When Did I get Voted Off of Skinny Island #2: Castaway's Land Ho!!!!

Argggg!!! Another week almost gone and I still haven't managed to go back to the gym. Tuesday I had a migraine, last night I ended up on the phone with my best friend for a long time because she was having personal troubles, tonight I have appointments until really late... Why is this so hard? I can remember how much I actually liked working out and I know how much of a difference it made in my last trip to Disney so why can't I get there?

I'm also struggling with getting back to good eating habits. I think the reason I was able to maintain my weight loss over the summer is because I was simply too busy to eat more than 1 meal a day. Now, I can't find my portion control will power or my "eat better foods" will power. I need to be hit with some inspiration and motivation quickly or I'm going to fall off this raft and be back on fat island.
Got a little good news to share, which requires a certain level of background information and a potential TMI moment or two, so bear with me here and proceed at your own risk:

In terms of TOM stuff, I am usually extremely, predictably regular. So when I have trips planned, I count ahead. When we went to Disney in April, it was TOM. Yeah, not fun. I actually got a sweat rash at Epcot from my pad. :sad2:When we go again in January....oh, what's that now? Yeah, looks like TOM again. AH Farfegnugen!!

I figured that out about six weeks ago and was pretty bummed about it. While not a HUGE deal, it adds a certain level of aggrivation to an otherwise wonderful and magical trip. I hate public washrooms at the best of times, but while needing to take care of some serious plumbing maintenance...well, that just sucks!

Anyway, last month TOM showed up three days early. I was not amused. Until I realized that it would change my January cycle. By my calculations, I would end on our flight day...well, I can handle that!!

Then this week, it was one day early. :cheer2: At this point, I'll be completely done before we leave. :cool1::woohoo:

Do you think I channeled some secret form of control over my plumbing to make it work out in my favour?? And if so, what was the deal with last April?? I could have used that superpower then.

What would my superhero name be, I wonder? Hmm, I feel like garbage...I've got nothing. I'll have to get back to you on that one?

Anyway, this was my long, roundabout way of trying to find the silver lining in today's situation since I'm sitting here feeling :sick: and bloated and crampy and SO not in the mood to do any form of exercise. Thankfully, I jogged 46 mins yesterday so I can still get my 40 exercise points this week as long as I'm over my "estrogen overload poisioning" (EOP, I like to call it...or whatever it is that makes me feel like crap at the beginning of my period) by getting back to my regularly scheduled programming again tomorrow.

Thanks for listening and sorry for being gross.

Julie out!
Julie - glad you and Aunt Flo are getting things worked out before the trip :thumbsup2


ok, so I caved and ate a mini sized twizzler out of DS's candy bag today. I know it's nothing really but I was so determined to not eat anything at all, but I swear the stupid candy is calling my name. It's ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT!!!!
I just need to bag it up & take it to some friends or something, before I have a crazy moment & strap it on like a horse feed bag.

Anyone else having trouble with candy temptations this week?

feed bag! :lmao:great visual. I sent our leftover candy to work with DH on 11/1.


I gotta get on here more! I'm holding my own and time seems to be flying lately. 2 more pounds 'till driver's license weight. Weird milestone, I know.

Went to Savers - like Goodwill but a step up in quality. Got lotsa clothes. Was awesome to fit into things. Definitely down a size. :cheer2:
Hooray for being down a size!! :cool1::thumbsup2:yay::woohoo::dance3::cheer2:

And I don't think license weight is a weird goal at all.

Great job, Michelle...keep up the good work!!

I have used license weight as a goal before too! I am now happy to say I am 10 pounds below mine!!! Next renewal will be fun! I have to keep it off through August. There's another goal.
Been reading TR's lately. Gearing up form my trip...55 days!!

Some kind soul actually took a pic of the nutritional :rotfl2: information on the Mickey bars. Yeah, they're 8 points! I guess that's pretty normal for an ice cream treat but at 22 grams of fat per serving, I don't think I'll be having too many of them on our trip in January.
Happy Monday :surfweb: everybody.
I'm down 1.5 this week (-1.5). I'm so very close to the island I have 2.3 pounds until my goal...my first goal, the goal I should be happy with. But I'm trying to reach my wedding day weight which means I have 7.3 pounds to go. But at this point of my journey I have lost 21 pounds since February. As a big girl who likes to eat, this is such a big accomplishment for me.

Julie - seeing that you only have (as of now) 53 days left until your trip reminded me that -holy cow- MY trip is also very close. I've been so focused on training for my race that I haven't really thought much about my trip.

Yay for Disney World in January!!!


Good Morning everyone although it is a bit chilly here this morning. Anyways hopefully everyone had a great week and an even better weigh in. I am
-2.0lbs this week which I am happy about. Only 7.8lbs to reach my November goal. My goal for next week would be to be -2.7lbs if possible. If I can do that then I am right on track. Better hit the gym hard.
Happy Monday everyone!

We had a great weekend here. First my son made the All-District band, 2nd chair for his instrument. That qualifies him for the All-Region auditions next weekend. I don't imagine he'll do as well in those, but I'm just so proud of him for making it. They had a much larger group than normal this year (normally there are 8-10 who play his instrument competing, but this year they had 22).

