thursday, April 3, 2014:

How do you track/journal your food? Do you keep an old-fashioned paper journal or a list? Do you do it online or maybe on an iPhone app?? If you DON'T track/journal your food, do you think you should?

I"ll BBL to chat!..............P

Good Morning and thanks for all the kind words, I appreciate you all.. I spent the night planning for next week.. More healthy food - cutting out the crappy carbs - will go to the gym at least 2 days but the sleeping thing i'm at a loss.. I mean I go to bed at about 9:30pm and i fall right asleep and stay asleep the whole night till the Hubs wakes me around 4:30am? I guess my mind is just busy still even though my body isn't.. I hope the eating/gym will help with my funk..

I do track in a WW journal - both my carb intake and the WW points.. I also use the daily plate tracker on live strong.. I have been bad at that but with my plan for next week I'll be tracking again ..

Happy Thursday!

Here is your QOTD for Thursday, April 3, 2014:

How do you track/journal your food? Do you keep an old-fashioned paper journal or a list? Do you do it online or maybe on an iPhone app?? If you DON'T track/journal your food, do you think you should?

I"ll BBL to chat!..............P
I do not track.

I should track. I do better when I track. But I cook 99% of my food from scratch and I have found tracking to be tedious and frustrating. When I use mfp I definitely lose faster and push myself harder. It just takes forever to enter every single ingredient. I could add in recipes, but honestly I cook by throwing things together a lot, so even that isn't a great idea. Excuses, excuses. :)

When I lost 50 pounds in 2010 I used portion control and it worked great. Lately I have been having trouble sticking with anything.

Pamela--what protein powder do you use? And where did you get the hemp powder. We don't have a juicer, but we have talked about getting one and I think we would both like it, especially in the summer. I could totally see us drinking our dinners after late evening workouts.

Magdalene--for what it's worth, my early morning workouts have been nonexistent since the time change. Hoping to get back into it soon. :)

Linda--good to see you.:goodvibes

So we have had a flurry of activity at our house this week, so maybe the relocation dream isn't dead yet. :) It is all very mentally tiring and we have been doing this for a very long time, so something has to give. We have been in an apartment since September and the girl above us (who weighs nothing) is SO LOUD. I have even banged on the ceiling once. Add to that, her boyfriend visits in the middle of the night....and well, you get the picture. I am not sorry we sold our house. It was a good decision. But the lack of sleep was driving me to the edge. We switched which room we were sleeping in, and it has helped immensely. I am starting to feel human again, not as cranky in the evening, and somewhat getting my food intake under control. Thank goodness!

Hitting the gym after work. Have a great Thursday.:goodvibes
Happy Thursday!

Here is your QOTD for Thursday, April 3, 2014:

How do you track/journal your food? Do you keep an old-fashioned paper journal or a list? Do you do it online or maybe on an iPhone app?? If you DON'T track/journal your food, do you think you should?

I"ll BBL to chat!..............P

Oh! I missed the QOTD, it was posted just when I was writing my post.

I track - and I find it is the only way I can lose consistently. I use WW online and like that I can access it from the app on my phone, from my Ipad and my computer. The apps are somtimes a bit tedious to work with (I measure a lot of things in grams and I always have to scroll down through all the numbers from 1 until I get to maybe 150 grams of Yoghurt). But in general I find it very convenient. Also, somehow the "game" aspect keeps me more motivated than if I were just tracking with a piece of paper!!! Yes, pretty silly, but if it works, I won't complain!! :rolleyes1
Dona, so sorry to hear of your loss! :flower3:

And you, too, Michelle. :flower3:

Lots of folks here who need some extra pixiedust: and :hug:

Hi Im Maria. I am new to this challenge. Im married with two kids. My goal is to loose 30 pounds in 6 months, a year or how ever long it takes. Im not really doing much exercises except go walking for 25 minutes during my lunch hour. It is really hard to motivate my self to exercise. Im hoping this challenge will force me to commit and stay motivated. My weight has been the same for the past 4 months even though i have been exercising more and eating less rice and more veggies.


