"Who wants to sit in the Yak chair?" Sheesh it was hot. An August 2015 TR Updated 11/7

It doesn't sound like you took a mid-day break back at the resort. When did Lucy find time to shave?

Hah! Oh, she carries a magical shaving baby wipe around with her at all times, just for incidences like this.

I swear that I had posted after their make-overs but I guess that I didn't. Your man child references had me giggling. We had lunch for our very first time at CHH when we did the Keys to the Kingdom tour . I was pleasantly surprised since Louisiana is known for its seafood and we are a bit picky when it comes to eating it anywhere else.

I had to bring the man child back at least once! Glad you liked CHH. It's really good!

So glad that you finally got to see Mickeys PhilarMagic. It is so well done and I always sing along to the songs. Speaking of songs, I know have the small world song in my head but that's okay because at least I'm thinking of WDW while I work.

So glad we saw Philharmagic. It will definitely be on our list for every visit from now on. The songs were so much fun! And sorry about the Small World song, but you're right, thinking about WDW at work is okay.

I am loving all of the pictures from your dinner at Crystal Palace. We absolutely love dinner there. The kids are super cute with their posing with the characters and that pouting face, adorable!

We loved Crystal Palace! This was our second time, and we'll be back for sure. It was a toss up between there and Chef Mickey's, but we decided on CP because we could just stay at MK and Maura hadn't been there yet and we wanted to take her. OMG the pouting face. I got so lucky with that shot!

My first thought when I saw this picture was, "Oh no their makeup!" But it seemed to stay on well enough!

It really did! considering how hot it was, it really stayed put.

Wow how tall is Indy?! She looks so little, wonder if DS would be tall enough for Splash soon :hyper:

Indy is just a bit shorter than Maura and Maura is about 44 inches. I think the requirement for SM is 40 inches? Maura is really short for her age too, so we were glad she was tall enough last year! I bet DS will be tall enough soon. He'll love it!

Okay well, her makeup is pretty much done lol!

Yeah, once she started using the spray bottle. That was okay. She'd been wearing it for quite a while.

I thought this was the after picture of her food, the BEFORE?!?

Oh yeah. Before. I think Jason went up with her. I'm actually surprised she didn't come back with any fruit or mac and cheese as those are favorites, but either she didn't see them or wasn't in the mood. We don't enforce it too much on vacation. At home she'd never get away with just that, though!

Aw poor Indy she's out. And her dad! I know you said he likes to take off his shirt, but hope he put on sunscreen cause he looks so red!

I know. She was exhausted. And Bill, he's nuts. He actually put on tons of sun screen, so I don't remember if he was just red from being hot or if he did get a little burned. Probably a little of both, but I remember he kept re-applying the sunscreen.

It cracks me up how high they have to sign their names lol!

I know! It makes me giggle every time.

Glad she woke up and you were able to get a picture with all three girls!

That was really great. She would have been so sad if she missed them all.

HAHA! This is hilarious! Now Indy has left her mark permanently with that family lol!

I know. They were so nice about it. Poor Karyn, though.
Let's wrap this day up, shall we? Karyn, Indy, Maura and I headed over to Princess Fairytale Hall to meet Cinderella and Rapunzel. Indy had to get more princesses crossed off her hit list. The dads and Lucy went to check out the wait for Space Mountain.

We got in line and it said 25 minutes. It was just about that. The girls entertained themselves by talking and singing, and then by taking my camera and taking pictures of each other. It was quite the photo shoot. I'm not posting all the pictures, but here are a few. They looked like Kiss rockers by this point with the state of their makeup.

This one looks like she was drunk and fell off a chair.

I thought Indy had the camera for a bit, but I guess it was all Maura. We noticed the glass slipper in the case and I got a bad picture of it, but at least I got a picture!

Finally we were in the room. The anticipation was killing the mermaids.

First up was Cindy herself!

Hmmmmm....their hand placement is a bit questionable in this one.

They had a great meet with Cinderella. She was nice and talkative and didn't push us along. Next we waited for Rapunzel.

She was also fun and silly. Maura asked about Pascal and Flynn. Another great visit.

The girls were on cloud 9. Indy because, well, princesses, and Maura, because she'd not met Rapunzel before and was so excited to have met her. We did get autographs for Lucy, and she was happy about that. We texted the dads and Lucy and quickly found them. The line had been like 2 hours for Space MOuntain, so they didn't wait. They hit up Laugh Floor though, and really liked it. Lucy especially had been wanting to do that, as we'd never done it, and she loved it. She said we'd have to go back later in the week!

