Why?!.... >.<


<font color=darkred>Three Days Grace ♥ <br><font c
May 8, 2008
Why? Why? WHY does this always happen to me? So, yes, I'm letting a vent out cause I need too. So, if you've read my last vent about my so called "friends" something happened tonight and I don't know why! :headache: So here I am, sitting at my computer just typing online, you know? Yeah...and all of a sudden I get an IM from a so "called" friend.. I wouldn't call her a friend anymore, not even the people I sit at lunch with. Anyways, I was sitting here..typing..just listening to my music and all of a sudden, I get an IM from her, and you know what? I don't even know what I ever did to deserve an IM like that. After she sent me the IM she went offline. I asked her "What do you want?" and I HIGHLY DOUBT she will reply to me. I have no idea what I ever did!! I don't see her at lunch at school! I don't see or talk to her at all anymore after a few weeks ago about what had happened (my other rant/vent was about what happened then). UGH, I'm so fed up with people, These People. :headache: WHY can't people be kind to others? WHY can't people get along? BECAUSE, they can't and their ONLY thinking about themselves and have NOTHING BETTER to do! It makes me really upset! This is making me really upset! :sad1: :sad2: khshfkahfffjal

SORRY. I had to get this out of my head, it was driving me insane! I'd like to have comments, not looking for hugs at all. Just need help. ...thanks for reading if you've read this far..


So...she's been online ever since she sent the IM. She just didn't want to REPLY back to me. She still hasn't. She went invisible on AIM. She just now went offline for the night. What a total jerk. J-E-R-K. JERK. :headache: :headache: :headache:
Do you still have what she sent you?
I want to see it.
Could you pm it to me? It sounds like it was really rude, so I wouldnt want you to get in trouble for it.
:hug: I'm really sorrying to hear this.
I know exactly what this is like.
If you need to PM anyone feel free to PM me.

Hey I can sympaphise. ok. i canmt spell.

Half my grade hates me.

not meaning to be prodding, but can I see what she wrote too? :confused:

Im so sorry! some poeple are just idiots, and you just have to forget about them, like they are now a peice of trash, and that you are done with them...

I know how you feel, and I hate being in your position...
Im so sorry! some poeple are just idiots, and you just have to forget about them, like they are now a peice of trash, and that you are done with them...

I know how you feel, and I hate being in your position...

I do forget about them, I do. I really honestly do. But when it comes to this. THIS. I just blow up, not literally. But really, I get mad at them for doing what they have and or just did To ME. I know their just being jerks. :/

Thanks, I hate it so much. It really hurts too. Because, this has been going on for a while.
So...she's been online ever since she sent the IM. She just didn't want to REPLY back to me. She still hasn't. She went invisible on AIM. She just now went offline for the night. What a total jerk. J-E-R-K. JERK. :headache: :headache: :headache:
I remember your last thread pm me what was said

I think you should confront her in a orderly matter
dont let them/her walk all over you.
you'll regret it later if you do.

stand up for yourself and how you should not be treated like that.
be strong, hun. :3
Wow, this sounds almost EXACTLY what I went through in 8th grade. All of a sudden my "friends" were just downright rude. They would talk about me behind me back. They would have parties then talk about how much fun they will be RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I had no idea what I had done. One girl spit in my face one time when I was expressing my opinion on something, I don't even think it was THAT important.

My suggestion, get away from them ASAP. They drove me into a deep depression[along with other things...] and its really not someplace you want to be. I know its hard, but instead of "standing up for yourself" which will just cause fights and more drama, try and be confident in who you know is you, and just leave the situation. Try finding another group of girls [who you know are very nice] and stick with them. They honestly can be the best cure.

I found this really good group of friends [who had all been best friends for 374927482 years] and I was only friends with them for maybe 2 months. I had never talked with them before in my life because in middle school you just don't talk to people outside your group. They pretty much "took me in" and managed to make my 8th grade year semi decent, and probably saved my life.

If you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me. and I know you said you don't want any here are some :hug: you need them.
:hug: :hug: :hug: That sucks, but she doesn't matter. It's nothing to get sad about, because it's going to be funny later when she has no friends because she's rude to everyone. She's probably sent a rude message more than once. :hug: :hug: If you could PM the message to me it'd be great. :hug:
i am sorry.
some people are just really rude.
I do forget about them, I do. I really honestly do. But when it comes to this. THIS. I just blow up, not literally. But really, I get mad at them for doing what they have and or just did To ME. I know their just being jerks. :/

Thanks, I hate it so much. It really hurts too. Because, this has been going on for a while.

sigh... im so sorry.. could you pm me the aim that she sent to you? thanks!
Seriously you shouldn't let anything get you down.
Shes not worth it.
Don't let her walk all over you.

Can you PM me what she said to you too ?
I'm sorry:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

She's not worth it.

If you want to talk my PM box is always open.


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