Hi! I am Jenne and I am new to this. I recently returned from another Spring Break Trip to Disney - one that I swore I would lose weight for, and I think I was about 8 lbs heavier then when I went the year before. I have been saying this to myself every year for as long as I can remember. :( My BABY just turned four yesterday - can't really call him my baby anymore. I am carrying around 2 pregnancies worth of baby weight, and the 40 lbs I packed on when I quit smoking. Enough is enough. I have been with WW since last summer, but I finally turned a corner with my horrible eating habits, so success is coming slowly. I attend meetings on Saturdays, so I will post my results then.

My April goal - by the check in on the 26th - I hope to be 8 lbs down. :goodvibes I am going to focus on proper eating to start and bring in the fitness slowly later on.

Something unusual - I can make my chin dance! ::yes::


I'm in! I've done this before and am usually lurking! So I feel I know everyone pretty well, but nobody has any idea who I am. :lmao:

Some of us know who you are! ;) Nice to see you! :flower3:

Happy Thursday!

Here is your QOTD for Thursday, April 3, 2014:

How do you track/journal your food? Do you keep an old-fashioned paper journal or a list? Do you do it online or maybe on an iPhone app?? If you DON'T track/journal your food, do you think you should?

I"ll BBL to chat!..............P

I track using my etools on WW -- my phone and computer every single day.

As my WW leader says, track only on the days you want to lose. ;)

Good Morning everyone!!

After another frustrating meeting with my scale I have no decided to ignore it. Serves it well if it is not being nice to me!!! The scale will travel into my basement tonight and stay there until I need it to come up when I pack my suitcase for the trip (and need to weigh the suitcase to make sure that I do not exceed the 23kg limit). Until then I am going to keep tracking my points and continue my exercise. That's the only thing I can think of for getting thinner. So it does not matter at all what the scale says. I usually use the scale as a motivator in a positive sense. But currently it is not motivating me at all! I also don't believe in the weigh only once a week thing as I know that my body weight fluctuates and I would only be depressed if that once a week weight is one when it fluctuated upwards. So the solution is not to weigh myself for 3.5 weeks at all.

With that I am also not taking part in the challenge part of this thread but will continue to post and chat since you people here are a great source of motivation for me (and more important than my scale by now!!! :goodvibes)

Feeling really good about this!

Did not feel good this morning however, when I did my Body Revolution exercise. I think I hate workout 3! And I hate exercising in the morning. I wonder how you people do it? I had no strength, felt nauseous most of the time and was utterly exhausted by the end. :scared: Need to do it again tomorrow though as I don't have any other opportunity to get my workout in for the day otherwise. Already a bit scared...

Hang in there, Magdalene! :flower3: I think the important thing is to workout when it feels right for you so if mornings don't work for you, go with what does. I have learned this from my evening running group run which is totally different from my usual morning workouts. :faint: Set yourself up for success! :goodvibes

Rose, glad to hear that the sleeping situation is improving at your house. :goodvibes

After my frustrating March I decided less talking and more doing was what was needed so my computer time has been cut down accordingly. I'm off to a great start so I think I will take a page from Magdalene's book and chat but not be part of the challenge. :cool2:
Yikes! Forgot to say thank you, thank you, thank you to Pamela for jumping in at the last minute and hostessing our challenge this month and coaching this week! :thanks::thanks::thanks:

I can take a coaching spot anytime but the last week.
How do you track/journal your food? Do you keep an old-fashioned paper journal or a list? Do you do it online or maybe on an iPhone app?? If you DON'T track/journal your food, do you think you should?

I use fitday.com. It's not the most up-to-date website out there, but I've been using it off and on for 4 or 5 years and I like the fact that most everything I eat is already saved in my profile. When I'm tracking faithfully, I can lose weight. When I don't, I tend to cheat and eat mindlessly and the pounds pack on.
Hi Im Maria. I am new to this challenge. Im married with two kids. My goal is to loose 30 pounds in 6 months, a year or how ever long it takes. Im not really doing much exercises except go walking for 25 minutes during my lunch hour. It is really hard to motivate my self to exercise. Im hoping this challenge will force me to commit and stay motivated. My weight has been the same for the past 4 months even though i have been exercising more and eating less rice and more veggies.

Welcome Maria!! Glad to have you here!

