Whats with all the censorship ******


Mar 13, 2010
Not complaining love the site, just curious. I have tried to answer some questions on here for people about brokers and names. Definitely nothing negative; because I have not had a negative experience. When the post gets posted its so hacked up it looks like a Vietnam era letter home. Is there a thread somewhere of what can be put in a post. Here is an example. I can say "Rachel from Fidelity" but I can't say "**** from **********". That is to funny (and no I didn't do that the censor did). Has **** from ********** done something or did I miss something. I even tried to give the person the info in a pm and it did it there too. If I need to drop this fine. Not trying to make trouble just curious if there is something I should now. I know about the sponsor of the site and have done business with them and recommend them to everyone who ask but this just seems a little weird that one persons name and company get censored and the other doesn't.
Anybody with an explanation or point me to a thread would be appreciated.
Can you give me more information about this? Which company are you talking about?

Perhaps try posting the actual name of the company instead of posting all the ****s...:lmao:
Yea Jason thats the way I felt. I was just trying to answer a question. I would get it if it was all the big 3 (or 4 depending on who you ask). But I was not slamming one and promoting the other. I was just answering a question. Anyway just curious if anyone had a post to direct me to or a explanation.:confused3
Jasonkat said:
Can you give me more information about this? Which company are you talking about?

Perhaps try posting the actual name of the company instead of posting all the ****s...:lmao:

I am confused...the OP didn't put the asterisks there, the board automatically censors it as of it were a swear word, right? So something must have happened that this vendor is not allowed to be discussed here?

Just making sure I understand what is happening here!

In the event that the link (or word) is replaced in part (or in whole) by ***, it simply means that the site word filter has been allowed to do it's job properly. Please don't attempt to bypass the intent of the filter by creatively trying to post links or other information about that site or business...

The DIS is a privately owned web site and we reserve the right to restrict any outside commercial ventures at our discretion. We will not discuss the reasons behind why specific websites are filtered and any discussion regarding the word filter may be deleted.

now might be a good time to read through some of the stickies at the top of the forums.
I am confused...the OP didn't put the asterisks there, the board automatically censors it as of it were a swear word, right? So something must have happened that this vendor is not allowed to be discussed here?

Just making sure I understand what is happening here!

It was Jason's attempt at a joke.:drive:
Sorry I called myself looking at the stickies my bad. At least its explained. Next time I will read more carefully. If this thread needs to be deleted fine. I got my answer. Just not sure If I should delete it or let the moderator.
When I first came to DIS, I didn't even know what a "stickey" was, and the way in which I came to know DIS didn't lead me to search out what you are expressing here. It took some time to see (from other's mistakes) about some no-no's (like don't advertise when you are a TA- travel agent, which I'm not, but didn't know you couldn't).

There's no way to know who's broken the rules enough to be blocked with the *****, which is why the moderators request we write out the whole name and/or website/link, to let the system do as it's intended.

I don't look at it as censorship, just that the person/business blocked has done or is involved in something that I have no business knowing anyway.

I've seen some truly HORRIBLE things put on DIS that makes me SO GLAD that the person is blocked/banned... just really horrific comments.

I try to give people who aren't aware of the rules a heads up, so that they can modify or delete their "offending" post.

I don't expect I know them all either (like the TA one, as it doesn't apply to me so I never noticed the rule not to do it until someone else made the mistake).

It's not just the sponsors that are allowed to be posted on... I haven't seen Fidelity sponsoring on here, just that "offending" companies are no longer allowed to "offend".

Stick around a while and watch a "hot" thread (happens on the DCL thread a little bit more often), you'll see what I mean, and see why the **** can be great. I, personally, don't want to see the dark side of some people.


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