Also, I had some Kohl's Cash burning a hold in my pocket so I use it to buy a pair of size 8 jeans. :woohoo: I really think that this particular brand follows the vanity sizing principle but I'm not complaining. ;)

And to top it all off, my weight is -5.2. So I lost everything I gained last week, plus more. That makes my goal weight 1 pound away.

1 little pound.


When I think about it, I get kind of sentimental. I can NOT believe how far I've come. If I'm lucky enough to make it next weekend, it will be 9 months to the day that I started this. And in those 9 months I will (hopefully) have lost 70 pounds. When I started I played all kinds of mind games with myself, saying I would be fine with 50 pounds. Even though I knew what the real number needed to be, it was just too big. I couldn't face a number THAT big. But I'm almost there! For those of you who are starting your own journey, or struggling to get back on and stay on the raft, I hope this gives you some optimism that if I can do it, so can you.

This thread has been very quiet lately. Not many people posting, not sure how many are reading. I hope many people decide to come back and join us again because you are all missed.

I'm not on skinny island yet, but I'm so close that I can see Patrick and all the lovely cabanas he's built for all of us. He's very busy studying for his classes (good boy, Patrick) so he might not see me just off-shore. But I'll be there soon. :beach:
How amazing is that ? 70 pounds in 9 months !!! - you must feel awesome - so happy for you !!!
Bree: It's exciting isn't it, that the trip is coming up fast?

SO EXCITED that you are so close to your first goal and not terribly far away from your ultimate goal!! Keep up the good work!

Barb: ONE POUND?? That's so AWESOME!! I'm so excited for you! I think losing 70 pounds in nine months is an AMAZING achievement and I hope the folks in your life are as proud of you as we are!

Personal Update:

I'm down 2.6 pounds this week!! Although I would like to state that this might be slightly exaggerated since I fasted yesterday and I may find I'm up a bit tomorrow morning now that I've broken that fast. At any rate, I'm terribly excited.

I'm currently going through the same disbelief that Barb is. As you guys know, I'm tracking online with weight watchers and this morning when I put in my weight it gave me a big bouncing blue star because I have lost 52.5 pounds total (I was down six pounds before I started here) and you know 50 pounds is a big celebrated milestone!! But it came off so steadily and easily that I can't wrap my head around such a big loss. I still catch my reflection in the mirror and wonder "how the heck is that me?"

In a little over 5 months, I lost 50 pounds by eating the foods I love and following an exercise program I enjoy...how is that even possible? I'm so thrilled with this milestone and so pumped to hit the next one...

FINALLY (after a decade!!) HITTING ONEDERLAND!! Only 15 pounds to go!! (That's the next one...fifteen pounds to Onederland!!)

Wow! You ladies are so inspiring!! :cheer2: :cheer2: Congratulations to you - you must feel so proud of yourselves! I know I feel proud of you!!

It's been a long time since I've posted, but I've been reading faithfully. I just can't seem to pull it all together for some reason, but I am -1 since I last sent Dawn my weight, which is better than being up I suppose :rolleyes:.

Hope everyone has a great week this week. We are heading down to Branson, MO for Vetern's Day weekend, so I'm sure the eating won't be the greatest. We're going to Silver Dollar City for one of the days! I love that place and I've never been when they've had their Christmas lights on, so I'm excited about that. I'm hoping that all the hills in that park, will help off-set some of the eating I'll be doing.
Down 1.8 this week with 10 weeks left to go till Disney! I need to get it together to reach my DisGoal!
1.8 x 10 = 18 pounds - keep that up you'll get to fighting weight in no time !! Good Luck !!
First, let me say how great it is to hear how well some of you are doing. 70 pounds in 9 months!!! Almost at goal!!!! It is so inspiring. Skinny Island is there for you. I think the best part is that, in some way, I know all of you who are having success and in my brain, it translates to: real people you know can do this which means you can too. I love it!!

I did get back to the gym finally. First night back last night. And today, I can barely move. My favorite thing to do is get on the treadmill and walk but last night, all the treadmills were taken so I ended up on the elliptical and the crosstrainer. I could barely get up the stairs to my apartment!! And, of course, today my knee is killing me. That's ok. I'll ice it, take some ibuprofen, and pray that a treadmill is available tonight!

Ok everyone, hang in there. Half way through the week and Turkey day is coming up soon.
Hi all - so I didn't post my gain for the week yet. I guess I've been avoiding. I had been down during the week and the killer weekend eating got me again. I have not been writing things down lately either.
So I'm +2.4 this week. Dang Halloween candy and no will power. :mad:

But, I did coach my youth volleyball team to 2nd place in the tournament on Saturday and was so nervous I couldn't stand still or eat until it was over. Of course, then I had pizza and beer!

Yesterday I walked for 1.8 miles and actually JOGGED two times during that - about a block at a time. I HATE jogging!!! I've lost a lot of cartilage in my knees from years of figure skating, so running is pretty painful. But I felt like just doing something extra - and it was 65 degrees yesterday!
I brought my walking clothes again today, so I can get another walk in before the weather realizes it's supposed to be winter here.