Hi! I am Jenne and I am new to this. I recently returned from another Spring Break Trip to Disney - one that I swore I would lose weight for, and I think I was about 8 lbs heavier then when I went the year before. I have been saying this to myself every year for as long as I can remember. :( My BABY just turned four yesterday - can't really call him my baby anymore. I am carrying around 2 pregnancies worth of baby weight, and the 40 lbs I packed on when I quit smoking. Enough is enough. I have been with WW since last summer, but I finally turned a corner with my horrible eating habits, so success is coming slowly. I attend meetings on Saturdays, so I will post my results then.

My April goal - by the check in on the 26th - I hope to be 8 lbs down. :goodvibes I am going to focus on proper eating to start and bring in the fitness slowly later on.

Something unusual - I can make my chin dance! ::yes::

Big welcome to a fellow WW!! Glad to have another follower here! Feel free to use your meeting weights for the challenge.

I'm in! I've done this before and am usually lurking! So I feel I know everyone pretty well, but nobody has any idea who I am. :lmao:

QOTD1: I've been married to DH for 26.5 years. On our 25th we went to DLR alone; it was lovely without kids. DS1 is a sophomore in college and DS2 is a junior in high school. He keeps us very busy. I am a substitute assistant in the school district and mostly work in a special education kindergarten room. They are so stinking cute!

QOTD2: I measured my dinner tonight. Love my food scale from Costco!

Dona: :hug: I'm so sorry for your losses!

Welcome back!! So glad to see you back!

Good Morning everyone!!

After another frustrating meeting with my scale I have no decided to ignore it. Serves it well if it is not being nice to me!!! The scale will travel into my basement tonight and stay there until I need it to come up when I pack my suitcase for the trip (and need to weigh the suitcase to make sure that I do not exceed the 23kg limit). Until then I am going to keep tracking my points and continue my exercise. That's the only thing I can think of for getting thinner. So it does not matter at all what the scale says. I usually use the scale as a motivator in a positive sense. But currently it is not motivating me at all! I also don't believe in the weigh only once a week thing as I know that my body weight fluctuates and I would only be depressed if that once a week weight is one when it fluctuated upwards. So the solution is not to weigh myself for 3.5 weeks at all.

With that I am also not taking part in the challenge part of this thread but will continue to post and chat since you people here are a great source of motivation for me (and more important than my scale by now!!! :goodvibes)

I don't participate with weight either, so no problem....just happy to have you here to chat!! My scale has been "naughty" here as well... not sure what is up with that!

Feeling really good about this!

Did not feel good this morning however, when I did my Body Revolution exercise. I think I hate workout 3! And I hate exercising in the morning. I wonder how you people do it? I had no strength, felt nauseous most of the time and was utterly exhausted by the end. :scared: Need to do it again tomorrow though as I don't have any other opportunity to get my workout in for the day otherwise. Already a bit scared...

Skip workout 3 if you hate it! No rule that says you MUST do it!

Good Morning and thanks for all the kind words, I appreciate you all.. I spent the night planning for next week.. More healthy food - cutting out the crappy carbs - will go to the gym at least 2 days but the sleeping thing i'm at a loss.. I mean I go to bed at about 9:30pm and i fall right asleep and stay asleep the whole night till the Hubs wakes me around 4:30am? I guess my mind is just busy still even though my body isn't.. I hope the eating/gym will help with my funk..

I do track in a WW journal - both my carb intake and the WW points.. I also use the daily plate tracker on live strong.. I have been bad at that but with my plan for next week I'll be tracking again ..


I promise EVERYTHING will look just a bit rosier if you get yourself back to the gym and back on track! And I understand the sleeping... you are emotionally and mentally exhausted! But being PHYSICALLY exhausted from a good workout and a busy day feels so nice!

I do not track.

I should track. I do better when I track. But I cook 99% of my food from scratch and I have found tracking to be tedious and frustrating. When I use mfp I definitely lose faster and push myself harder. It just takes forever to enter every single ingredient. I could add in recipes, but honestly I cook by throwing things together a lot, so even that isn't a great idea. Excuses, excuses. :)

When I lost 50 pounds in 2010 I used portion control and it worked great. Lately I have been having trouble sticking with anything.

Well, cooking from scratch is definitely healthier than takeout, but portion control is still important in most cases.