Our FP+ time was up for Haunted Mansion. I was excited. Being my favorite ride anywhere, I was stoked to get back in the doom buggies. My kids were a little apprehensive as usual, but ended up loving it, as usual. The stretch room scared Indy a little, but I heard her tell her parents she was going to be brave and ride it! She ended up not loving it, but not hating it. She thought the ghosts in the ballroom were cool and loved the ghost in the car with her at the end. You know I loved it!

Lucy wanted to ride the teacups, so we headed that way. Everyone rode this except me. I'll barf if I ride it, so I took pictures.

That's Bill, Karyn, and Indy in the yellow teacup.

This one's better.

There's my family in the pink/salmon cup. They always want a pink one.

Jason spinning like his life depends on it. Seriously, good think I didn't ride.

Such a festive ride!

It must have been fun. They were all laughing and smiling the whole time. I had fun taking pictures.

It was getting pretty late and Bill and Karyn decided to call it a night. We'd be seeing them bright and early at Epcot in the morning! We said our goodbyes and said we'd see them at 9am!

(continued in next post)
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Oops, I missed a couple teacup shots. Jason took these while they were ON the ride.

We heard the next morning that our friends didn't quite make it all the way out. The MSEP started, and they wanted to watch some of that, so they did. Then they saw the wait for Tinkerbelle at Town Square Theater was only 5 minutes, so they went to meet her. They got a few PP pics that we got on our account for them.

THEN they headed out, and I think Indy was asleep before they got to their car.

We decided we weren't quite ready to throw in the towel yet. The girls saw that they could meet Daisy and Minnie at Pete's Silly Side Show, so in we went. The lines were short.

Jason getting his workout in whilst waiting in line.

Daisy was up first. She was supposed to be a fortune teller. Maura is looking rougher and rougher as the night wears on!

Next was Minnie and her Prancing Poodles. Lucy looks like someone punched her.


Goofy and Donald were across the way and they had zero lines, so we went out and came back in and went to visit them. The Great Goofini was in rare form. He was hamming it up, dancing with the girls, being silly with them, and when he was signing their books, he beckoned for me to come over to him. I went and he pretended like he was going to show me his signature and then he put a black Sharpie dot on my hand! Lucy and Maura thought it was the funniest thing ever and still talk about it. I thought it was pretty funny myself. HEre are some pics.

Look at Lucy laughing. They were having such a good time. It's moments like these that make me want to show people that THIS is why we keep going to Disney.

Then was Donald the Snake Charmer. He's a favorite of all of us and didn't disappoint.

Back outside, there was no line for Dumbo, so on we went! It's my favorite to look at at night. It's so pretty all lit up.

(continued in next post)
Here we are riding our flying Elephants. Maura was happy as this is her favorite ride.

Of course we had to pose with the sample Dumbo. Jason is wishing this picture was cropped, and I see his point, but I'm not going to do it because I'm a terrible wife.

The silly girls.

We were almost done, but had to check out Casey Jr.'s Soak Station. It was still in the 80's even at around 10pm, so the water still felt good.

We wanted to beat the Wishes crowd out so we started heading to the front. We were led some secret back way to get to the front of the park faster. It was great and we were up front heading to the monorail in no time. I think they only had 1 monorail running this day, because it really sucked. Thankfully, I think they started another one coming, because it looked like it would take an hour, but really it only took about 15 minutes. We weren't about to push our way back through the crowd to get to the ferry, so we waited. Man, I was glad we left before Wishes ended! Had we not, who knows how long we would have been in line!

Finally, we were back to the T&T center and took the short walk to our car. No tram needed for us!

Back at POR, the girls animals had been up to no good!

Maura was soon off to dream land with 2 of her buddies. We'd added 1 more (Eeyore) to the mix this day. Let's see how many more we add.

I will leave you with this. This was Maura, our hard partying heavy metal groupie upon waking the next morning.

Epcot is up next!

Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families!
Ok I am late but caught up! YAY ME!

Poor Maura. Her head is always hidden by someone's arm.
She really is! Poor girl!

the manchild could give it a try.

you are constantly calling this poor kid the man child!!!! :rotfl2:

I took this one and uploaded it to Facebook with the caption "Shoot me now!"

