Will a character hold a sign for a photo?

In Jan '13, a friend brought a sign that said "Feel Better Soon". We asked the characters to hold it for a picture and most did. We then had them sign autograph books. We explained to the characters why we were doing this. We sent the books/pictures to our local children's hospital. I did the same thing on my next trip and sent the books to a different hospital. We had some amazing character interactions while doing this. Mary Poppins saw the sign as she was walking away and came back to ask about it and posed for a picture. While waiting in line for the TS green army guy, another green army guy marched by, saw the sign, and pulled me out of line so that he could hold the sign.

Please give your friend's daughter a hug for me. My niece is a childhood cancer survivor and is now a pediatric nurse. Her patients loved the messages from the characters.
100% they will, we probably got about 20 Characters (and most of the CMs in Garden Grill!) to hold a sign for a photo
We got Jake to hold up a sign, well back of place mat, that we wrote my nephews name on.
First I am so sad to hear of her health issues. Second I think if you speak with handlers ahead of time.They would do it with no problems. They deal with children that you know don't have much time left on a regular basis.I have seen this several times and the smile on those children faces.Makes me cry , it really does.Smiles for children is what Walt wanted when he built Disneyland. :) Danny
It really depends on the handlers. Some will say no and some will say yes. My friend had a vintage american flag, properly folded and vetted that she wanted to to have colonial Mickey take a photo with. Her family are huge history buffs and Disney fans so it was going to be a cute moment for them. The handler said absolutely not as they had no clue how to verify the 13 star flag was accurate.

We were informed that technically proposals aren't allowed by characters but people do them anyways. That's why you usually see the character jump out of the way before the guy asks. They don't want the pictures to get out of Mickey standing there with someone who said No! My fiancé kind of wanted a character involved in ours and we were flat out told no but that we could meet them after and have cute photos that way.
I saw a couple hold up an "it's a girl banner" with Cinderella and then the same with Rapunzel
I had many characters hold up a sign wishing my friend a happy birthday. No problem doing this.

I created a Word doc which was 8 1/2 by 11. i saved it to a flash drive, took flash drive to Staples. i had them print it on card stock. I kept it in file folder in my bag. It was big enough to read but small enough to carry around easily.
My granddaughters favorite characters are Belle and Snow White. They each held up a sign, that we had asked them to hold, wishing the girls a Happy Birthday. It was just a piece of paper and they were both fine with it! And, my granddaughters were thrilled!
We had them hold up a sign with us a couple of years ago but it had a corporate logo on it along with our favorite college basketball teams mascot. The handlers made us cover the corporate logo up but were okay with everything else. So yes they will do it as others have said as long as they don't see any issues with your sign. Good luck and great story! I hope it works for you.


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