Pamela--what protein powder do you use? And where did you get the hemp powder. We don't have a juicer, but we have talked about getting one and I think we would both like it, especially in the summer. I could totally see us drinking our dinners after late evening workouts.

I was using Juice Plus vanilla protein powder. I think it is a good product, but it is sold through a pyramid marketing "scheme" and I really dislike how it was pushed on me/us. It was originally bought for DS, but we have since discovered that one of his allergens is in it, so we have discontinued our drop shipment. I was really just trying to use up the last of the product we had on hand.

My juicer is a Jack Lalane....not quite as good as a Breville, but not as expensive either! I went with middle-of-the-road (price, etc), but it doesn't really juice greens....but good enough for me! And it cleans up pretty easily. I see used juicers for sale all the time on my FB yard sale groups.... if I ever see a Breville I will probably try to buy it.

I think DH ordered the hemp protein from Swanson's (online vitamin company).

So we have had a flurry of activity at our house this week, so maybe the relocation dream isn't dead yet. :) It is all very mentally tiring and we have been doing this for a very long time, so something has to give. We have been in an apartment since September and the girl above us (who weighs nothing) is SO LOUD. I have even banged on the ceiling once. Add to that, her boyfriend visits in the middle of the night....and well, you get the picture. I am not sorry we sold our house. It was a good decision. But the lack of sleep was driving me to the edge. We switched which room we were sleeping in, and it has helped immensely. I am starting to feel human again, not as cranky in the evening, and somewhat getting my food intake under control. Thank goodness!

Hitting the gym after work. Have a great Thursday.:goodvibes

Hope the relocation works out for you!! Sleeping is GOOD! :)


Gotta dash! BBL to chat more!.................P
I am a WW member and I have an iPhone but I am still REALLY bad at tracking. I liked the point about only tracking on days that you want to lose. I know I am more successful when I track, but like others, almost everything I eat is homemade, so it takes more effort. I just have to decide that the results are worth it! :)
I use fitday.com. It's not the most up-to-date website out there, but I've been using it off and on for 4 or 5 years and I like the fact that most everything I eat is already saved in my profile. When I'm tracking faithfully, I can lose weight. When I don't, I tend to cheat and eat mindlessly and the pounds pack on.

As long as you find a system that works for you,that is what matters most.

Oh! I missed the QOTD, it was posted just when I was writing my post.

I track - and I find it is the only way I can lose consistently. I use WW online and like that I can access it from the app on my phone, from my Ipad and my computer. The apps are somtimes a bit tedious to work with (I measure a lot of things in grams and I always have to scroll down through all the numbers from 1 until I get to maybe 150 grams of Yoghurt). But in general I find it very convenient. Also, somehow the "game" aspect keeps me more motivated than if I were just tracking with a piece of paper!!! Yes, pretty silly, but if it works, I won't complain!! :rolleyes1

Again, if it works for you, then it is the PERFECT system!!

I track using my etools on WW -- my phone and computer every single day.

As my WW leader says, track only on the days you want to lose. ;)

Such a great thing to remember!!!!!!!

After my frustrating March I decided less talking and more doing was what was needed so my computer time has been cut down accordingly. I'm off to a great start so I think I will take a page from Magdalene's book and chat but not be part of the challenge. :cool2:

As long as you are still here to chat occasionally, that is just fine! As you all know, I'm a "chatter" but not usually part of the actual percentage challenge.

Yikes! Forgot to say thank you, thank you, thank you to Pamela for jumping in at the last minute and hostessing our challenge this month and coaching this week! :thanks::thanks::thanks:

I can take a coaching spot anytime but the last week.
You are welcome! I'll check the schedule and pop you into a spot and let you know!

I am a WW member and I have an iPhone but I am still REALLY bad at tracking. I liked the point about only tracking on days that you want to lose. I know I am more successful when I track, but like others, almost everything I eat is homemade, so it takes more effort. I just have to decide that the results are worth it! :)

I eat 99% home cooked meals and I am able to track everything. I may occasionally be a bit off on my calculations, but I figure as long as I am overestimating the PPV rather than underestimating, I"ll be okay. WW e-tools recipe builder is a GREAT resource for the home cook. And many recipe websites include NI with their recipes! Check out allrecipes.com!