I replied to this on facebook

Karyn was mortified and quickly got her out of the way,

Best. Story. ever.

They looked like Kiss rockers by this point with the state of their makeup.

OMG! These are perfection!!!

I will leave you with this. This was Maura, our hard partying heavy metal groupie upon waking the next morning.


I'm super behind, well I was before like 15 minutes ago.

Daddy and the man child.

New band name?

We headed over to It's a Small World.

Your favorite!

Here's my question though. The porch of CP was packed. People were checking in left and right and our beeper went off so fast. Does that mean most of the people sitting were waiting stand by and didn't have an ADR? Sheesh, they'd be waiting forever if that was the case! I'm so glad I know how it works!

Omg yes! I heard a guy complaining about this. I do feel terrible though, when people have NO clue and go and end up missing so much cause they aren't crazy Disney people like we are.

At this point, the characters started coming to our table. Tigger was up first! This was the best picture we got of Indy with Tigger, and she actually loved it! She thought it was great that she still got a picture even though she was sleeping! She wasn't mad at all that she had missed him.

This is like the best picture ever. This is senior class yearbook material.

It was a key lime tart, some strawberry thing, and I think cheesecake. It's been 3 months. I don't remember for sure.


you'd think she'd known them her whole life. She didn't care that she was standing with strangers.

I died! I almost woke up the baby laughing so hard.

Love this one!

Goofy and Donald were across the way and they had zero lines, so we went out and came back in and went to visit them. The Great Goofini was in rare form. He was hamming it up, dancing with the girls, being silly with them, and when he was signing their books, he beckoned for me to come over to him. I went and he pretended like he was going to show me his signature and then he put a black Sharpie dot on my hand! Lucy and Maura thought it was the funniest thing ever and still talk about it. I thought it was pretty funny myself. HEre are some pics.

We had a great Goofy too! I'm so glad you guys had a good meet.

Of course we had to pose with the sample Dumbo. Jason is wishing this picture was cropped, and I see his point, but I'm not going to do it because I'm a terrible wife.

Please tell me this is framed and prominently displayed in your home? Maybe like an oil on canvas above the fireplace?

the 80's even at around 10pm

Every day of my life.

Can't wait to read more! But take your time; if your life is anything like mine is now, it's madness how busy things are! Hope you guys are all doing great!
Ok I am late but caught up! YAY ME!

Yay! And I'm perpetually behind in updating, so don't feel bad. I think I've lost most of my readers!

She really is! Poor girl!

Hopefully she'll grow some day.

you are constantly calling this poor kid the man child!!!! :rotfl2:

I actually made sure this was in here for you! :tongue: I almost had the title be "The Manchild returns to Disney," but it wasn't a big enough part of the story.

I replied to this on facebook

Yes. yes you did!

Best. Story. ever.

I know, right? It was so funny.

OMG! These are perfection!!!

They were pretty great.



So scary. That kid.

I'm super behind, well I was before like 15 minutes ago.

I'm behind in updating, so no worries!

New band name?

Hah! It could be.

Your favorite!
Not my favorite, but I will say, it makes me happy to see my girls enjoy it so much. That's the rides saving grace.

Omg yes! I heard a guy complaining about this. I do feel terrible though, when people have NO clue and go and end up missing so much cause they aren't crazy Disney people like we are.

Seriously! How can people not know about this? It isn't that hard to do the research. I felt bad for them, but not that bad. Because I was up at the butt crack of dawn 180 days out to make my ressies!

This is like the best picture ever. This is senior class yearbook material.

I know!


I remember they were good!

I died! I almost woke up the baby laughing so hard.

LOL! Glad I could oblidge.

Love this one!

It is a good one! I love when we get those.

We had a great Goofy too! I'm so glad you guys had a good meet.

He was so funny! And since there was no line, we got all the time with him we wanted.

Please tell me this is framed and prominently displayed in your home? Maybe like an oil on canvas above the fireplace?

Not yet, but I'm considering it now!

Every day of my life.

I would love that, seriously. I hate winter.

Can't wait to read more! But take your time; if your life is anything like mine is now, it's madness how busy things are! Hope you guys are all doing great!

An update is coming right now! But yes, my life is madness right now. We are all doing great! Time is dragging to Christmas for the girls, but flying for Jason and I. I've barely started shopping!
Up early the next morning, ready to meet our friends at Epcot at 9am, and Oswald was raring to get moving!