I'm going to track my food better. That is my goal.
I'll try to remember yesterday:
B: 2 pieces WW toast - 1 w/ PB, 1 w/Nutella
L: Greek yogurt, raspberries, grape nuts
3 pieces asian chicken (Schwans boneless "wings"), white rice (1/4 c)
D: 1/2 biscuit w/Nutella, a few bites of scrambled eggs and hash browns

That's not pretty.

Snacks - WAY too many pieces of Halloween candy!! That has to change! Tonight's dinner will include salad and veggies!! Promise!
November 9 DONE
Wow, quiet thread this week. Have you guys all started your Christmas shopping early, maybe found a few Pre-Black Friday bargains I don't know about? :scratchin Cuz if you did, tell me so I can tell DH and he can get me some awesome birthday presents. ;)

Busy week here, too. DS is practicing hard for the Regional band auditions :music:this Saturday. DH and I are walking the tightrope between super excited and being cautious without being pushy. Heck, I'm just so darn proud of him for getting this far.

I think I've mentioned before that I have an older sister who has also struggled with her weight. She had the lap band procedure done a few years ago and it worked for a while, but I think she may have started to gain some of her weight back. Last Sunday she started throwing up continuously, and finally on Wednesday they figured out it was because her band had slipped. The doctor told her that she'd need to have surgery to have it repositioned, but she told them to just go ahead and remove it. She opened up to me a little bit about doing this on her own without it, and that's HUGE for her. She is just so sensitive about this topic that she shuts down whenever it comes up. It's one of the reasons I never mentioned I was trying to lose weight. Anyway when we were talking I was telling her about WW and how it worked for me because I could eat whatever I wanted, but the program taught me what proper portions were and the impact of the good foods/bad foods. I'm hoping she'll decide to join, but I don't want to be "that girl", the one who pushes their success on others, KWIM? It's another tightrope I'll be walking - supportive without being preachy.

Bree and Julie, your trips are before mine, and I'm officially jealous. :rolleyes1

Stitchfan23, I think you can meet your goal. How are the gym workouts going?

Hi there Ski_mom, good to see ya again! :wave2: -1 is a nice little loss there, especially if you're not tracking, so keep it up! And enjoy your mini-holiday.

bunkkinsmom, you're on your way! Keep up the good work and you'll hit your goal.

Stacy, back to the gym for you! :woohoo: Tell me, are you "good sore" or "bad sore"? Take it easy in there today!

jalferes, thanks for the kind words of encouragement for everyone. :flower3:

Sheree, congratulations to your volleyball team! What ages are the kids? That's our family's favorite sport to play as well. We're in a lull between sessions and I kind of miss it right now. Did you get out and walk today? Sounds like you guys have some beautiful weather up there so enjoy it while you can.
Hey Barb - good luck to your sister! I hope it works out for her.

I coached a 5th and 6th grade rec league team, so the girls were 11 and 12. I was helping my neighbor/daycare mom out and her daughter was on the team. I really had a blast! I really hadn't played much since high school but for just for fun. My daughter,who's a 4th grader, came and practiced with us. So now she wants to play next year, and my younger daughter will be eligible next year as a 3rd grader. I think I will coach my older daughter's team next year. Should be fun!!

I got out yesterday again at lunch and walked a little less than 2 miles.

Today we were out shopping (holiday for DH and me) and walked a lot at the Mall of America! The weather is changing! BOO!

I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to be "that girl" cause I have the same problem. But, I suffer from verbal diahorrea (I NEVER spell that word right) and an excess of enthusiasm so I just end up sharing my love of weight watchers with everyone whether they want to hear it or not. :lmao:

My dad got as high as 350 pounds before he turned to the lap band surgery. And he lost 150 pounds (I currently weigh about the same as he does :rotfl::scared:) but...he's been gaining lately, according to my mom. Once he hit 200, they adjusted his band so that the opening is wider and he kinda grazes all day long. :confused3.

He used weight watchers in the past though (that's how I first became introduced to it) and he lost 104 pounds but then he went off the program after gall bladder surgery and back on it went.

I don't talk to him about weight loss much. Both my parents give off the "insufferable know-it-all who doesn't practice what they preach" vibe and I just have no patience for that. :rotfl2: I'm only slightly less annoying with my "insufferable know-it-all" vibe but I practice what I preach so that's an important distinction!!


I'm glad you were able to connect with your sister about weight loss and good luck with that tightrope walk.

Good luck to your son too on his auditions!! :thumbsup2
Okay guys...

My birthday is 3 weeks from today. I'm turning 35 and today I discovered something very unpleasant!!

Prepare yourselves....

Are you ready...



Oh my gosh....I just about died!! I demanded to know why my husband had not mentioned these unsightly evils to me but it was because he'd never noticed them.

You may all rest assured that the offensive things things were removed with all due haste and the only remaining evidence is this photo.

Hope this brightened someone's day...and remember you are laughing WITH me and not AT me!



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