As a WW "success story" (or so they say :blush: ) I can tell you that tracking WORKS!! I have 6+ years of paper journals to prove that!


Okay friends... the students are off to Art and my day is nearly done! DH is going to the gym later and will stop at the market for the necessities that we desperately need (fruits and veggies). I would just hold off until tomorrow and go myself, but I am anticipating being called to work again. But I WILL have to hit the market this weekend as I have been told that I will probably be needed here at school ALL next week. So tomorrow I will spend some time meal planning for next week before I hit the market.

Tonight is an easy dinner.... burgers (beef for the men, veggie for me) with grilled onions and peppers and roasted carrots. That is the absolute LAST of the fresh produce other than 2 apples, 2 oranges, and 2 grapefruit! Tomorrow's breakfast will either be greek yogurt with berries from the freezer or steel cut oats with raisins. I may cook an extra veggie burger tonight to pack for lunch tomorrow in case I get called to work.

I'll spend some time updating our participants list and our goals when I get home tonight, so keep those PM's rolling in!................P
Good Morning everyone!!

After another frustrating meeting with my scale I have no decided to ignore it. Serves it well if it is not being nice to me!!! .

I have also experienced this. I downloaded an app to log my weight and it is called 'happy scale' but it didn't live up to its name! The suggestion was that you log your weight every day. I started in March, I logged each day, but the smoothed out line that is supposed to take account of fluctuation had me gaining weight for the first two weeks. It was so frustrating I decided just to do my weigh in every week to send here and then log the weight in an ad hoc way ob the app. That was me mentally blocking out the negative vibes it was giving me, so effectively putting it in the basement. :rolleyes1
I am a WW member and I have an iPhone but I am still REALLY bad at tracking. I liked the point about only tracking on days that you want to lose. I know I am more successful when I track, but like others, almost everything I eat is homemade, so it takes more effort. I just have to decide that the results are worth it! :)

I don't track :duck:
Happy Thursday!

Here is your QOTD for Thursday, April 3, 2014:

How do you track/journal your food? Do you keep an old-fashioned paper journal or a list? Do you do it online or maybe on an iPhone app?? If you DON'T track/journal your food, do you think you should?

How many calories are we working on for, say 100 lbs to lose? There will come a time when I know I will need to analyse more closely, but I figure, if I can lose with the way things are now, then stay with that for now. Have ordered in a delivery of diet meals as it is school holidays over Easter and I know that being out of routine can lead to snacking and I need to keep things under control or at least try. So I have 4 weeks of the diet plan.
Happy Thursday!

Here is your QOTD for Thursday, April 3, 2014:

How do you track/journal your food? Do you keep an old-fashioned paper journal or a list? Do you do it online or maybe on an iPhone app?? If you DON'T track/journal your food, do you think you should?

I"ll BBL to chat!..............P

I MUST track - and I use MyFitnessPal. I used to cheat sometimes on it when I was embarrassed to put what I actually ate in, but I figured out that there is no point in doing it wrong. I just got a bunch of DIS members as friends and love to see everyone's progress, so if anyone else here would like to add me, I am eclemens428.

I also wear a BodyFit which coordinates with MFP which I love as well. Except the exercise does not show up on my feed on MFP, so I feel kind of bad when I see others' awesome posts about "burning 621 calories," etc.
I am going to join in. I haven't been here since Dec. I was struggling with a friend's death. Now I am dealing with my dad's death. He died yesterday on his 89th birthday. I will probably get started next week.

I will introduce myself then.

I am so sorry to hear that. Dh and I both lost our fathers a few years ago. They died 6 months apart. I gained a considerable amount of weight during that time IF you ever need to talk, please PM me. :hug:

Happy Thursday!

Here is your QOTD for Thursday, April 3, 2014:

How do you track/journal your food? Do you keep an old-fashioned paper journal or a list? Do you do it online or maybe on an iPhone app?? If you DON'T track/journal your food, do you think you should?

I am a myfitnesspal girl and have been for years. I also have my fitbit linked to it. I go through phases of using it and not. I have been tracking for 60 days today according to the app.