We headed over to Epcot and were there in no time. You know what I love about parking at Epcot? No matter when we've arrived, we've always gotten a close spot. We never have to take the tram. Today was no exception. We headed in and sat waiting for Bill, Karyn, and Indy. Maura saw a set of Minnie ears she needed and used some of her money to get them. We realized our friends had arrived, and Indy, upon seeing Maura's ears, decided she needed some princess ones for herself. We headed in and stopped for some photopass pics.

My favorite Magic Shot:

We headed over to our first FP+ for the day which was for the Epcot Character Spot. We wanted to be sure Indy would get to meet Mickey and Minnie for sure. In we went and in no time at all it was our turn. First up was the boss himself, Mickey Mouse!

Next was Goofy. Karyn was super excited because he's her favorite.

Next was Minnie. The girls love her.

Minnie loved Lucy's tiny Minnie.

We had some great meet and greets. We headed back outside to that area between the Character Spot and one of the Innovations pavillions. The girls saw baby Stitch's and immediately decided they each needed their own. Lucy also saw a cool light up Epcot pen she wanted. So, we were now up 3 stuffed animals. You'll see the baby Stitch's in upcoming pictures.

continued in next post
Chip and Dale were out for an M&G behind the Character Spot and Indy saw them and wanted to meet them. The line wasn't bad so we got in it. Lucy tried the entire time to give them bunny ears. She's at that age where that is hilarious.

Those guys were fun. It was time for our next FP+ so we headed over to The Seas with Nemo and Friends. We had to get some pictures in front of the fish tank.

You can also see Lucy's baby Stitch.

The Es liked Nemo and Friends and we headed over to the Seas pavillion. Turtle Talk with Crush was just starting so we headed over there. That is such a fun show. Both our girls got to ask a question, and Crush pointed out Indy at one point which she though was funny. After the show, we looked around The Seas pavillion for a while. We got some good pictures in Bruce's mouth and all around that area.

Use those gymnastics skills, Maura!

I love this guy. I have to take a picture of him every time.

Dory is up at the top.

After looking at the aquariums, we went to see the manatees. They were feeding them, so they were really active. I love seeing manatees anywhere, but we've seen them in the wild and it's just amazing. I did like these guys, though!

We were glad to hear that the manatees here today were both eligible to be released back to the wild! They both had boat injuries, and one guy even had only half a tail, but he'd still be okay! That's always good news.

It was getting close to lunch time, so we headed over to The Land Pavillion for lunch. We were headed to Sunshine Seasons! One of our favorites.

(continued in next post)
You know what? I'm wrong. We DID head over the Land, but first, we had our FP+ for Soarin' to use. We headed in and got in line!

In line for Soarin'. Even though we had FP+ we still waited 30 minutes.

I'm sure these 2 were up to no good.

David Puddy came on, gave us his spiel, and we were off!

Great ride as always. The Es enjoyed it. NOW we were starving and headed over to Sunshine Seasons. We found a spot to sit and then took turns going up to get food.

I forgot to take pictures until later, but I had the spicy fish tacos.

SUPER good! I loved them! For desert, I had this deliciousness.

Also really good. The kids fought over the chocolate Mickey on the top. Jason had a ribs special they had that day.

He said it and that pastry he had for desert were really good. The kids had Mac and Cheese (Maura-big surprise), and Smuckers Uncrustables (Lucy). They were happy.

Maura got a hold of the camera again and did a photo shoot.

Lunch over, we headed back outside. The girls wanted to see the fountains outside the Imagination Pavillion, so we headed over there. It was hot, so the water was welcome relief for them!

Right on the head!

Bill (beer in hand, of course), wanted in on that action.

IT's safe to say they got sufficiently soaked.

Indy wasn't quite sure about it.

She was more content to try this one.

After that, we saw there was no wait for Journey into Imagination, a ride none of us had ever been on, so in we went! I'll start with that next time!
Oh Lord, this report was on page 4. Unacceptable. Now that I have dug myself out from the holiday and post-holiday mess, life can get back to normal I hope! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with their family and friends. We did of course, but I'm glad the girls go back to school tomorrow. I will miss my afternoon naps, though. We did see Star Wars: The Force Awakens and loved it, all 4 of us. The kids were spoiled with presents from all 4 sets of grandparents (Jason and I both have divorced parents), Santa, and us.

