Why do Americans say "Craig" funny?

Princess Jes

DIS Veteran
Jun 15, 2013
Now, I know Aussie's have a funky accent, and we sound nasaly and bogan like, but it's always bothered me how Americans say Craig as "Creg". Like Greg but with a C.

I do however, love the differences in our vocabulary, one of the beauties of the English language, it varies so much between countries!
Also, sayings! There are things that just don't seem to translate from Aussie to Yank!

Anyway, can anyone shed any light on the Creg situation? ;-)
The way it's spelt...? Lol
I guess we pronounce the "ai" like "ey" or "ay"
It's not spelt like Greg, so I'm not sure why it gets pronounced as such?
Eg. Pete calls him "Cregory" like Gregory but it's spelt very differently.

Wow, so hard to convey what I mean via text! Lol
Craig Ferguson-he's from Glasgow, he says his name a pretty similar way.
Jes, I'm American but I pronounce it the way you do, with a long "a" so it is like Crayg not Creg. It's probably a regional thing.

Same in the UK, it has a "Y" sound it in.


This is one of the reasons I love to listen to the pod cast. I love listening to views based on a (all be it slightly) different culture.
My husband is British, I'm American. His name is Craig. While we lived in the UK, no one even told me that I pronounce his name in a different way. Maybe it sounds different because of our different accents? :chat:
To-MAY-TOE; to-MAH-TOE. People say things differently around the world. However, when it comes to a name, I think the final decision comes down to the person himself. Craig has never said "Cr-AY-g" as far as I know. I don't think it is an American thing; it's just how it is said by him and his family. What one group of people would find unusual is different from another group.
To-MAY-TOE; to-MAH-TOE. People say things differently around the world. However, when it comes to a name, I think the final decision comes down to the person himself. Craig has never said "Cr-AY-g" as far as I know. I don't think it is an American thing; it's just how it is said by him and his family. What one group of people would find unusual is different from another group.
Totally agree Nikki, never intended to be a debate, more a pondering.
The crew aren't the only 'Mericans I've heard say it that way though.

Bogan is kind of like a red neck I guess?
And the English equivalent to a Chav.
They're (unfortunately) what a lot of people think of as the stereotype of an australian.
They say "Sheila" and are named "Barry/Baz"
They wear footy shorts and singlets with slippers.
They're true blue Aussie's but not in the good way! lol.
And as far as I'm concerned, every Aussie has it in them.
Eg. I'll gladly go down the shops in tracksuit pants and ugg boots or trackies and thongs (flip flops!)
These are extremes of course, and probably comparing to red necks is a bit far, but similar I guess.
For example:
Jes to sister "yeah I'll come around, but I'm dressed like a bogan"
(Wearing tracksuit pants, ugg boots and a hoody, messy hair)
Jes (spots a messy looking woman with 3 dirty kids hanging off her, she's screaming at them to shut the eff up)
"Wow, look at that bogan, Ergh!"
On a similar note, I used to pick on my friend for saying "laig" instead of "leg." Turns out, I hear more people say "laig" now.
Also, one that I definitely think must just be a regional thing, because I've only heard Corey say it this way, is "rest-rnt" for restaurant.
Also, one that I definitely think must just be a regional thing, because I've only heard Corey say it this way, is "rest-rnt" for restaurant.
I definitely hear that in Rhode Island! I think we just talk so fast that we try to take out as many syllables as possible.
Ps. I'm firmly in the "MAH" camp ;-)

Oh, I just thought of something, quite funny actually, because it's to do with my name.

Jessica, it sounds SOOO good when an American says it. God I love it!
When Aussie's say it, (we are notorious for being lazy with our words, shortening everything) they leave off the "I" so it comes out more like "Jess-ca"
Now, because when I was a little Princess Jes, I liked to be a bit different, so I spell Jes with one "s".
Now, my immediate family don't call me Jes like the rest of the world, so they actually call me (and when in text, write it this way) "Jesca" because that's how it comes out.
Now, you want to hear something adorable, listen to my niece try to say "Aunty Jessie" so good!!


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