After another frustrating meeting with my scale I have no decided to ignore it. Serves it well if it is not being nice to me!!! The scale will travel into my basement tonight and stay there until I need it to come up when I pack my suitcase for the trip (and need to weigh the suitcase to make sure that I do not exceed the 23kg limit). Until then I am going to keep tracking my points and continue my exercise. That's the only thing I can think of for getting thinner. So it does not matter at all what the scale says. I usually use the scale as a motivator in a positive sense. But currently it is not motivating me at all! I also don't believe in the weigh only once a week thing as I know that my body weight fluctuates and I would only be depressed if that once a week weight is one when it fluctuated upwards. So the solution is not to weigh myself for 3.5 weeks at all.

Go you! Last time I got frustrated with not losing weight, I chose to avoid the scale too and focus on something else. In my case it was running and getting myself to a personal record in a race.

Did not feel good this morning however, when I did my Body Revolution exercise. I think I hate workout 3! And I hate exercising in the morning. I wonder how you people do it? I had no strength, felt nauseous most of the time and was utterly exhausted by the end. :scared: Need to do it again tomorrow though as I don't have any other opportunity to get my workout in for the day otherwise. Already a bit scared...

I take a very intensive fitness class 3-5 time a week before work. My hints...I eat a greek yogurt about 45 minutes before class. Now that 45 minute holding pattern means I have to get up 45 minutes earlier, but it is worth it. I get up, eat my yogurt, vitamins and 2 cups of water. Then take the dog for a 45 minute walk and then go to class. The protein and sugar in the yogurt combined with the water really seem to help me and the 45 minutes makes it somewhat digested so I don't feel like I have two throw up.

I have also experienced this. I downloaded an app to log my weight and it is called 'happy scale' but it didn't live up to its name! The suggestion was that you log your weight every day. I started in March, I logged each day, but the smoothed out line that is supposed to take account of fluctuation had me gaining weight for the first two weeks. It was so frustrating I decided just to do my weigh in every week to send here and then log the weight in an ad hoc way ob the app. That was me mentally blocking out the negative vibes it was giving me, so effectively putting it in the basement. :rolleyes1

I have an app called trendweight. It is linked to something (MFP or fitbit). I don't remember which. I only have to put my weight in MFP and trend weight grabs it automatically. I only go on there every few weeks to see my graph. I just went on and it estimates I will be at my ideal weight November 10th based on my trends. Not sure if that makes me :sad: or :banana: though.


Pretty good day today. I weighed the same this morning as yesterday, I am expecting my period this weekend, so I expected to be a little bloated and heavier this morning. Maybe I will avoid the bloat this month! Outside of that, I actually have a few hundred calories to eat still today and the day is almost over. I was flawless with my eating today and my dinner was really low cal. I buy into a fresh meal service, so I had them prepare lunch and dinner today and it was steamed veggies and a very small serving of mac and cheese. Dh is going to opening day for our local baseball team, so I also bought lunch and dinner for tomorrow. They are in the fridge. Lunch is some type of chicken salad. Dinner is either shrimp fettucini or turkey tenderloin (I bought both). Its a bit pricey but so convenient to have premeasured "homemade" food in the fridge and not have to think about what to eat or how much I can't eat or if I am eating a healthy balance of nutrients. And just grabbing a lunch pack from the fridge on the way to work really cuts down on time and stress in the morning!
What kind of squash? Recipe please!

Haha, no recipe! Just cut up squash and put it in a sauce pan with water until it was tender and ate it. And now I can't stop!

For those who are interested, here is a bit about my juicing....

That was fabulous! Thanks for all the info! I don't know that I could ever do what you do, but just reading about it was amazing! And so sorry about your husband - what an amazing recovery, and it only makes your family even more impressive and inspiring.


Hi Im Maria. I am new to this challenge.

:welcome: Happy to have you! I always find this board an inspiration, so hopefully you will too!

Hi! I am Jenne and I am new to this.

:welcome: and yay WW!

I'm in! I've done this before and am usually lurking! So I feel I know everyone pretty well, but nobody has any idea who I am. :lmao:

:welcome: Happy to have you as more than a lurker! :)

How do you track/journal your food? Do you keep an old-fashioned paper journal or a list? Do you do it online or maybe on an iPhone app?? If you DON'T track/journal your food, do you think you should?