Here are a couple pics of their favorite Christmas gifts. Lucy, the Lego queen. This was one of 7 different sets she got. Not all Star Wars, but this was a favorite.

Maura and her jeep. She saw a commercial for this a few months back and had to have one because "Grandpa Mike just got a blue jeep." Grandpa Mike is my dad and he did indeed get a blue jeep last spring. His dream car. Well, Maura loves it, saw the commercial, and needed one of her own. We werent' about to spend $250+ for a new one. We need that cash to save for Disney trips! So, I started looking around and found this one on Craigslist for $40. $40!!!!!!! It works great and is in really good condition. She has no idea it isn't "new." This was our balmy 40 something degree Christmas Day. She got to take it for a spin.

And here are the girls on December 26th at Force Awakens. They were excited.

Anyway, we had a nice holiday, but let's get back to Disney. Oooh, speaking of Disney, our next door neighbors and good friends leave tomorrow for their very first trip to Disney! They gave that to their kids for Christmas! Santiago, one of Lucy's BFF's has been asking to go forever. They are big travelers and their kids have been to Germany, Austria, France, Columbia, Peru, Mexico, and tons of other places. The ONE place they wanted to go was Disney. When our kids got their Magic Bands in July and showed them to the neighbors, Santiago sadly said "I'll never have one of these." Little did he know the trip was already being planned! I helped Jackie (the mom), plan everything and they found out Christmas Eve. Santiago and his sister Gabriela, who is a Frozen addict were super excited. We made them autograph books and can't wait to hear about their adventures!

Okay, so enough. Let's get back to our trip. We had just left the fountains and saw that JII had a wait time of zero minutes. None of us had ever been on this before, so in we went! Before we go in though, I found this video Jason took at the fountains!

Here are the soaked children as we got into our car.

Karyn took this picture on her phone and posted it to FB. One of my favorite pics of all of us!

Such nerds. The ride was cute and fun. It was one of Lucy's favorites of the trip! These are the 2 best pics I got on the ride.

The song at the end was so catchy we were all singing it for quite a while afterwards. "One little spark, from me and you..." I know you're all singing it now.
We of course had to look around in the pavilion for a bit. The kids loved all the games to try.

This one was super cool.

Lucy's making her own Figment that we emailed to me, but never got. Jason got the one he made like 5 weeks after we got back, but ours never showed up.

After playing the games for a bit, we of course had to look in the dump shop. Guess what Maura got? You'll never in a million years guess. Okay, you probably will.
SHE GOT A STUFFED FIGMENT! She's now up to 3 new stuffed animals on the trip. I know there is a picture of him that will show up at some point. After shopping, we headed back to The Land. We had gotten FP+ for LWTW earlier and went back to use them. My blisters were slowly getting worse, but I took one for the team and soldiered on. It was only the 2nd park day. I had to man up and deal. Back into The Land and in line we got. The girls found a Hidden Mickey.

I don't remember why they didn't post with it. That's not like them. I don't know if you've noticed, but my children enjoy being photographed. I'm not sure if it's obvious.

We were on the ride in about 30 seconds and we saw the chicken. I think this picture turned out so well because I think my flash accidentally went off. Oops. I made sure that didn't happen again.

I saved the rest of the pics for the gardens. Is that what they are called? Gardens? I'm trying not to post too many. You've all seen them before!

Who knew pepper came from this?

Mmmmmmmmm....chocolate before it's chocolate.

Hidden Mickey AND Minnie! The kids were excited about this.

I like hot stuff, but no.

Mickey tree!

Mickey lettuce!

Another Hidden Mickey! The girls were on fire and loving all the ones they were finding.

We finished up our ride and decided to start heading over to World Showcase. We stopped for a penny press first.

And we encountered a Disney Duck! She was very friendly.

continued in next post.
Somebody, I'm pretty sure Jason and Karyn, decided they needed Starbucks. Jason was also having a shorts chafing issue that he needed to try to fix, so we stopped outside Starbucks for a few minutes. We were lucky enough to catch the fountain show!

Lucy watching. You can see the giant jaw breaker she got. It took a while, but she finished that thing eventually!

I'm not sure if she's in awe about the fountains or the jaw breaker.

Okay, so these were waiting for people to get Starbucks. We then went into Club Cool, because it was right there.