WW, baby! Through the website or the iPhone app. It helps me to keep to my routine and to stay on track, but I honestly don't "learn" a lot from my data. As I lose weight, I'm finding that my metabolism is always changing, and a splurge meal of a slice of pizza does not affect me and my weight the same way it used to. While I feel grosser than I used to, I don't gain as much from one splurge meal.

Likewise, though, the same exercises don't have the same effect on my weight loss. So, it is very hard to figure out what works and what doesn't, you know? But, as long as the numbers go down, its all good by me! :)

After another frustrating meeting with my scale I have no decided to ignore it. Serves it well if it is not being nice to me!!!

Way to go, you punish that scale for being a bully! :thumbsup2

Honestly, if it helps you stress less about making progress and focus more on your journey to where you want to be, I say do it!

I spent the night planning for next week.. More healthy food - cutting out the crappy carbs - will go to the gym at least 2 days but the sleeping thing i'm at a loss.. I mean I go to bed at about 9:30pm and i fall right asleep and stay asleep the whole night till the Hubs wakes me around 4:30am? I guess my mind is just busy still even though my body isn't.. I hope the eating/gym will help with my funk..

Sleep is always INCREDIBLY hard to change. Usually the problem is that you aren't getting enough. If the problem is you are sleeping too much, you probably still need it, but 7 hours is pretty good. If you feel you need more sleep, I would try staying up a little bit later, and taking a really small dosage of melatonin - you can get it easily at any drug store. Nothing heavy, just a little bit to put your sleep patterns back in order. In times of crisis in our family, sometimes sleep falls by the wayside, and as I'm sure you know, it can seep in every other facet of life.

Sending lots of good vibes that things regulate for you soon!


Cutting this short as I am falling asleep on the keyboard! Tried to stay up to watch Grey's Anatomy, Scandal and Parenthood, and in the process, I'm up way past my usual 10:00 bedtime!

Went to a trade show today and all that walking, holding all of that SWAG was exhausting!

Sending lots of love to everyone for W/I tomorrow! :woohoo:
Qotd: I am using my fitness pal. That and bits of paper I leave all over the kitchen/ dining rooms! I'm tracking my exercise on it as well as mapmywalk and of course I have spreadsheet to keep track of total minutes for the exercise challenge thread.

Magdalene--sorry about the yuckiness. Dh has the same problem with morning workouts.
Pretty good day today. I weighed the same this morning as yesterday, I am expecting my period this weekend, so I expected to be a little bloated and heavier this morning. Maybe I will avoid the bloat this month! Outside of that, I actually have a few hundred calories to eat still today and the day is almost over. I was flawless with my eating today and my dinner was really low cal. I buy into a fresh meal service, so I had them prepare lunch and dinner today and it was steamed veggies and a very small serving of mac and cheese. Dh is going to opening day for our local baseball team, so I also bought lunch and dinner for tomorrow. They are in the fridge. Lunch is some type of chicken salad. Dinner is either shrimp fettucini or turkey tenderloin (I bought both). Its a bit pricey but so convenient to have premeasured "homemade" food in the fridge and not have to think about what to eat or how much I can't eat or if I am eating a healthy balance of nutrients. And just grabbing a lunch pack from the fridge on the way to work really cuts down on time and stress in the morning!

I was really interested to read this as my diet plan food arrives today. It is 4 weeks worth so I plan to have it through the holidays. I am trying to do something different and avoid temptations to snack (!):cutie:
Morning all!

Here is your QOTD for Friday April 4, 2014:

This will be a FUN FRIDAY question!

Name your TOP 10 Disney "experiences" (rides, shows, parade, etc) in priority order!
No time to chat, as I am on my way to work for the day, but I want to apologize for not getting the first two posts updated. Last night got away from me! I'll have time tonight to get it done though!................P
This is my first time doing this.. 46 year old male, going through a few life events, seemed like now would be a good time to try... Want to get down to 180, last fall was up to 248, this morning was 211... Started going to the gym two weeks ago, been eating healthy and have actually gained a few pounds, but jeans seem looser :)...

Anyway, look forward to this...


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