Lucy and Maura with their samples.

They skipped the Beverly this year, but got Bill and Karyn to try it. Bill didn't like it, but Karyn said "Oh, that's pretty good, what is that one?" Wow. She's the first person I've ever met in person that likes the stuff. I've seen a few people on The Dis who have enjoyed it, but never in real life. After a few more samples, THIS is when the chafing happened. Jason left Club Cool to take care of his issue, so we went back out by the fountains and waited. And waited. And waited. At least we saw the fountain show again and there was some dancing and jumping.

Action shot.

Sugar high. And what's this? A 9 year old in a stroller?!?!?!?!?! Actually, we did bring an extra for her in case she got tired, but we rarely used it.

Maura showing off her moves. This girl would dance constantly if that were an option.

She doesn't travel light. You can see her newest addition, Figment in the bottom right.

Here's my selfie I took waiting for Jason. I think this is my "Where the heck is my husband he's been gone forever and we have stuff to do" face.

FINALLY Jason came back. I swear, it was about 20-25 minutes he was doctoring himself up, but he said it felt better. Let me tell you adults, Desitin isn't just for babies. It works wonders on adults too. His inner thighs were chafed from the heat/sweat/walking and he coated them up and it really worked! So, with everyone back in good health, we started wandering over to World Showcase.

On the way, we saw Duffy was out. We had never met him before, and the girls thought he was really cute, so we got in line. I didn't realize at this time that this would be our last chance ever to meet Duffy, so I guess it's good we went. He didn't even have a PP with him, which I thought was strange. We took plenty of pics, though.

Bill isn't in that one because he was drinking a beer and didn't think it was appropriate to visit Duffy with a beer. :) Really he just decided to sit this one out.

It was a fun little M&G and I'm glad we got to do it before he was gone.

Finally over in the WS, and I guess Japan is the first place we took any pictures?

We didn't actually go IN Japan at this point, just took a pic.

We started to head towards Germany since that's where our dinner ressie was and it was getting close to that time. We did stop for some PP there on the way in.

And one by the water. I look suspicious for some reason in this one.

I'm sure you can guess where we were headed for dinner. I picked this reservation with Bill in mind. He LOVES German food. Also, we'd never been and thought it would be fun!

It was, but I'll share this adventure with you next time! I hope I still have some readers!
Happy New year!!!

Always love the pictures. and honestly i have never seen the Mickey Tree in the land! AWESOME!
Glad you had a great holiday! I did see all your fun celebrations on facebook! LOL!
The fountains that splash are LOADS of fun! cannot walk past and NOT get splashed in the face.

Oh my goodness, I thought I had this marked to receive update. Here you posted BEFORE Christmas and I never saw them.
I just figured with two girls you were like the rest of us, just a busy time of year.
So glad you had a nice Xmas (yes the temp felt strange) and Happy New Year!
I'm excited, I've been waiting for 2016 for what seems like forever. Hoping life and money comes through for our October celebration.
Loving all the great M&G you did. You can tell how much fun the girls were having. Nice that your friends got to share it with you.
You look like a group that sure was having a good time.
I have you as a watch thread now. I'll be checking for the next update:-)
Sounds like everyone had an awesome time!! Can't wait to hear more about your trip :sunny:
Hi! Happy new year! So glad to see you guys had a great holiday. And what a deal on that Jeep!

Loving the Epcot day, you guys are a hoot.

Can't wait for more photos!
Happy New year!!!

Always love the pictures. and honestly i have never seen the Mickey Tree in the land! AWESOME!

Oh my gosh, really? I had seen that one on other TRs so knew it was there.

Glad you had a great holiday! I did see all your fun celebrations on facebook! LOL!

Yes. It was now almost 3 months ago and it was nice!

The fountains that splash are LOADS of fun! cannot walk past and NOT get splashed in the face.

Well of course not!

We did enjoy it! As you'll soon find out!

Oh my goodness, I thought I had this marked to receive update. Here you posted BEFORE Christmas and I never saw them.

No worries! As you can see, I've done some serious slacking!

I just figured with two girls you were like the rest of us, just a busy time of year.

Seriously, like a busy life for the last few months! It's finally slowing down a little. Just a little though.
So glad you had a nice Xmas (yes the temp felt strange) and Happy New Year!

Yes and thank you! Temp was crazy on Christmas. Today was better, though! 71!
I'm excited, I've been waiting for 2016 for what seems like forever. Hoping life and money comes through for our October celebration.

I hope it all works out for you! We have no trip planned this year and it's sad. :(
Loving all the great M&G you did. You can tell how much fun the girls were having. Nice that your friends got to share it with you.

My girls love a good M&G! And we were so glad our friends were with us! It was so much fun to show them all our favorite stuff!
You look like a group that sure was having a good time.

We totally were.

I have you as a watch thread now. I'll be checking for the next update:-)

Thanks and I apologize it's been so long since the last update!

Sounds like everyone had an awesome time!! Can't wait to hear more about your trip :sunny:

We had the best time! More is finally coming tonight!

Hi! Happy new year! So glad to see you guys had a great holiday. And what a deal on that Jeep!

Thanks, and that jeep is the best. It's gotten a lot of love the last few weeks with the weather being a bit nicer.

Loving the Epcot day, you guys are a hoot.

We try. :)

Can't wait for more photos!

Finally more are coming! And I will get caught up with your report soon!!!!
Shameful. That's the only way I can describe myself. SHAMEFUL!!!! Where have I been for the last 2 months you ask? Seriously, just busy. Girl Scout cookie mom, gymnastics, judging middle school forensics, plus work and life. But that's no excuse. I've missed being around here. I have a ton of reports I need to catch up on after I catch up on mine! I hope everyone has been well.

When I left off, we were just about to go into the Biergarten to eat. Before we go in though, I found this one random picture I took of myself. I think I posted this on Facebook to show how hot I was. Because you can tell in this picture.

Anyway, onto the Biergarten. We checked in, got our buzzer, and it immediately went off. Kind of par for the course this trip so far! So, in we went! This was a first for all of us. Our server Laina quickly came and took our drink order and sent us off to the buffet. The buffet was Bill's dream come true. This was the best time he had all trip and he went back several times.

Here was my plate. There were A LOT of carbs at this meal!

I see sausage, rice, potato dumpling (I think), other potatoes, a pretzel roll, and some cucumber salad for good measure. That's also how I know it's my plate. No one else eats cucumbers except me. Oh, and of course saurekraut. Duh.

Next up was Maura. Cheese, sausage, pretzel roll, I think a chicken tender, and tomato soup! She loves it, so we got a vegetable in there. Sort of. I guess a fruit actually. I'm fairly certain she went back for a lot more cheese. She is a Wisconsinite after all.

Lucy's next. Chicken leg, bread and butter, and tomato soup. The least adventurous. She didn't even go for the pretzel roll. But again, she ate tomato soup!

This is Jason. I can only assume this was the first of several plates. I see a lot of meat there, but I know he ate more than that. I must have stopped with the pictures after the first round.

I had to get a scenery shot or 2. It was so pretty in there! I love the illusion of being outside!

Soon the music started up and the girls wanted to do some dancing. You can see Lucy in the pink shirt and Maura and Indy in front of her. They all look sort of ghost like.

This was a yodeling contest. If I remember correctly the guy on the left won, but they were all surprisingly good!

Karyn joined the girls for the Chicken Dance.

After eating and dancing we were ready to be rolled out of there. The dad's settled the bills and tried on their daughter's hats.

Bill. He cracks me up.

Jason couldn't be outdone!

We loved the Biergarten and will definitely return on future trips. It made me miss our good friends who live in Germany. Our server was also excellent. Very attentive with drinks and making sure we had everything we needed.

Lucy and Maura really wanted to meet Donald and show him to Indy, so Karyn and I headed over to Mexico with the girls, while Bill and Jason set off to find more beer.

Thankfully as soon as we got to Mexico, we found Donald! He had a surprisingly short line and we wasted no time getting in it. Lucy was very excited to try giving Donald bunny ears and telling him he was #2. They love to see him get so mad when they tell him that. I always tell him he's #1. He's always been my favorite.

It was finally our turn, and per usual, the duck was a barrel of laughs! Look at this, 3 autograph books at a time!

Indy was in awe.

I promise, Maura isn't picking her nose, just scratching.

And a few from Photopass.

We thanked Donald and decided to head into the Mexico pavilion. We knew the boys were happily drinking beer somewhere and wouldn't mind if we went in without them.

First an outside shot.

This pavilion is so pretty inside too! I love the night like atmosphere.

(continued in next post)


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